[USA][DESIGN][5] Design savvy semi-tech savvy looking for a tech co-founder for micro-SaaS.

I have a few ideas that are not nearly as much coding as a full SaaS, but this also comes with a lower ceiling, as well. They are just niche problem solving micro-SaaS ideas. I am building one now by myself, paying a developer out of pocket, but I would love someone that can code to work with on a few more ideas that I have. If you are looking for something high risk but it can also make you rich, this is not that. I would estimate that, from my research, these will make 1-2k per month on the l

4y | Cofounder
[USA][BIZ][2] Non Tech Co-Founder seeking tech co-founder.

Seeking a full stack MERN developer in exchange for equity. PRODUCT ALREADY BUILT. More info feel free to DM! Preferably North America based but open to work remotely. Thanks submitted by /u/Gloomy_Sun_2828 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/p8a5m9/usabiz2_non_tech_cofounder_seeking_tech_cofounder/

4y | Cofounder
[USA][TECH][4] Specialized software dev looking to design innovative tech products.

I'll just give a quick background of myself and what I'm looking for. I'm a 28M living in Boston, working full-time at a large biotech company. I am restricted under contract from freelancing in life sciences, however I'd like to partner up with someone who is business-minded (and/or experienced in tech product design) and work toward creating (possibly patenting, if applicable) and selling profitable tech products to investors. I am very much committed to a long-term side ventur

4y | Cofounder
[HRV][TECH][5] Seeking a marketing partner for subscription website for religious people.

I'll try to be quick and direct. I created 0nlyFFans for pastors and preachers. No porn or adult content, only clean religious content. The website is not fully finished, I need to implement a payment gateway (currently checking 3 of them), but the rest is finished. I realized that people who are following pastors and preachers are pretty religious people and are willing to pay for the person they are following. Idea is to spread to life coaches and motivational speakers, the same applies to

4y | Cofounder
[USA][TECH][11] Looking for a dedicated cofounder for my online psychologist startup.

I am going to start this startup and want to have a cofounder who is also passionate about it. I have quite enough experience in tech and coding and want someone who can handle the management, marketing and customer service. Dedication and honesty is must. And please message only if you are sure that you want to do it. That's a humble request. submitted by /u/holtkellyholt [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/p81cj3/usatech11_looking_for_a_dedic

4y | Cofounder
[BEL][TECH][14] Tech SaaS founder looking for a Marketing co-founder.

Hi there 👋, I am Rob and over the past years (launched mid 2019) I have been running Animalo by myself. I am passionate about my project and already have a few paying customers. Based on customer feedback I have shifted some strategies here and there and I have had myself assisted a few freelancers to get the frontend site up and running. ​ What is Animalo? Animalo is an online SaaS where pet business owners can manage their business and collaborate with colleagues. It features everything

4y | Cofounder
[US][BIZ][2] looking for a tech co founder for esports startup.

Hi guys we are looking for a co founder in esports startup, we have a demo product ready which can be launched soon. I am a sales and marketing co founder my partner is finance and legal co founder we need a tech co founder who would be reliable. Remote founders are also welcomed. submitted by /u/infinite_sky147 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/p7v8si/usbiz2_looking_for_a_tech_co_founder_for_esports/

4y | Cofounder
[CAN][TECH][2] Looking for a Technical Cofounder for Startup Makes Social Media Less Addictive.

Hey Everyone, I am COO at Betimeful and we are looking for CTO & co-founder who lead our technical efforts. What we do? BeTimeful is a freemium browser extension that makes social media less addictive by removing the distracting & captivating social media’s news feeds & recommendation videos when you’re working by integrating with your Google Calendar or its built-in popup calendar. Our startup has won the most “Impactful Technology Award” in multiple universities such as Schulich Sc

4y | Cofounder
[USA][TECH][2] Looking for Patenting Help.

Hello! I have a patent that I would love to introduce to the market and since it is in a very niche market (tiny houses), I'd love to connect with somebody here as far patenting it. Previously, I sold a construction related material on Amazon that did amazing and I realized just how powerful patenting is when competitors began to spring up (though I was the first seller with that product there, I did try to patent it, prior patents would have hindered my patent). Anyways, this time around, I

4y | Cofounder
[GBR][TECH][12] Biz co-founder for business software framework.

I've built a software framework that allows companies/people to build their applications faster. This isn't a normal software framework but a business software framework. The difference is it uses a standard software framework and builts business functionalities on top of it. Normal frameworks provide authentication systems but they don't provide the user functionality such as user signup, forgot password, confirm email, invite a user for example. Nearly every company requires these

4y | Cofounder
