How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties

SVG is the best format for icons on a website, there is no doubt about that. It allows you to have sharp icons no matter the screen pixel density, you can change the styles of the SVG on hover …

How I Made an Icon System Out of CSS Custom Properties originally published on

2y | CSS tricks
CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets

The latest spec:

A style rule is a qualified rule that associates a selector list with a list of property declarations and possibly a list of nested rules. They are also called rule sets in CSS2.

Louis Lazaris:


2y | CSS tricks
CSS Checkerboard Background… But With Rounded Corners and Hover Styles

On one hand, creating simple checkered backgrounds with CSS is easy. On the other hand, though, unless we are one of the CSS-gradient-ninjas, we are kind of stuck with basic patterns.

At least that’s what I thought while staring at …

CSS Checkerboard Background… But With Rounded Corners and Hover Styles originally published on

2y | CSS tricks
Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face

Gradients have been a part of the CSS spectrum for quite some time now. We see a lot of radial and linear gradients in a lot of projects, but there is one type of gradient that seems to be a …

Making a Real-Time Clock With a Conic Gradient Face originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the

2y | CSS tricks
More Details on `details`

A lot of chatter around the ol’

and elements lately! I saw Lea Verou recently tweet an observation about the element’s display behavior and that sorta splintered into more observations and usage notes from folks, including a revived

2y | CSS tricks
When is it OK to Disable Text Selection?

Using CSS, it’s possible to prevent users from selecting text within an element using user-select: none. Now, it’s understandable why doing so might be considered “controversial”. I mean, should we be disabling standard user behaviors? Generally speaking, no, we

When is it OK to Disable Text Selecti

2y | CSS tricks
WebKit Features in Safari 16.0

Whew boy, Safari 16 is officially out in the wild and it packs in a bunch of features, some new and exciting (Subgrid! Container Queries! Font Palettes!) and others we’ve been waiting on for better cross-browser support (Motion Path! Overscroll …

WebKit Features in Sa

2y | CSS tricks
The Basics of Remix

You’ve probably heard a lot of hype around one of the newest kids on the framework block, Remix. It may be surprising that it got its start back in 2019, but it was originally only available as a subscription-based premium …

The Basics of Remix originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the

2y | CSS tricks
Building Interactive Figma Widgets

Figma has always encouraged collaboration between developers and designers. It strives on an endless treasury of community-made plugins. Need 3D elements? There’s a plugin for that. Need abstract SVGs? There’s a plugin for that, too.

That said, the design part of Figma has &#8230

2y | CSS tricks
How I Made a Pure CSS Puzzle Game

I recently discovered the joy of creating CSS-only games. It’s always fascinating how HTML and CSS are capable of handling the logic of an entire online game, so I had to try it! Such games usually rely on the ol’ …

How I Made a Pure CSS Puzzle Game originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the

2y | CSS tricks
