Tlač, kopírovanie, skenovanie a faxovanie

Tlač, kopírovanie, skenovanie a faxovanie

Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Features Strong, high clarity, odour neutral and easy-to-print filament High impact strength Excellent flexibility Almost no warping or shrinkage Hydrophobic (does not absorb water) Food packaging gr
Profesionálne atramenty LUCIA PRO poskytujú intenzívne a sýte farby, ako aj vynikajúci farebný rozsah. Systém atramentu na báze pigmentu zaisťuje vynikajúcu farebnú stabilitu vašich fotografií.Tento t
Čo sú vši a hnidy. Vši sú malý hmyz, ktorý žije vo vlasoch a na temene hlavy.hnidy sú vajíčka vší, menšie ako 0,5 mm. Voš je cudzopasník živiaci sa krvou hostiteľa, ktorý je schopný parazitovať iba na