
Интересные новости, чтобы поделиться

 The G7 HE controller is great, but when will GameSir go wireless for Xbox?

In this GameSir G7 HE review I look at the improvements and changes made from the G7 SE and fill you in on if it's worth the upgrade or not, and question why 2 years later GameSir are still tethered to Xbox with a wire.


16GB of RAM just doesn’t cut it anymore for PC gaming. Here’s why
18d | pcworld.com
 Argon One V5 Review: Not so sci-fi any more

Argon 40’s latest case does away with the sci-fi aesthetic but still delivers an out of this world performance.


Show HN: AI driven calendar to combat student procrastination

Yes somehow we got a 4 letter domain.ai for a reasonable price

Ocal is an AI calendar that automatically blocks out your time as soon as you get assignments. Linked with your LMS (Canvas currently), our AI scans your task, estimates its duration, and schedules time (within boundaries you set—maybe you’re a night owl or an early bird) so you can complete the work comfortably ahead of the deadline. The goal: reclaim your time by tackling tasks early, so you’re not pulling all-nighters. But w

18d | Hacker news
Social Security Check Missing? Here's What to Do

If your Social Security benefit doesn't arrive on time, don't fret. Here's what to know and what you can do about it. https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/social-security-check-missing-heres-what-to-do/#ftag=CADf328eec

18d | cnet.com
Air Fryers Are Great, but Not for These 8 Foods

The air fryer can whip up some amazing dishes, but there are a few it just isn't built for. https://www.cnet.com/how-to/air-fryers-are-great-but-not-for-these-8-foods/#ftag=CADf328eec

18d | cnet.com
Bad Gaming Performance Got You Down? Try Ditching Your VPN

A lagging internet connection is one of the top disrupters of game performance. Here's what I learned when I started turning my VPN off during gaming. https://www.cnet.com/home/internet/bad-gaming-performance-got-you-down-try-ditching-your-vpn/#ftag=CADf328eec

18d | cnet.com
Want Better Home Security? Never Put Your Cameras in These Spots

Installing a security camera can help keep your home safe, but putting it in the wrong place could cause problems for both you and your neighbors. https://www.cnet.com/home/security/want-better-home-security-never-put-your-cameras-in-these-spots/#ftag=CADf328eec

18d | cnet.com
Need to Sign and Scan Something? Use Your iPhone's Hidden Document Scanner

If you have some official documents to sign, scan and send but don't have a proper scanner ready, don't worry — just follow these steps. https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/need-to-sign-and-scan-something-use-your-iphones-hidden-document-scanner/#ftag=CADf328eec

18d | cnet.com
This Awesome High-Protein Snack Takes Minutes to Make in an Air Fryer

In my experience, making this snack in the air fryer is a total game-changer. It's quick, easy and delivers the perfect crunch every time. https://www.cnet.com/how-to/this-awesome-high-protein-snack-takes-minutes-to-make-in-an-air-fryer/#ftag=CADf328eec

18d | cnet.com
 The top 7 Apple deals this weekend: MacBooks, iPads, and AirPods on Amazon!

Save hundreds on new Apple tech this weekend with these top deals on the MacBook Air, iPads, AirPods, and more!


We’re all going to need accessibility affordances one day

UX probably needs to think more about aging.

18d | UX Design
A designer’s dilemma

How do we deal with disruptive technologies like Deepseek?

Continue reading on UX Collectiv

18d | UX Design
UX/UI Roundup 2025: The Best Design So Far

And should you need to enhance your UX/UI design skills, we’ve also put together a collection of fun and comprehensive courses you can learn on Domestika. They’re a great way to learn and grow your design portfolio. https://webdesignernews.com/ux-ui-roundup-2025-the-best-design-so-far-2/

Best Animation Software for Web Designers

Animation plays a crucial role in web design, enhancing user engagement and bringing interfaces to life. Whether you’re creating smooth UI transitions, motion graphics, or 3D animations, the right animation software can make a huge difference. The 10 tools featured in this blog are not only for experienced designers but also great for beginners, as many offer easy learning curves and user-friendly interfaces. https://webdesignernews.com/best-animation-software-for-web-designers/

A Product Manager’s No-Nonsense Guide to UX Research

Product managers (PMs) live and breathe prioritization, constantly weighing trade-offs to deliver value. But one thing PMs should never sideline is user research (UXR). While analytics are great for telling you what happened, user research reveals why—helping you navigate product decisions with confidence and purpose, avoid costly mistakes, and maintain an evidence-based product strategy. https://webdesignernews.com/a-product-managers-no-nonsense-guide-to-ux-research/

How To Generate a GUID/UUID in JavaScript

A GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit value used to uniquely identify objects. JavaScript provides multiple ways to generate UUIDs, with the recommended method being crypto.randomUUID(). https://webdesignernews.com/how-to-generate-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript/

Mastering Web Animations Website Showcase

The course will guide you through principles of motion, timeline animation, and techniques used by award-winning developers. https://webdesignernews.com/mastering-web-animations-website-showcase/

Bezels: A Return to Practical Smartphone Design

Happy Monday! This week I’m sharing a short essay on some visual trends in digital design. Beneath our feet, the way that software looks and feels is shifting and I’m pulling a few threads to see what these changes might mean. https://webdesignernews.com/bezels-a-return-to-practical-smartphone-design/

A Week of Symfony #945 (3-9 February 2025)

This week, the upcoming Symfony 7.3 version improved the server event streaming, introduced a new DeduplicateMiddleware in Messenger and added an option to disable translation. In addition, Symfony announced the full schedule for SymfonyDay Chicago event… https://symfony.com/blog/a-week-of-symfony-945-3-9-february-2025?utm_source=Symfony%20Blog%20Feed&utm_medium=feed

18d | Symfony
Stop paying monthly for site builders—own MaxiBlocks for life for $59
18d | pcworld.com
Show HN: Daily-notes.nvim – fuzzy time journal and planning plugin

I wrote an nvim plugin that does fuzzy time parsing on plain english dates to help you create + organise periodic notes. I use it daily at work and home. Hope it's helpful to others. :)

note: not using NLP, LLMs or 'true' fuzzy parsing as per academic literature; just normal recursive descent parsing

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42988946

Points: 19

# Comments: 0


18d | Hacker news
Británie chce po Applu šifrovaný obsah uživatelů, Google zase ovladač Xe i pro Alder Lake,

Týden v KDE přináší opravy pro tři budoucí vydání Plasmy, tři týdny v GNOME ve znamení Adwaita Sans či aplikací třetích stran, vydáno Wine 10.1 opravuje spoustu chyb. https://www.root.cz/clanky/britanie-chce-po-applu-sifrovany-obsah-uzivatelu-google-zase-ovladac-xe-i-pro-alder-lake/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=rss

18d | root.cz
Show HN: FlashSpace – fast, open-source, macOS Spaces replacement

I've recently launched a new open-source project aimed at enhancing the experience of switching between Spaces/workspaces on macOS. The built-in Spaces feature is often slow and unfriendly. This project is designed to boost your productivity :). Enjoy!

Comments URL: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42984420

Points: 105

# Comments: 29


19d | Hacker news
Show HN: Chez Scheme txtar port from Go

This is a loose port of https://golang.org/x/tools/txtar, which concatenates files together and allows for a top-level comment.

The txtar format is specifically designed to be easy for humans to read and write by hand. It's perfect for test data.

The library itself tries to follow scheme standards by depending on only SRFIs (and if you're new to scheme like me, SRFI stands for "Scheme Requests For Implementation," and it's lik

19d | Hacker news
Sférolit jako unikátní nález severského souvku v České republice

Povodně ze září 2024 v moravskoslezské oblasti zanechaly stopy v říčních korytech. Někde vznikla nová koryta. Voda vyplavovala na břeh říční sedimenty. V naplaveninách řeky Opavy na poli asi 1,5 km jihovýchodně od Krnova našel pan Ferdinand Scholz, který se věnuje sběru a průzkumu ledovcových souvků na Krnovsku a Opavsku, souvek sférolitu, horniny s kulovitými útvary radiálně paprsčité stavby. Literatura o souvcích horninu řadí k sférolitickým vulkanitům, které pocházejí ze Skandinávie. V severn

19d | osel.cz
Schrödingerova kočka a Maxwellův démon si nejdou navzájem po krku

Kvantová mechanika a termodynamika představují obvykle mimoběžné koncepty ve fyzice. Jak ale ukázal pozoruhodný teoretický výzkum japonsko-slovenského týmu, termodynamický démon může porušovat zákony i v rámci kvantové mechaniky, ale přesto nepotápí druhý termodynamický zákon. Kvantový exorcismus není nutný. http://www.osel.cz/13900-schr-dingerova-kocka-a-maxwelluv-demon-si-nejdou-navzajem-po-krku.html

19d | osel.cz
 Microsoft doesn't want to tell you how to uninstall Microsft Edge

A new page from Microsoft about removing the browser from Windows offers no instructions on how to get rid of it.


 Windows Central Podcast: What's next for Windows 11?

Daniel Rubino and Zac Bowden host this week's episode of the Windows Central Podcast, and on the agenda is Windows 11 and what looks to be next for the platform, including new features and Selenium. And more!


 Microsoft click-baits users with useless 'How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge’ instruction doc

Bing returns the homepage of the Microsoft Edge browser when you click on the Microsoft page that says 'How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge,' with zero instructions written on the website.
