Ask HN: What skills do you want to develop or improve in 2025?

Thread for 2024:

Thread for 2023:

I'd like to take on VR dev alongside my existing journeys in computer graphics, iOS dev and Unreal Engine. A stretch goal would be setting up a blog to document my experiences in those journeys.

In terms of non-technical skills, I'm thinking of focusing on sales and marketing. Those are fundamental skills, without which any side project I do would be doomed to failure.

In terms of more creative skills, I have a few already in the "pipeline": a woobles kit to learn crocheting, a warhammer starter pack to learn miniature painting and a gunpla model kit to learn to properly assemble it.

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Points: 65

# Comments: 63

Creată 11h | 25 dec. 2024, 17:10:10

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