Data is growing, users not

26,7GB 149 tables

Google index containts 23k pages (raising) Bing around 33k pages (decreasing, maybe because Bing is mainly US only?)

Color schemes are so messy, so NiftyCent will be in blue.

New section "services" is added. So people can offer their services in this way. Jobs are still there, but are for advertisers.

Top menu is gone, replaced by left menu, next to search query window (more place for text, less links for people).

User menu is replaced with boxes (little bit more friendly than previous version).

Registered users will get some "quick funcionality", some parts of interface is build with Svelte (not SPA). So filter menu, bottom menu is written is Svelte.

созданный 5y | 12 авг. 2020 г., 10:31:15

Войдите, чтобы добавить комментарий

Другие сообщения в этой группе

Lifetime progress

Each user with filled date of birth has lifetime bar. How many days remain of his/her life. It seems sad, but in reality, it can be taken as motivation.

16 дек. 2020 г., 16:08:00 | - ideas, news
LOC dynamically created

After each release, there is a script which recompute:

All code, which is needed to run

8 окт. 2020 г., 15:24:35 | - ideas, news
LOC in

Some LOC (lines of code) statistics

based on

find . -type f ! -path './vendor/' ! -path './node_modules/' ! -path './.git/' ! -name '.log' ! -path './bin/' ! -path './var/' -name '*.svelt

29 сент. 2020 г., 01:29:14 | - ideas, news
Nastavenie jazyka

Od dnesneho dna (21.09.) sa pre uzivatela automaticky detekuje jazyk a po potvrdeni uzivatelom, ze ho chce mat nastaveny ako "default", sa nastavi.

Podobne sa vam v prispevkoch zobrazia prispevky,

21 сент. 2020 г., 18:53:18 | - ideas, news
RSS Feeds

RSS feed added to niftycent groups. In the right menu, you can find RSS icon, so you can read news in your RSS reader. For example:

16 сент. 2020 г., 07:24:21 | - ideas, news
List of changes in past few weeks
  • channels, users now can chat in realtime
  • graphically improved groups
  • reviews of offers, services, users, followers
  • mini change in lists (every kind of list)
  • daily discount again visible
15 сент. 2020 г., 21:59:58 | - ideas, news
Basic progress information

14GB 142 tables

Lot of improvements made. You can search on map for POI, position on map is saved, even if you refresh page.

You can upload images to places, add description. It can be used t

10 июл. 2020 г., 19:11:12 | - ideas, news