Social system analysis — an approach to design insights at scale

To achieve sustainable long-term success of a design, designers need to address the complexity of a problem, not just one part of it.Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
What is the ‘Human Factor’?

I first heard the term ‘Human Factors’ back in 2018 when I took a course in Aviation Psychology. Although I had heard a bit about related…Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
Empathy doesn’t exist series: Election edition

One of the most popular words in design is “empathy.” I’m here with the firm belief that empathy is bullshit. Empathy as the concept of…Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
Interview with Ana Santos, UX educator & learning experience designer

I “met” Ana through Instagram a little over a year ago. Her profile really caught my eye because of her consistent, educational, fun…Continue reading on UX Collective »

4y | UX Design
