Ten areas where Apple Music’s user experience is still lacking

Apple Music has existed for six year. The service is great, but the user experience could use some work.Continue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/ten-areas-where-apple-music-still-provides-a-lacking-user-experience-70c00395b46?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
Designing environmental dashboards that actually get people to change

It’s hard to get people to do environmental behaviors — but it can be done. I interviewed leading systems ecology and gamification expert…Continue reading on UX Collective » https://uxdesign.cc/designing-environmental-dashboards-that-actually-get-people-to-change-89b55a654045?source=rss----138adf9c44c---4

4y | UX Design
