Reverse pushups

Finished = Terminat | Flotări inverse

10 + 5 slower

Data de început : 11 aug. 2021
Data de încheiere : 11 sept. 2021
Tip : Sănătate
stare: Aprobat
Progres : 190 / 450 - 100%
Calories per step: 0.3
Total burned calories: 57 / 135 Media zilnică: 0.36

Jurnalul de activitate
Mmm7777 added +15 and burned 4.5 calories on 3y


13 aug. 2021, 15:01:42
Mmm7777 added +15 and burned 4.5 calories on 3y


12 aug. 2021, 13:39:52
Mmm7777 added +15 and burned 4.5 calories on 3y


11 aug. 2021, 11:19:31