Ananda Hemp CBD Cream - Relief Ananda Hemp CBD Cream - Relief was medically formulated for womens wellness. It isnt uncommon to experience some unwelcome irritation during a cycle, thats why Anandas cream works to relieve chronic or monthly irritations. Features: 1500mg of full-spectrum CBD No fragrances or harsh chemicals Shea butter The idea for Ananda Bliss came when Dr. Alex Capano, Chief Science Officer at Ananda Health realized that most product sold for womens sexual health contain more than suspicious ingredients. In response to this issue, the brand got to work to offer an actual solution to women for common discomfort. The result is a line that both relieves from punctual irritation and strengthens the vaginal flora and barrier. Suggested use: Apply on on the vulva as needed. Do not put any product inside the vagina. If discomfort persists, consult a doctor. About Ananda Hemp Innovators in hemp production, education, and legalization, Ananda Hemp wants its customers to live a blissful life. Ananda’s products grow under the care of generational farmers in Kentucky. However, the brand originates from the expertise of a seasoned genetic development company based in Australia with ties all over the world. The brand has a high level of certification that allows it’s genes to move from Australia to the U.S. with DEA import permits. The Kentucky Department of Agriculture then gives genetic info and seeds to contracted farmers. In fact, this brand operates at such a high level that they were the only brand invited to the signing of the 2018 Farm Bill. They were also one of the founding members of the U.S. Hemp Roundtable.
История цен
26 окт. 2021 г.
63,36 €