One Arm Dumbbell Row - 3000

In progres | Gantera cu un braţ

One Arm Dumbbell Row - 3000

Data de început : 29 dec. 2022
Data de încheiere : 28 feb. 2023
Tip : Sănătate
stare: Aprobat
Progres : 500 / 3000 - 16.67%
Calories per step: 0.02
Total burned calories: 10 / 60 Media zilnică: 4.05

Jurnalul de activitate
Mmm7777 added +100 and burned 2 calories on 2y


4 mar. 2023, 17:38:50
Mmm7777 added +60 and burned 1.2 calories on 2y


1 ian. 2023, 16:50:52
Mmm7777 added +40 and burned 0.8 calories on 2y


1 ian. 2023, 16:08:18
Mmm7777 added +100 and burned 2 calories on 2y


31 dec. 2022, 19:43:12
Mmm7777 added +100 and burned 2 calories on 2y


30 dec. 2022, 18:32:29
Mmm7777 added +20 and burned 0.4 calories on 2y


30 dec. 2022, 09:45:07
Mmm7777 added +80 and burned 1.6 calories on 2y


29 dec. 2022, 23:09:27