Information technology has always had a lot of hype around new developments. New tech emerges, piques the curiosity of technology enthusiasts, and optimistic speculation about the future begins. But sometimes when the technology gets field tested, it doesn’t always enter into wide adoption. Gartner even has a phrase for this process: the hype cycle. We…

After 37 courses, he's learned a thing or two about teaching.
The post From writing code to teaching code (ep. 545) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Christine Ryu, Engineering Lead at fintech platform Flourish, joins the home team to talk about how technology is transforming finance for everyone from big banks to individual consumers. Christine explains what it’s like to move from Goldman Sachs to a tiny startup, how legacy tech stacks lead to Frankencode, and what an acquisition taught her about build vs. buy and good vs. perfect.

Join us in celebrating English Language Learners, Magento, Reverse Engineering, Sustainable Living, and Tridion on their impressive Stack Exchange journey.
The post Five Stack Exchange sites turned ten years-old this quarter! appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Edge functions, pair programming, and the newest CSS features
The post The Overflow #167: Programmers and ADHD appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Dr. Jeannette (Jamie) Garcia, Senior Research Manager of Quantum Applications and Software at IBM Quantum, tells Ryan about IBM’s 433-qubit quantum computer and the real-life applications of quantum computing today.
The post The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie Garcia (Ep. 543) appeared first

Although a lot has changed since Stack Overflow launched in 2008, one thing has not: Stack Overflow continues to help people find the answers they need, when they need them. Our platform supports millions of the world's most active developers and technologists who visit every month to ask questions, learn, and share technical knowledge.
The post New pricing for Stack Overflow for T

We found success in a blended approach to product development—a marriage of the skills and expertise of data, AI, analytics, and software engineering teams—to build a platform powered by componentized AI.
The post How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability appeared first on

Juan Linietsky, cofounder and lead developer of the Godot Engine, joins the home team for a conversation about what led him to create an open-source game engine, how open source is shaping game development, and the well-worn path from playing video games to learning to build them.
The post The open-source game engine you’ve been waiting for: Godot (Ep. 542)

Everyone who says "tech debt" assumes they know what we’re all talking about, but their individual pictures differ quite a bit.
The post Stop saying “technical debt” appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.