Too many people on here call Daytrading gambling - It is not

I'm a daytrader (not TA) and that's my only source of income. Daytrading gets a horrible reputation on here by people who suck at it and people who don't understand it. If you ever lost money with options daytrading and think you're gambling you just didn't know what you're doing. This is a 2 year chart of my daytrading account:

Sure it's possi

Is Qualcomm a good buying opportunity or are their best days behind them ?

Here are a few notes from their earnings call :

With smartphone sales stalling, they are diversifying their revenues with automotive and IoT

Meta’s Quest 3 will be powered by Qualcom’s Snapdragon XR platform

Qualcomm seems to be counting a lot on the chinese market

They promise to announce exciting new products at Snapdragon Summit in October

Collaboration with Meta on Llama 2-based AI implementations on flagship smartphones

Thinking of starting investing

Im a young adult and have been curious for a bit now about investing into stocks. I dont know much about it though. I know how stocks work and have searched dividends. Any basic knowledge or advice is welcome. Im thinking of starting with a small amount (so not that distributed at first) and of investing in safer stocks.

What are basics things I should know, for example, about what service to use to buy/sell?

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CVX and D for NEE

Hey quick question. I have CVX and D, D has been doing horrible, and I like where NEE is heading with their green hydrogen, seems like they’ve always been an industry leader. Does anyone know enough about these to speak on them? I’ve been holding both since I was like 16, my dad purchased them in my account with my money on my behalf. Thoughts on selling all my shares of both for NEE?

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StartEngine 500 Shares, Random Email of Transfer to Continental, Only 15 Shares?

I am not a professional investor, and in 2020, helping my parents navigate technology, I invested in some shares at StartEngine. I researched as far as I can go on what might have happened, but cannot get a straight answer.

A few days ago, I received email notifications from Continental Stock Transfer and Trust in relation to Warrant and Common Stocks related to the original investment and the fact that the stock is now public.

Please n

For the older traders (15+ years ago) what was trading like?

Must’ve been a lot more fun without all these synchronized algorithms and automated bot traders manipulating and synchronizing the market. Everyday we jump on if the market is green most stocks are green or red days most are red. Atleast by industry especially. I imagine stop losses were more uncommon as well. Could really see some fun retail trader battles play out.

Also earnings plays I feel like would be more random and authentic on how individuals th

Looking for Any IRL stories of staying invested.

Hello traders and investors,

Now that we are in the bear market and correction is still looming.

I'm looking for anyone who stayed invested in the past during downturn and then came out with gains.

Be it individual stocks or ETFs, kindly share your stories.

Edit: apologies for saying it's a bear time now. Let's say it's s just the bull taking a vacation.

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Feeling a little uneasy these days…

Significant inflation risk with potential rates hikes coming

Student loan debt kicking in soon and current high default rates on CC’s

Much less borrowing and loans, (business acquisitions, real estate purchases, startup VC funds, etc.)

Markets been getting a little choppy past 2 weeks.I have no crystal ball, but the inverted yield curve “predicting” a recession in the next 14 months seems like it’s building momentum. I’d like to hear some pr

The Stock Market Has a Real Problem—a Real Yield Problem

WOC Street Summary:

  1. Yields on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note have risen to 4.25%, the highest since 2007, providing a competitive alternative to stocks.

  2. The rise in yields is driven by factors such as U.S. Treasury issuance, the Bank of Japan's policy, and stro
