
príspevky od Tomas_r2
Balancing business and open source in 2024

During the holidays, we’re releasing some highlights from a year full of conversations with developers and technologists. Enjoy! We’ll see you in 2025.

A rising tide of e-waste threatens our health, the environment and the economy

Our growing reliance on technology at home and in the workplace has raised the profile of e-waste. This consists of discarded electrical devices including laptops, smartphones, televisions, computer servers, washing machines, medical equipment,

2mo | The Next Web
Major Outage Hits OpenAI ChatGPT via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Major ChatGPT outage may be the largest ever. Both ChatGPT and the API completely down while SORA is only partially affected

The post Major Outage Hits OpenAI ChatGPT appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Čínští Pudu Robotics vypustili humanoida D9, který chůzí předhoní člověka

Výrobci robotů Pudu Robotics vstupují na trh s humanoidy se svým novým D9. Robot zhruba o výšce, váze a chůzi člověka by se mohl uplatnit například při úklidu nebo při manipulaci se zbožím ve skladech či obchodech. Unese 20 kg, poradí si se schody i svahy a jeho vysokou autonomii zajišťuje dnes již nezbytná umělá inteligence.

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AI is helping students with disabilities. Schools worry about the risks

For Makenzie Gilkison, spelling is such a struggle that a word like rhinoceros might come out as “rineanswsaurs” or sarcastic as “srkastik.”

The 14-year-old from suburban Indianapolis can sound out words, but her dyslexia makes the process so draining that she often struggles with comprehension. “I just assumed I was stupid,” she recalled of her early grade school years.

But assistive technology powered by artificial intelligence has he

Cyberattack hits Japan Airlines, delaying flights for holiday travelers

Japan Airlines said it was hit by a cyberattack Thursday, causing delays to more than 20 domestic flights but the carrier said it was able to stop the onslaught and restore its systems hours later. There was no impact on flight safety, it said.

JAL said the problem started Thursday morning when the company’s network connecting internal and external systems b

An ex-OpenAI exec and futurist talks about AI in 2025 and beyond

Welcome to AI DecodedFast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.

This week, I’m dedicating the newsletter to a conversation I had recently with the futurist

Záhadné milinovy jsou doposud neznámým typem hvězdných erupcí

Vědci vystopovali v datech Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) celkem 29 objektů doposud neznámého typu v Magellanových oblacích, zřejmě těsných dvojhvězd bílého trpaslíka a podobra, které vytvářejí erupce asi tisíckrát slabší než typické novy. Pojmenovali je milinovy.

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Why social media influencers are going to have a very big 2025

As 2024 rolls into 2025, big changes are potentially afoot in the world of social media. TikTok is potentially weeks away from closure in the United States. X (the app formerly known as Twitter) continues to deviate from the mainstream under its ownership by Elon Musk. And in its place,

Why Making A Good YouTube Video Is Hard (For Businesses) via @sejournal, @BennyJamminS

Discover the secrets of creating compelling YouTube videos for your business. Learn how to attract audiences when producing your own videos and foster creativity.

The post Why Making A Good YouTube Video Is Hard (For Businesses) appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Revolutionizing Marketing: The Rise Of Situational Content Strategies via @sejournal, @Juxtacognition

Adapt your content strategy to the complexities of modern decision-making. Explore situational content strategies and connect with audiences in the right moment.

The post Revolutionizing Marketing: The Rise Of Situational Content Strategies appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

YouTube has a new plan to combat clickbait

Thumbnails play the YouTube equivalent of a movie poster, aiming to draw your attention to click and watch when you have hundreds of videos clogging your recommended content. Most of us have been baited to click on a video thanks to a flashy title and enticing thumbnail, only to be disappointed when the actual content has nothing to do with what the headline promised. 

Using attention-grabbing (often misleading) thumbnails and titles has become a standard practice on YouTube. Howev

CFS hodlají vybudovat první komerční fúzní elektrárnu ve Virginii

Startup Commonwealth Fusion Systems velmi ambiciózně plánuje spuštění první komerční a k síti připojené fúzní elektrárny, která bude využívat kompaktní tokamak typu ARC s pokročilými supravodivými magnety, na počátek třicátých let. Vyrůst by měla v areálu James River Industrial Center v Chesterfield County, stát Virginie.

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The real 10x developer makes their whole team better

Single individuals make less of a difference to the success or failure of a technology project than you might think (and that’s a good thing).

Jak rychlý je Ježíšek?

Hned na začátku musíme podotknout, že údaje z kterých vycházíme se týkají rychlosti Santy a že v naší úvaze si dovolujeme předpokládat, že ani náš Ježíšek není žádný louda a Santovi se přinejmenším vyrovná.

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Generative AI is making traditional ways to measure business success obsolete

Businesses are already being radically transformed by artificial intelligence (AI). Tools now exist that offer instantaneous, high-quality results in improving certain operations without the burden of high costs or delays. In fact, generative AI could complete

2mo | The Next Web
AI use cases are going to get even bigger in 2025

Over the past two years, generative AI has dominated tech conversations and media headlines. Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Midjourney, and Sora captured imaginations with their ability to create text, images, and videos, sparking both excitement and ethical debates.

However, artificial intelligence goes far beyond generative AI—which is just a subset of AI—and its associated models. AI’s real promise lies in its ability to address complex challenges across diverse industries, from mi

YouTube TV price hike got you down? 5 free alternatives

Was YouTube TV’s recent price increase the straw that broke the camel’s back for you? When does the cost of streaming TV stop going up? When?!!

The answer is: Never.

These streaming services are going to keep creeping upward in cost until we’re all shelling out $300 a month.

Enough is enough. Time to take a break. That’s the beauty of streaming services: Y

TikTok is full of bogus, potentially dangerous medical advice

TikTok is the new doctor’s office, quickly becoming a go-to platform for medical advice. Unfortunately, much of that advice is pretty sketchy.

A new report by the healthcare software firm Tebra found 45% of medical advice on TikTok to be false or misleading. Some categories were worse offenders than others, with TikTok videos about alternative medicine having the most inacc

Kvantoví inženýři zvládli teleportaci přes vytížené optické kabely

Optickými kabely při běžném internetovém provozu zurčí záplava fotonů. Kvantová komunikace manipuluje s jednotlivými fotony, které by se mohly v moři fotonů optické komunikace utopit beze stopy. Kvantoví inženýři Northwestern University zařídili, aby k tomu nedocházelo. Praktická kvantová komunikace je na dohled.

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You should keep a developer’s journal

A developer’s journal is a place to define the problem you’re solving and record what you tried and what worked.

45 years ago, the Walkman changed how we listen to music

Back in 1979, Sony cofounder Masaru Ibuka was looking for a way to listen to classical music on long-haul flights. In response, his company’s engineers dreamed up the Walkman, ordering 30,000 units for an initial production run. Forty-five years later, Sony has sold over 400 million Walkmans and incited a revolution in music technology. 

While there are still Walkmans for sale, most use iPhones and Androids to tune in nowadays. Sony Walkman sound engineer Sato Hiroaki, who joined t

The greatest keyboard never sold

Even as the latest phones and wearables tout speech recognition with unprecedented accuracy and spatial computing products flirt with replacing tablets and laptops, physical keyboards remain beloved for their efficiency. Earlier this year, for example, sci-fi novelist Robert J. Sawyer created a comprehensive archive of files that enables modern PCs to run WordStar 7, the DOS program’s final version. He favors the once-dominant word processo

The 25 best new apps of 2024

One of the most pleasant surprises about this year’s best new apps have nothing to do with AI.

While AI tools are a frothy area for big tech companies and venture capitalists, there’s plenty of app innovation happening outside of that arena, in categories such as productivity, social media, and streaming music.

As in previous

How developer jobs (and the job market) changed in 2024

During the holidays, we’re releasing some highlights from a year full of conversations with developers and technologists. Enjoy! We’ll see you in 2025.

These will be the most in-demand programming languages in 2025

Across Europe, skills shortages are emerging as a key challenge. The Council of the European Union says this is driven by demographic change, demand for new skillsets, and poor working conditions in some sectors. Adding to that, a recent report highlighted that

2mo | The Next Web
Unfair decisions by AI could make us indifferent to bad behaviour by humans

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes important decisions that affect our everyday lives. These decisions are implemented by firms and institutions in the name of efficiency. They can help determine who gets into college, who lands a job, who receives medical treatm

2mo | The Next Web
Radostné Vánoce a nový rok 

Řetěz Pf přání, které dojdou na adresu ja(zavinutec) budeme postupně doplňovat.

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Čínský detonační ramjet JinDou400 rozbouřil oblohu rychlostí Mach 4

Lingkong Tianxing Technology poslali na špici rakety testovací letoun s pohonem JinDou400. Při letu velkou rychlostí využívá detonační spalování paliva. Při testu se vyšplhal do výšky 19 812 metrů a dosáhl rychlosti Mach 4. Připravovaný nadzvukový dopravní letoun Yunxing by měl s tímto pohonem vzlétnout v roce 2027.

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The future belongs to systems of action

The world of enterprise tech is built on sturdy foundations. For decades, systems of record—the databases, customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) platforms we’re all intimately familiar with—have served as reliable pillars underpinning every major business. Vendors selling them have become household names and the technology is a core component of how enterprises operate, scale, and report. They’ve embedded themselves, seemingly immovably, into how the

Bluesky users report AI bots, disinformation, and copycat accounts

Bluesky has seen its user base soar since the U.S. presidential election, boosted by people seeking refuge from Elon Musk’s X, which they view as increasingly leaning too far to the right given

Microsoft Launches Multi-Format Campaigns for Audience Ads via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Discover Microsoft Ads' new multi-format campaigns for Audience ads. Simplify ad management by combining native, display, and video formats in one campaign.

The post Microsoft Launches Multi-Format Campaigns for Audience Ads appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Banning Chinese-made drones could hurt some Americans

Russell Hedrick, a North Carolina farmer, flies drones to spray fertilizers on his corn, soybean and wheat fields at a fraction of what it would cost him to use a conventional ground spreader.

As a volunteer rescuer, Hedrick uses thermal drones to search for people trapped by mudslides and cargo drones to send water and baby formula to those who are stranded — something he did after 

Fake AI-generated reviews are all over the internet, research shows

The emergence of generative artificial intelligence tools that allow people to efficiently produce novel and detailed online reviews with almost no work has put merchants, service providers and consumers in uncharted territory, watchdog groups and researchers say.

How digital transformation is reshaping energy systems

A balanced planet requires more energy with less carbon. The energy transition to a lower carbon future is arguably the largest and most significant challenge ever contemplated or attempted in the history of our planet. Achieving a balanced planet means our current energy mix must evolve to include more lower- and zero-carbon forms of energy, such as geothermal and hydrogen. Hydrocarbons, however, will still play a critical role for decades to support a secure energy mix, so it is imperative

Google Reveals Top Searches Of 2024 via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google's annual recap of the year's top trending searches offers dozens of ideas for content publishers looking to capitalize on long-tail keyword opportunities.

The post Google Reveals Top Searches Of 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How Marketers Can Adapt To Drive Quality Over Quantity via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell

Focusing on quality is key to success in your pipeline. Learn how to prioritize your target audience and optimize your marketing efforts for better conversions.

The post How Marketers Can Adapt To Drive Quality Over Quantity appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Looking for small drones? Listen for the right radio signals

The recent spate of unidentified drone sightings in the U.S., including some near sensitive locations such as airports and military installations, has

Hallucinations to agents: Here’s how AI language models evolved in 2024

I research the intersection of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and human reasoning as the director of the Advancing Human and Machine Reasoning lab at the University of South Florida. I am also commercializing this research in an AI star

We used Google’s AI to analyze 188 predictions of what’s in store for tech in 2025

At this time of year investment banks, advertising agencies, and seemingly every other business on the planet share their predictions on what is likely to unfold in the next 12 months. Journalists’ inboxes sag under the weight of unsolicited predictions for the year ahead.

But separating the wheat from the chaff when it comes to forecasts of the year ahead can be tricky.

Use a technology that has come into its own in 2024—generative artificial intelligence—may help. Noteb

I tried out 3 media outlets’ AI chatbots. Here’s what happened

How fitting for Time to debut an AI chatbot last week with its annual Person of the Year package. AI was almost certainly Thing of the Year, after all, even if there’s no official award for that.

Ever since OpenAI made ChatGPT

17 Expert Tips For Content Writing In 2025 via @sejournal, @beacarlota17

Get insider knowledge from top content marketing professionals. Discover strategies and tips for creating impactful, attention-grabbing content in the age of AI.

The post 17 Expert Tips For Content Writing In 2025 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How (and why) to start using an RSS reader for news again

Imagine having a single app to keep up with your favorite news sources, YouTube channels, newsletters, and blogs, all in an easy-to-read format with no social media algorithms deciding what you see.

That’s the idea behind RSS, a 25-year-old open standard for syndicating content from around the web. Using an RSS reader app, you can create your own custom feeds for news and information, accessing them all through a clutter-free, reader-friendly view.

RSS can be overwhelming

Neexistuje? Příznivci nehomogenního vesmíru zpochybňují temnou energii

Novozélandský fyzik David Wiltshire v roce 2007 navrhl „časoslednou kosmologii“ (Timescale cosmology), která vysvětluje pozorované zrychlování rozpínání vesmíru bez nutnosti zavádění temné energie, jako přelud vyplývající z nehomogenní povahy vesmíru, kde čas plyne různě rychle v prostředích s různou hustotou hmoty.

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How to empower people through value transformation

In the business world, transformation has become a buzzword—one that’s often discussed but rarely grounded in clarity. While many focus on digital transformation as a tech-driven revolution, the real conversation should be about value transformation. What does it take to shift organizational priorities from chasing trends to creating meaningful impact? And more importantly, how do we ensure these transformations empower people rather than just adding layers of complexity?

Value tra

Voice Search SEO: How Does It Work? via @sejournal, @BennyJamminS

Stay ahead with voice search SEO. Understand the rise of voice assistants and how they are changing the way people search.

The post Voice Search SEO: How Does It Work? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

#455 – Adam Frank: Alien Civilizations and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

Adam Frank is an astrophysicist studying star systems and the search for extraterrestrial life and alien civilizations. Thank you for listening ❤ Check out our sponsors: See below for timestamps, and to give feedback, submit questions, contact Lex, etc.

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