Defining and Applying UI Themes Using the Mimcss CSS-in-JS Library

Theming UI refers to the ability to perform a change in visual styles in a consistent manner that defines the “look and feel” of a site. Swapping color palettes, à la dark mode or some other means, is a good …

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3y | CSS tricks
Other Looks at the Conditional Border Radius Trick

Remember when Ahmad Shadeed wrote about that border-radius “toggle” he found in Facebook’s CSS? It was interesting! I covered it. A few weeks after that surge of linkage, a couple of articles came out digging into it a little deeper. …

The post Other Looks at the Conditional Border Radius Trick appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

3y | CSS tricks
Interactive Rebase: Clean up your Commit History

Interactive Rebase is the Swiss Army knife of Git commands: lots of use cases and lots of possibilities! It's really a great addition to any developer's tool chain, because it lets you revise your local commit history—before you share your work with the rest of the team. Let's see what you can do with an interactive rebase and then look at some practical examples.

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3y | CSS tricks
Semantic menu context

Scott digs into the history of the element. He traced it as far back as HTML 2 (!) in a 1994 changelog. The vibe then, it seems, was to mark up a list. I would suspect the intention …

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Quickly Get Alerted to Front-End Errors and Performance Issues

(This is a sponsored post.) Measuring things is great. They say what you only fix what you measure. Raygun is great at measuring websites. Measuring performance, measuring errors and crashes, measuring code problems. You know what’s even better than …

The post Quickly Get Alerted to Front-End Errors and Performance Issues appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

3y | CSS tricks
Easy Dark Mode (and Multiple Color Themes!) in React

I was working on a large React application for a startup, and aside from just wanting some good strategies to keep our styles organized, I wanted to give this whole “dark mode” thing a shot. With the huge ecosystem around …

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3y | CSS tricks
Don’t Snore on CORS

Whatever, I just needed a title. Everyone’s favorite web security feature has crossed my desk a bunch of times lately and I always feel like that is a sign I should write something because that’s what blogging is. The main …

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3y | CSS tricks

Nice domain, eh? Does just what it says on the tin: cleans up pictures. You draw over areas of the image you want cleaned up, and it does its best using weird science. It’s like Photoshop’s Spot Healing Brush…

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3y | CSS tricks
Quick and Dirty Bootstrap Overrides at Runtime

Oh, Bootstrap, that old standard web library that either you hate or you spend all your time defending as “it’s fine, it’s not that bad.” Regardless of what side you fall on, it’s a powerful UI framework that’s everywhere, …

The post Quick and Dirty Bootstrap Overrides at Runtime appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

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VideoPress for WordPress

(This is a sponsored post.) The leade here is that VideoPress makes video on WordPress way better. VideoPress is a part of Jetpack. And now, if VideoPress is the only thing you care about from the Jetpack world, you …

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