Symfony 4.4.16 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:
- bug #38713 [DI] Fix Preloader exception when preloading a class with an unknown parent/interface (@rgeraads)
- bug #38647 [HttpClient] relax auth bearer format requirements (@xabbuh)
- bug #38699 [DependencyInjection] Preload classes with union types correctly (@derrabus)
- bug #38669 [Serializer] fix decoding float XML attributes starting with 0 (@Marcin Kruk)
- bug #38680 [PhpUnitBridge] Support new expect methods in test case polyfill (@alcaeus)
- bug #38681 [PHPUnitBridge] Support PHPUnit 8 and PHPUnit 9 in constraint compatibility trait (@alcaeus)
- bug #38679 [PhpUnitBridge] Add missing exporter function for PHPUnit 7 (@alcaeus)
- bug #38595 [TwigBridge] do not translate null placeholders or titles (@xabbuh)
- bug #38635 [Cache] Use correct expiry in ChainAdapter (@Nyholm)
- bug #38652 [Filesystem] Check if failed unlink was caused by permission denied (@Nyholm)
- bug #38645 [PropertyAccess] forward the caught exception (@xabbuh)
- bug #38604 [DoctrineBridge] indexBy does not refer to attributes, but to column names (@xabbuh)
- bug #38606 [WebProfilerBundle] Hide debug toolbar in print view (@jt2k)
- bug #38582 [DI] Fix Reflection file name with eval()’d code (@maxime-aknin)
- bug #38516 [HttpFoundation] Fix Range Requests (@BattleRattle)
- bug #38553 [Lock] Reset Key lifetime time before we acquire it (@Nyholm)
- bug #38551 Remove content-type check on toArray methods (@jderusse)
- bug #38544 [DI] fix dumping env vars (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #38530 [HttpClient] fix reading the body after a ClientException (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #38510 [PropertyInfo] Support for the mixed type (@derrabus)
- bug #38493 [HttpClient] Fix CurlHttpClient memory leak (@HypeMC)
- bug #38456 [Cache] skip igbinary < 3.1.6 (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #38392 [Ldap] Bypass the use of lda _contro _page _result on PHP >= 7.3 (@lucasaba)
- bug #38444 [PhpUnitBridge] fix running parallel tests with phpunit 9 (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #38442 [VarDumper] fix truncating big arrays (@nicolas-grekas)
- bug #38433 [Mime] Fix serialization of RawMessage (@gilbertsoft)
Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more.
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