Zuck vs. Musk: please, no more fighting Navigating the fragile maze of reconstructive memory in UX ‘Doing strategy’ as a product designer Getting categorical with Pantone’s 2023 color of the year Converting Viva Magenta’s Triad Color Harmony into a Three Class Qualitative Color Scheme. 2y | UX Design Write more, design less (and better) https://uxdesign.cc/write-more-design-less-and-better-a454d15f6795?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design Why trauma-informed approaches are vital to design and research https://uxdesign.cc/why-trauma-informed-approaches-are-vital-to-design-and-research-b6ddd50687b9?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design The big problem with variables in Figma Here’s my gripe with the hottest new feature in Figma 2y | UX Design This is why I don’t call myself a service designer any more https://uxdesign.cc/this-is-why-i-dont-call-myself-a-service-designer-any-more-5dcf639bebe0?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design Accessible overlays aren’t accessible You can’t solve accessibility with a single line of code. Overlays are deceitful and undermine inclusive design practices. 2y | UX Design How to stop feeling like a UX fraud https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-stop-feeling-like-a-fraud-2185fa16453c?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design The fake aura of care https://uxdesign.cc/the-aura-of-care-d2c3fe328f21?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4 2y | UX Design How to ensure you don’t lose your audience 5 minutes into your user research presentation The one essential tip to telling better stories around design: first, establish common ground 2y | UX Design Why “Cancel” should be a link, and not a button Part 2: your feedback. About SPAs, hyperlinks, dark patterns, and accessibility. 2y | UX Design << < 156 157 158 159 160 > >> Вступить в группу Поиск созданныйПрошлый деньПоследние четыре дняПрошлый месяц Choose a GroupUX Design Choose a User Сортировать попо релевантностиUpvotedНовый первыйКоличество закладокКоличество комментариев Поиск