7 Reasons to Choose Flutter for Mobile App Development in 2021

There are a number of choices when it comes to choosing the language for mobile or web application development. You have Java, Swift, and React Native that are already well-established in the app development industry. Why Learn Flutter When There Are... https://heshanfu.hashnode.dev/7-reasons-to-choose-flutter-for-mobile-app-development-in-2021-ckkauc3ow04fvvas199ns2qos

Flutter Basics - Understanding Dart

Writing Dart🎯 code is always fun because I think that it organizes itself more elegantly when auto-formatted. It looks damn gorgeous😍 right! I hope you have read my previous post where I discussed in detail creating your first app with Flutter. It ... https://shashankbiplav.me/flutter-basics-understanding-dart

Flutter Application LifeCycle

Have you ever thought to improve performance i.e, stop/start services when an app is in the background/foreground respectively? Then you should know, how to handle Flutter Application LifeCycle. For LifeCycle, you need to implement the abstract class... https://blog.learncodeonline.in/flutter-application-lifecycle

Getting Started with Flutter - Set up your Environment

Hello Guys👋. I was thinking of writing technical articles for many months and am stuck on where to start and what to write in my first article🤔. Recently, I started learning Flutter and thought that documenting my learnings would be helpful. So fi... https://sree-gaya3.hashnode.dev/getting-started-with-flutter-set-up-your-environment

What is Flutter? Why You Should Learn it in 2021?

Hello awesome developers in this post I will cover the following points What is Flutter? Why should you learn flutter? From where you can learn flutter? ( Free & Paid resources)

1.What is flutter? Flutter is a UI Development Open Source Toolkit deve... https://viralvaghela.hashnode.dev/what-is-flutter-why-you-should-learn-it-in-2021

Let's Build a BMI Calculator App with Flutter Part - 1

Hey All,

I back with yet another app which I built while following the Angela Yu course which I am going to share with you guys. This BMI Calculator app is heavy on design and does need more improvements to functionality perspective. Let me give you... https://codingmonkey.hashnode.dev/lets-build-a-bmi-calculator-app-with-flutter-part-1

Let's Build a BMI Calculator App with Flutter Part - 2

Hey All👋,

I am writing this post in continuation of the previous post where I started creating a BMI Calculator app. which is going to see something like this

Input PageResult Page

And stopped when our App looked like this

Things To Be Im... https://codingmonkey.hashnode.dev/lets-build-a-bmi-calculator-app-with-flutter-part-2

Adding Flutter State Management Support to an Open-Source Design to Flutter Converter

TL;DR I work on a startup that is trying to merge the gap between design & developer workflows using Flutter, where we open-sourced a tool called Parabeac-Core. We learned that users of Parabeac-Core need the exported code to map in a way that is mor... https://hashnode.com/post/adding-flutter-state-management-support-to-an-open-source-design-to-flutter-converter-ckkh9hsr503au7ks10zxog3gu
