Elastic Stack 7.17.7 released

Version 7.17.7 of the Elastic Stack was released today. We recommend you upgrade to this latest version. We recommend 7.17.7 over the previous patch versions in 7.17.x.

For details of the issues that have been fixed and a full list of changes for each product in this version, refer to the release notes:

7.17.7 Release Notes

Elastic Stack

A Sip of Elastic RUM (Real User Monitoring)

Sorry if I lured you into the mood of having a sip of a wonderful cocktail made with rum and you realized that the RUM I’m talking about is not the rum you are craving. But, be assured that Elastic RUM is equally wonderful! Let’s take a sip! I do want to warn you that it will take a bit of time to go through the amount of detail I will cover in this blog.

What is RUM?

Elastic real user moni
