
I was just going on about how many awesome little helper sites there are out there, and now I’ve ran across another wonderful little hive of them. Sébastien Noël, under the name fffuel, has created a whole bunch of great … https://css-tricks.com/hhhelpers/

3y | CSS tricks
Open Props (and Custom Properties as a System)

Perhaps the most basic and obvious use of CSS custom properties is design tokens. Colors, fonts, spacings, timings, and other atomic bits of design that you can pull from as you design a site. If you pretty much only pull … https://css-tricks.com/open-props-and-custom-properties-as-a-system/

3y | CSS tricks
Reduce Your Website’s Environmental Impact With a Carbon Budget

As I write this, world leaders are gathering in Glasgow for COP26, the international climate change conference, in the attempt to halt (or at least slow down) catastrophic climate change by pledging to end their countries’ dependence on fossil fuels. … https://css-tricks.com/reduce-your-websites-environmental-impact-with-a-carbon-budget/

3y | CSS tricks
Low framerate in Safari on M1 Mac

John James Jacoby:

I recently noticed that animations in Safari were stuttering pretty badly on my M1 powered 2020 MacBook Air, and dove in to figure out why.

The why:

This wasn’t a bug. This was a feature.… https://css-tricks.com/low-framerate-in-safari-on-m1-mac/

3y | CSS tricks
Bartosz Ciechanowski’s Interactive Blog Posts

I saw Bartosz Ciechanowski’s “Curves and Surfaces” going around the other day and was like, oh hey, this is the same fella that did that other amazingly interactive blog post on the Internal Combustion Engine the other day. I … https://css-tricks.com/bartosz-ciechanowskis-interactive-blog-posts/

3y | CSS tricks
Ain’t No Party Like a Third Party

I’d like to tell you something not to do to make your website better. Don’t add any third-party scripts to your site.

That may sound extreme, but at one time it would’ve been common sense. On today’s … https://css-tricks.com/aint-no-party-like-a-third-party/

3y | CSS tricks
Test Your Site With Real Users

A few years ago, there was this French book publisher. They specialize in technical books and published an author who wrote a book about CSS3, HTML5 and jQuery. The final version, however, a glaring typo on the cover where “HTML5” … https://css-tricks.com/test-your-site-with-real-users/

3y | CSS tricks
Fractional SVG stars with CSS

Some ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ star rating systems aren’t always exactly even stars. Say you want to support rating something 2.25 stars. To do that you could “fill” the shape of the stars partially. I like this idea by Samuel Kraft. The tricky … https://css-tricks.com/fractional-svg-stars-with-css/

3y | CSS tricks
Embrace your code’s transience

Websites change. Healthy codebases are constantly being updated. Legacy code dies when it eventually goes down with the ship. Recognizing that my code is transient allows me to be more practical about my code and what guides my decision-making as … https://css-tricks.com/embrace-your-codes-transience/

3y | CSS tricks
Streaming Optimized Videos From AWS S3 in Minutes

(This is a sponsored post.) Videos appeal to humans in a way no other form of the content does. A video includes motion, music, still images, text, speech, and a few other elements, all of which combine to deliver … https://css-tricks.com/streaming-optimized-videos-from-aws-s3-in-minutes/

3y | CSS tricks
