2022: the year we sobered up about the metaverse

The conversation about the metaverse continued in 2022, but much of the earlier excitement about the concept cooled. The metaverse, as it was described to many of us in 2021, is going to be something like the next big evolution of the internet: a virtual public space where you can work, play, shop, create, and hang with friends (their avatars). The websites and platforms we experience in 2D on our screens today will become immersive 3D destinations created within the lenses of new, wearable c

Crypto’s no good, very bad year

By just about any measure you can imagine, it has been a rough year for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The overall market cap of the crypto world has gone from $2.2 trillion at the start of the year to $867 billion in mid-December, a 60% decline.

But things sure didn’t look that dire back in January.

While it’s hard to believe, it was less than a year ago that we saw the “Crypto Bowl,” with exchanges shelling out up to $7 million for 30 seconds of

The tech we’re most looking forward to in 2023

One of the nice things about the tech world is just when you think things have reached their peak, a new summit appears in the distance.

2022 had plenty of new tech, from smart watches that can call for help if you’re in an accident to art created by artificial intelligence that we all couldn’t keep from showing off to the world. And while some of the real treasures of 2023 won’t be unveiled until CES in January (or later), there are already several things that

What AI means to art and artists (and it’s not what you think)

Can you separate a piece of art from the person that created it?

Earlier this year at the Colorado State Fair, Jason Allen submitted a piece called Théâtre D’opéra Spatial into the “digitally manipulated photography” category.

The scope and imagination of the piece stunned the judges. The three silhouetted figures in the center of the frame are eclipsed by a sci-fi scene packed with out-of-this-world detail. And as a result, the piece be

Where is generative AI headed in 2023?

Generative AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that deals with the creation of new content by employing machine learning. This can take the form of written text, images, music, or even videos, the key being that the technology is what brings the creator’s ideas to life. 2022 was the field’s coming-out party, with several key building blocks, like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and DALLE-2, and Stability AI’s Stable Diffusion Dream Studio hitting the market in a big way, an

6 lesser-known Amazon sections where you can find great deals

Look: Amazon is a huge site, so you’ll be forgiven if you haven’t scoured every square inch of it. Most of us fire it up, see the deals of the day on the front page, and decide if we’re interested or not.

But if you’re a cheapskate like me, you’ll be happy to know that there are a handful of Amazon sections that specialize in deals but that aren’t always super obvious.

Here are direct links to six places on Amazon to check for under-the-

11 crypto leaders on this chaotic year, and what’s next for 2023

Cryptocurrency’s meteoric ascent, then spectacular crash back down to Earth—in the span of roughly two years—might go down in history as one of the strangest, most thrilling, most vexing, head-spinning, and heartbreaking sagas of the internet age. And 2022 was both the peak and the valley.

At the beginning of the year, money flowed like bubbly, fresh off the rush of a record-high $70,000 Bitcoin price the previous November. NFT collections pumped left

Apple finally killed off the beloved Dark Sky weather app. Try these decent alternatives instead

Pour one out for Dark Sky, the greatest weather app of all time—at least according to the online hues and cries over Apple acquiring Dark Sky, gutting its features for use in its own weather app, and then murdering Dark Sky over the winter holidays. As if we wouldn’t notice.

If you’re an Android user, you’ve already had a year to mourn the loss since the app was promptly removed from the Google Play store shortly after the acquisition in March 2020. As of

Why you should try Genially to make visuals that pop

Gnially lets you quickly create interactive images, graphics and presentations. (Check out what others are making in the Genially inspiration gallery, or have a look at a dozen templates from the more than 1,000 available.)

How to get started

  1. Begin by picking the type of visual you’d like to create.
  2. Start from a template in one of these categories or a blank slate. Then upload whatever photos or graphics of your ow
Twitter is right about one thing: Verification is critical

It’s been a confusing few weeks for Twitter around verifying users, that’s for sure. But as of November 25, the company finally clarified it will be issuing blue, gold, and gray check marks for $8 a month once it manually authenticates the account holder’s identity. Now at least there’s some sense and meaning with regard to classification.

To explain the color categories for those who haven’t kept up with the busy news cycle, blue is for people (&#
