Show HN: I made my own OS from scratch because I was bored

I've wanted to make my own OS since I started programming. Now, 5 years later, I did it (kind of).

Sure, it is really basic, has very little functionality, but I made it and I'm proud of that. Oh, and I'm just 16 btw.

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Points: 24

# Comments: 8

18d | Hacker news
Show HN: A no-build fullstack SSR TypeScript web framework

Hi HN family!

I'd love to seek your insights on a fullstack web framework that employs a different approach: no build.

It's not a new concept. The folks as Preact mentioned it:

However, in the Web Framework market, I've yet to find many that support both "no build" and "SSR". There's always some sorts of "client mount" and "server mount" and either has (or

19d | Hacker news
