How to handle loading and error states with StateNotifier & Freezed in Flutter

When performing asynchronous work, we need to account for loading and error states in our UI. This article presents simple and reusable approach to handle this across multiple screens.

How to Parse Large JSON Data with Isolates in Dart 2.15

How to parse large JSON data using compute, Isolate.spawn, and Isolate.exit - a new feature for fast concurrency with worker isolates in Dart 2.15.

Flutter Tutorial: Stopwatch App with Custom UI and Animations

One-hour video tutorial on how to use Flutter tickers and matrix transforms to build a clone of the iOS Stopwatch app.

How to create a Flutter GridView with content-sized items

GridView is only suitable for items with a fixed aspect ratio. Here's how to use the flutter_layout_grid package to render responsive layouts with variable item sizes.

Flutter Web vs HTML, CSS & JS: Performance Comparison

And in-depth performance comparison of my new home page, built with Flutter web vs standard web technologies. All benchmarks were run with Google PageSpeed Insights and

Flutter State Management with Riverpod: The Essential Guide

A complete guide to the Riverpod package for Flutter state management. Included: core concepts & how to use all the available providers. Updated to Riverpod 1.0.

Flutter Tutorial: Mood Tracking App with Firebase Cloud Functions

A simple Flutter app illustrating how to work with Firestore, Cloud Functions, and the Firebase Local Emulator.

Firebase Cloud Functions: Introduction and Project Setup

Learn how to setup your first project using Cloud Functions for Firebase. Includes additional resources about Node.js and the Firebase CLI.

Flutter TabBar Tutorial: How to Navigate Programmatically Between Tabs

Learn how to use the Flutter TabBar widget to take the user through a sequence of pages, and disable user interaction on the tabs themselves.

Flutter TextField Validation: How to work with TextEditingController, Form, and TextFormField

TextField validation is a common problem that can be solved in multiple ways. Here's an interesting approach based on TextEditingController and ValueListenableBuilder.

