New in Symfony 5.3: Configure Multiple Environments in a Single File

Contributed by Nicolas Grekas in #40214 and #40782.

Symfony defines different configuration environments so you can change your application behavior depending on where it’s run (e.g. locally in your development machine, in the production server, etc.) The options applied to bundles/packages in all environments are defined in config/packages/ and the specific options of eac

4y | Symfony
No te pierdas mañana la conferencia SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021

Nos vemos mañana, 7 de mayo, para la primera conferencia SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021: 1 día, 2 tracks con 11 charlas. Se trata de la primera conferencia oficial de Symfony en español 100% online, podrás descubrir todas las novedades de Symfony y su ecosistema. El replay completo de la conferencia estará disponible en cuanto termine la conferencia.

¿Todavía no estás inscrito/a? Te quedan solo unas horas para inscribirte y assistir a la conferencia en español y en directo. Puedes insc

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Improved Debug Commands

Debug console commands are one of the key parts of the Symfony debugging experience. In Symfony 5.3 we improved them with new features and new commands.

Debug Events by Event Dispatcher¶

        Contributed by 
        Timo Bakx 
        in #39276.

The recent features introduced in the Security component have changed the number of event dispatchers Symfony applications have by default. Each firewall now defin

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Session Service Deprecation

Contributed by Jérémy Derussé in #38616.

In Symfony applications you can access the session via the session service or its SessionInterface autowiring alias. This is convenient, but it’s technically wrong for some reasons:

Session is a data object (e.g. like the Request object) so there shouldn’t be a service defined for it in the container; Sessions are not part of the HTTP specific

4y | Symfony
Nos vemos este viernes para el SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021

Estamos encantados de veros por fin este viernes para la primera conferencia SymfonyLive Online Spanish Edition 2021 que se organizará el 7 de mayo. Se trata de la primera conferencia oficial de Symfony en español 100% online y podrás descubrir todas las novedades de Symfony y su ecosistema: 1 día, 2 tracks con 11 charlas. Las keynotes que ya anunciamos serán en inglés con subtítulos en español. El replay completo de la conferencia estará disponible en cuanto termine la conferencia.

¿Todavía no

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: UID Improvements

The UID Component was introduced in Symfony 5.1 as an experimental feature to help you generate and work with UIDs (universally unique identifiers) such as UUIDs and ULIDs. In Symfony 5.3 this component is no longer considered experimental and we added some new features to it.

New Ways to Generate UIDs¶

        Contributed by 
        Thomas Calvet 
        in #39507
        and #39850.

Creating UID value

4y | Symfony
New in Symfony 5.3: Improvements for Security Users

Renamed User to InMemoryUser¶

        Contributed by 
        Robin Chalas 
        in #40443.

In Symfony applications, the memory user provider allows to create users (and define their credentials) in a configuration file which is loaded in memory, without using databases or any other persisting service. Although this user provider is only for prototypes or very small/special applications, it’s based on a cl

4y | Symfony
A Week of Symfony #748 (26 April - 2 May 2021)

This week, Symfony 4.4.22 and 5.2.7 maintenance versions were published. In addition the second beta of Symfony 5.3 was released and we started publishing the New in Symfony 5.3 blog posts to showcase its most important new features.

Symfony development highlights

4.4 changelog:

a88c7fa: [HttpFoundation] fixes for PHP 8.1 deprecations 061ac77: [Yaml] expose references detected in inline notation structures c92acf4: [Security] add missing French translations for loggin

4y | Symfony
Symfony 4.4.22 released

Symfony 4.4.22 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #40993 [Security] [Security/Core] fix checking for bcrypt (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40923 [Yaml] expose references detected in inline notation structures (@xabbuh) bug #40964 [HttpFoundation] Fixes for PHP 8.1 deprecations (@jrmajor) bug #40514 [Yaml] Allow tabs as separators between tokens (@bertramakers) bug #40882 [Cache] phpredis: Added full TLS support for RedisCluster (@jackthomasatl)

4y | Symfony
Symfony 5.2.7 released

Symfony 5.2.7 has just been released. Here is a list of the most important changes:

bug #41008 [Security] Do not try to rehash null-passwords (@tjveldhuizen) bug #40993 [Security] [Security/Core] fix checking for bcrypt (@nicolas-grekas) bug #40923 [Yaml] expose references detected in inline notation structures (@xabbuh) bug #40964 [HttpFoundation] Fixes for PHP 8.1 deprecations (@jrmajor) bug #40919 [Mailer] use correct spelling when accessing the SMTP php.ini value (@xabbu

4y | Symfony

