How to stay sane in today's world of tech

Is it even possible to stay sane in todays world of tech? Well, both yes and no :)

3y | unixsheikh
Using GitHub Copilot will turn you into a bad programmer

I have already written about how extremely disappointing it is to watch people cheer in ignorance at having their FOSS work and time exploited by one of the largest and crookiest companies in the world, but you also need to understand something else, if you're into programming, using GitHub Copilot will eventually turn you into a bad programmer!

3y | unixsheikh
Open source projects need to migrate their code away from github NOW!

If you're writing any kind of open source code and storing it on GitHub, you need to move it away from the platform NOW!

3y | unixsheikh
How to do encrypted incremental backups and snapshots with GNU Tar and GnuPG

There exist a bunch of really cool open source backup tools such as Borg and Restic, but did you know that you can use GNU Tar and GnuPG to create encrypted incremental snapshots?

3y | unixsheikh
A simple Git workflow - using main as the development branch

One of the main benefits of Git is that it is an extremely flexible set of tools with which you can build many development models and branching strategies from. In this tutorial I'll show you my favorite Git workflow that works very well both as a solo developer and in a team with many developers.

3y | unixsheikh
How I store my files and why you should not rely on fancy tools for backup

Have you ever lost important data? I have. I learned doing backups the hard way after I lost a entire book I had just finished writing!

3y | unixsheikh
There is no such thing as privacy on the Internet

As soon as you step outside your house or apartment, you're located in the "public arena" where there is no privacy. I don't mean juridically speaking, but practically, as everyone can see you. Now, why would you think it is any different with the Internet!?

3y | unixsheikh
Use the right tool for the job

I am sure you have heard it many times, "use the right tool for the job", yet at the same time we're often inclined toward a specific operating system or a specific piece of software. And while it's quite normal to have a favorite operating system or a favorite piece of software, it can be very counter productive to only use a single solution for every problem.

3y | unixsheikh
Using a framework can make you stupid!

By the word "stupid" I mean "a lack of knowledge", not stupid in the literal sense of the word, so please don't take any offense.

3y | unixsheikh
How to write software than will keep working for decades without problems

I think that most people in the software industry have been in the situation of running a legacy system that everyone dreads because it was developed on a platform that was outdated a long time ago. In this article I will address the issue of how you develop software that keeps running without fear of breakage even when you upgrade to the latest version of the platform that the system is running on.

3y | unixsheikh

