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Points: 17
# Comments: 15

I am depressed and burned out for quite some time already, unfortunately my brain still couldn't recover from it.
If I summarize the impact of burnout to my brain:
- Before: I could learn things pretty quickly, come up with solutions to the problems, even be able to see common patterns and see bigger underlying problems
- After: can't learn, can't work, can't remember, can't see solutions for trivial problems (e.g. if your shirt is wet, you can change it, but I stare at it thinking whe

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Points: 28
# Comments: 20
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Points: 88
# Comments: 30

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Points: 44
# Comments: 0

Hey all,
I'm the founder of Flipt, an open-source ( feature flag tool that I (and others) have been working on for the past few years.
About a year or two ago we added support for serving flag state from various non-relational declarative stores like Git, OCI, Object Store, etc.
Many of our users came to love the git-backed storage, as it allows them to keep their feature flags close to their code in the