Flutter REST API Crash Course Launch: Build a Coronavirus Tracking App

Master the basics of REST APIs and the Dart http package. Build a Coronavirus tracking application following best practices. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-rest-api-crash-course-launch/

Flutter REST API Crash Course - Full Course Now Available

Master the basics of REST APIs and the Dart http package. Build a Coronavirus tracking application following best practices. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/complete-flutter-rest-api-course/

RxDart by example: combineLatest and data modeling with Firestore

In-depth tutorial explaning combineLatest and data modeling with movie favourite example Flutter app. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/rx-dart-by-example-combine-latest/

RxDart by example: querying the GitHub Search API with switchMap & debounce

Best practices for implementing search with RxDart in Flutter, using the GitHub Search REST API as an example. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/rxdart-by-example-github-search/

Going Full Stack with Flutter Web & Cloud Functions: A Case Study

Case study showing how I have built a backend REST API and Admin Dashboard with Cloud Functions and Flutter web. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/flutter-web-cloud-functions-case-study/

How to Create Dart Packages for Your Flutter Apps

How to create your own Dart packages from existing apps, and other things you need to know. https://codewithandrea.com/videos/how-to-create-dart-packages-flutter-apps/

