Zuck vs. Musk: please, no more fighting Navigating the fragile maze of reconstructive memory in UX ‘Doing strategy’ as a product designer Immersing in innovation: an introduction to XR user experience design The transition to VR/AR challenges us to rethink fundamental design paradigms that have been rooted in 2D. For example, how should we… 2y | UX Design Subtitles are standard: mainstreaming accessibility When accessibility practices become standard, everyone benefits. 2y | UX Design How UX tricks in the grocery store contribute to overspending From store layout to scent marketing, grocery stores have carefully designed a user experience that maximizes profit. 2y | UX Design Blooming good tactics: Bloom & Wild’s CRM strategy How a killer email strategy made me spend £733 on flowers 2y | UX Design ChatGPT-powered users: reclaiming the design of everyday digital artifacts https://uxdesign.cc/chatgpt-powered-users-reclaiming-the-design-of-everyday-digital-artifacts-9a466769bddd?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design Our desire for certainty can make us terrible planners https://uxdesign.cc/our-desire-for-certainty-can-make-us-terrible-planners-d00d5c2b8a62?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design Designing together: the importance of shared principles for design teams Design principles operationalize a team’s values into concrete guidelines that inform the design process. 2y | UX Design Three Mile Island: how bad UX led to a nuclear meltdown The Three Mile Island accident of 1979 was a partial nuclear meltdown in Pennsylvania. The event spread fear and panic and sent many… 2y | UX Design Race to the top https://uxdesign.cc/race-to-the-top-36beba2ed349?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design How to solve a designer’s biggest fear with startups: wearing multiple hats Startups offer tons of value to designers if you know how to handle the extra work 2y | UX Design << < 144 145 146 147 148 > >> Вступить в группу Поиск созданныйПрошлый деньПоследние четыре дняПрошлый месяц Choose a GroupUX Design Choose a User Сортировать попо релевантностиUpvotedНовый первыйКоличество закладокКоличество комментариев Поиск