Elon Musk’s pitch to investors: 69 million Twitter Blue users by 2025

In the last few weeks, we’ve heard multiple rumors about Elon Musk’s vision of generating more money through Twitter. But now, we have a robust idea of what Twitter’s numbers would look like under the Tesla CEO’s management. Over the weekend, The New York Times published a report about Musk’s pitch deck to investors — and the goals described in it are pretty ambitious. Rocket fueled user growth 931 million. That’s Musk’s target for user numbers by 2028. That’s huge by any measure. But for refere

Your company’s AI implementation isn’t perfect — and that’s okay

I like imperfect things. I like my sweater with its holes at the elbows, that painting of mine that my cat walked over while it was drying, that source code I’m using for my doctorate that never seems to execute as I’d expected it to. I like it that way, though. Imperfection makes things more interesting. When you’re talking about business, however, there’s money to be made — potentially lots of money. And unlike other parts of life, in the business world, a small imperfection might result in mi

Is the multiverse actually real? A physicist explains why it’s more concept than reality

Whether you need a new villain or an old Spider-Man, your sci-fi movie will sound more scientifically respectable if you use the word multiverse. The Marvel multiverse puts different versions of our universe “out there”, somewhere. In these films, with the right blend of technology, magic, and imagination, travel between these universes is possible. For example (spoilers!), in Spider-Man: No Way Home, we discover there are other universes and other Earths, some of which have their own local Spid

How China’s ‘innovation machine’ is changing — and why that matters for the West

China has had the world’s fastest-growing economy since the 1980s. A key driver of this extraordinary growth has been the country’s pragmatic system of innovation, which balances government steering and market-oriented entrepreneurs. Right now, this system is undergoing changes that may have profound implications for the global economic and political order. The Chinese government is pushing for better research and development, “smart manufacturing” facilities, and a more sophisticated digital ec

Why the standard model of particle physics seems to be broken

As a physicist working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is “When are you going to find something?” Resisting the temptation to sarcastically reply “Aside from the Higgs boson, which won the Nobel Prize, and a whole slew of new composite particles?”, I realize that the reason the question is posed so often is down to how we have portrayed progress in particle physics to the wider world. We often talk about progress in terms of discovering n

This AI generates Bored Apes that are unique, free — and totally fungible

Bored Apes have become symbolic of the NFT craze. Horrendously ugly and ludicrously pricey, their value derives from artificial scarcity. It would therefore be a great shame if someone offered infinite free versions of the collectibles — which is exactly what Yannic Kilcher has done. The machine learning expert has built an app that generates as many Bored Apes as your heart desires. The system is powered by generative adversarial networks (GANs), which create new content by pitting two neural n

New AI tool auditions for gigs using actors’ own voices

The big existential fear on everybody’s mind used to be losing our jobs to AI. That all changed when the pandemic hit and millions were faced with job loss that had nothing to do with automation. For many, the best solution to their COVID-related employment woes was to turn to the freelance or “gig-based” economy. This led to a huge uptick in value for companies specializing in connecting clients with freelancers, and Fiverr, an Israeli-based company, was no exception. But the tides are changing

Ford throws shade at Tesla with a new ad celebrating workers 

I don’t own a TV (streaming all the way), but I’m always interested in car commercials to see what tricks advertisers are deploying in their efforts to make us want to shell out a large portion of our income on a new car. So when I saw that Ford released a new advertisement yesterday – with a decent amount of shade thrown at a competitor whose name starts with a T and ends with an a, I was all in. Let me walk you through it and share some thoughts. You can check out the ad in all its glory: &#82

Most people who own fitness trackers still prefer to be couch potatoes

Worldwide sales of fitness trackers increased from US$14 billion in 2017 to over $36 billion in 2020. The skyrocketing success of these gadgets suggests that more people than ever see some value in keeping tabs on the number of steps they take, flights of stairs they climb, time they spend sitting, and calories they burn. The manufacturers of these devices certainly want consumers to believe that tracking fitness or health-related behaviors will spur them to increase their activity levels and ma

Don’t hate on natural gas: It’s the bridge we need between petrol and EV batteries

While electric cars are gaining momentum, gradually replacing gas-guzzlers, the electrification of larger vehicles such as long-haul trucks and planes is proving to be a tough challenge. We need more time to make the tech work and, in the interim, a stepping stone fuel between gasoline and electric batteries. That’s where natural gas comes in. Comprising methane as its primary component, natural gas is an intriguing alternative to regular fuel. It’s abundant, has an established distribution netw
