Need help $PYPL down bad.

I bought Paypal at $145ish. Obviously I’m down bad. Real bad. I usually hold stocks long and barely ever sell. but this thing is sluggish, could possibly ssibly turn around soon but need so much momentum to even break even at this point. Their growth doesn’t seem to be headed in a major upward movement either.

So my question is… should I sell for a giant loss and buy google or nvidia? Google is more enticing because the growth is great, solid company and

A worldwide lithium shortage could come as soon as 2025

The world could face a shortage for lithium as demand for the metal ramps up, with some analysts forecasting that it could come as soon as 2025. Others, however, see a longer time frame before that shortfall hits.

BMI, a Fitch Solutions research unit, was among those that predict a lithium supply deficit by 2025. In a recently published report, BMI largely attributed the deficit to China’s lithium demand exceeding that of its supply.

“We expect an

How does Tesla go up 7% after all the news about Elon Musk’s autopilot incident?

I guess I need to add this: I do not own any stocks or shorts or puts or whatever related to Tesla, because the way that Tesla works in the market confuses me. I just want to learn.

Everybody also thinks this is an attack on Tesla and Musk. It is not. I want to know if this is the way that the market works or not.

Why do I care? Because Tesla is relatively a gigantic company. Why did I ask about if the same would

r/Stocks Daily Discussion & Technicals Tuesday - Aug 29, 2023

This is the daily discussion, so anything stocks related is fine, but the theme for today is on technical analysis (TA), but if TA is not your thing then just ignore the theme and/or post your arguments against TA here and not in the current post.

Some helpful day to

The Fed is already doing too much.

Well, Powell said that inflation is still too high.

But consider these:

  1. American consumers saved up $2.1 trillion in excess savings during the pandemic, and have been spending them at a rate of $1 trillion per year since August 2021. These savings are projected to run out in September.

  2. Trillions of dollars in CRE loans come due in the next 2 years, likely severely imperiling most banks outside of the nation’s largest ones

r/Stocks Weekly Thread on Meme Stocks Saturday - Aug 26, 2023

The meme stock scheduled posts will now run weekly and post Saturday afternoon and won't be a sticky; you're probably seeing this because automod sent you here!

Full list of meme stocks here. This will be updated every once in a while.

Welcome traders who just can't help them selves discuss the same exact stock that's been discussed 100s of times a day. I get it, y

AMCOR PLC - Which fiscal residence?

I'm considering investing in AMCOR PLC, but I don't really understand which "fiscal residence" it has. Is it UK? USA? Switzerland? Something else? Note that I would buy shares of the company listed on the NYSE.

I'm asking since I would like to understand which dividend withholding tax I will have to "pay" (I'm from The Netherlands, and if the company pays "from the UK" I would have to pay 0% of taxes).

How valuable is BRK being in top 10 holdings for SPY, VTI, VOO without being a "tech" stock?

I find it fascinating that Berkshire is one of the only non pure tech stock in the top 10 of these above.

With the amount of passive investing with 401k, 457bs, etc BRK has that benefit plus the history of the great company. I wonder just how valuable that is?

Plus the amount of cash and cash flow that BRK has makes me think it is a solid buy, especially in this market environment.

submitted by
How do you properly asses the fundamentals of tech stocks?

So I ask this question in light of recent events. I'm trading on the Euronext Amsterdam exchange since I'm a Dutch citizen.

EAM's crownstock Adyen, a payment processor tanked with 50% since they get more market competition and have trouble growing their market share p/e is 42 now but used to be 80+.

I see NVIDEA and other tech companies with crazy valuation. I'm going to be honest here, even with experts' advice I have a really

How Much Does the S&P 500 Return Annually?

I think most investors know this intuitively, but many ignore it when talking about stocks.

It's common to see people say the S&P 500 returns 8% or 10% or X% annually. In many conversations it's meant to be a rough estimate, which is fine, but many newer investors just pencil it in.

The problem is there are multiple ways to calculate an average.

The numbers thrown around when calculating the average return of the index are often
