
сообщения от Mmm7777
LOC in niftycet.com

Some LOC (lines of code) statistics

based on

find . -type f ! -path './vendor/' ! -path './node_modules/' ! -path './.git/' ! -name '.log' ! -path './bin/' ! -path './var/' -name '*.svelte' | xargs wc -l

for different file extensions in niftycent.com project

scss - 5665 php - 110311 go - 6029 python - 1124 svelte - 2774 html.twig - 43120 (ignoring lot of configurations for database, web server, other packages...logging etc...)

Project is still not finished, lack

4y | 1x Хороший пост | NiftyCent.com - ideas, news
Static analysers

Not directly speeding up your website, but for "good feeling".

psalm - https://psalm.dev/docs/ php inspections - https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7622-php-inspections-ea-extended-



novy kalendar na zobrazenie aktivity v kazdom detaile aktivity

4y | 1x Хороший пост
Nastavenie jazyka

Od dnesneho dna (21.09.) sa pre uzivatela automaticky detekuje jazyk a po potvrdeni uzivatelom, ze ho chce mat nastaveny ako "default", sa nastavi.

Podobne sa vam v prispevkoch zobrazia prispevky, aj na zaklade tohto jazyka.

Pre nastavenie si jazyka treba ist na uvodnu stranku a nasledne do "nastaveni".

4y | 1x Хороший пост | NiftyCent.com - ideas, news
Recommended image editor?

What are best image editor with svelte?

5y | Svelte
PHP Benchmark

Is foreach in php faster than while?

Is condition with == faster than ===?


Somebody with gold rank to play with?

Somebody with gold rank to play with?

RSS Feeds

RSS feed added to niftycent groups. In the right menu, you can find RSS icon, so you can read news in your RSS reader. For example:


List of changes in past few weeks
  • channels, users now can chat in realtime
  • graphically improved groups
  • reviews of offers, services, users, followers
  • mini change in lists (every kind of list)
  • daily discount again visible
  • small fix in offer add/edit
  • notification fixed and improved (new view of notifications) ...

Tens of new ideas is in queue. Everyday is there 2-3 new releases.

Do you have any idea to improve something?

Join and DM me.

5y | 1x Хороший пост | NiftyCent.com - ideas, news
Velkzly projekt v php

Aky je vas doposial najvacsi projekt v php?

Mate skusenosti s napriklad 1m online uzivatelov?

5y | PHP
Synchronizacia suborov

Pre synchronizaciu suborov napriec zariadeniami (podpora minimalne windows/linux/android)


5y | 1x Хороший пост
Pre trochu "online discipliny"

Firefox doplnok - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/block-website/

Blokne stranku na ktoru chodite casto..

V mojom pripade aktualne "oddychujem" od:

  • youtube
  • hacker news
  • hnonline
  • reddit
Social dilemma

Relativne novy film. "Pohlad" do zakulisia velkych firiem (google, fb, twitter), skusenosti ex-zamestnancov..


OpenSSH format to Putty format

puttygen id_dsa -o id_dsa.ppk

Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders - pocuvatelny pribeh z Birminghamu zo zaciatku 20. storocia

Faster way to delete large number of files on linux

rsync -a --delete empty/ x

5y | 1x Хороший пост | Quick commands

to iste ako Pirati zo Silicon Valley, len z pohladu Apple

Start chrome with insecure (self signed) certificates

chrome.exe --ignore-certificate-errors --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=https://www.devdomain.com/

5y | 1x Хороший пост
CSS - scroll-margin-top

V pripade, ze stranka pouziva nejaku fixed header a pri presuvani sa na anchor element, je dany element prekryty danym fixed elementom, tak je mozne pouzit:

.scrolled {scroll-margin-top: 6em;}

dany anchor sa odskroluje zhora

viac info na:


Data is growing, users not

26,7GB 149 tables

Google index containts 23k pages (raising) Bing around 33k pages (decreasing, maybe because Bing is mainly US only?)

Color schemes are so messy, so NiftyCent will be in blue.

New section "services" is added. So people can offer their services in this way. Jobs are still there, but are for advertisers.

Top menu is gone, replaced by left menu, next to search query window (more place for text, less links for people).

User menu is replaced with boxes (little bit

5y | 1x Хороший пост | NiftyCent.com - ideas, news
Tinder cenniky

Tinder pouziva interne metriky na urcenie mesacnej ceny ich sluzby, kde cena sluzby sa lisi, napriklad na zaklade vasho veku...


5y | 1x Хороший пост