
príspevky od Tomas_r2
Trump’s new EPA pick wants to make the U.S. the  AI ‘capital of the world’

President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to “pursue energy dominance” to “make the United States the artificial intelligence capital of the world,” he said in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday.

Looking forward to getting straight to work as part of President Trump's Cabinet to unleash US energy dominance, make America the AI capital of the world

Industry 4.0, meet Mobility Ecosystem 3.0

The Fourth Industrial Revolution, fueled by the internet of things (IoT), is dramatically reshaping the manufacturing landscape. This new era, often referred to as Industry 4.0, integrates advanced digital technologies with traditional manufacturing processes, creating a highly automated and interconnected production environment. From factory floors to our daily lives, sensors are now ubiquitous, connecting disparate systems and driving unprecedented innovation and advancements in productivi

Meta to offer Facebook and Instagram users in Europe less personalized ads after pressure from regulators

Facebook and Instagram users in Europe will get the option to see less personalized ads if they don’t want to pay for an ad-free subscription, social media company Meta s

NASA explores building the Prius of airliners

If hybrid cars can cut CO2 emissions on the road, can hybrid-electric planes do the same in the air? 

NASA is exploring that possibility, announcing this week two contracts to aviation startup Electra. The company claims it can meet NASA’s goal of reducing airliner fuel use by 60% to 80% by 2035 with a hybrid design that features generators powering motors to drive a large number of propellers. While this may sound like a convoluted way

TikTok users want to know who their favorite influencers voted for in the election

Influencers have played a big role in this election cycle. Hundreds of typically nonpolitical content creators have been using their platforms to endorse candidates on both sides of the political spectrum. Funnily enough, those who said nothing on election day actually ended up being the loudest. 

“Speaking as an influencer, a lot of your favorite influencers are fucking emba

Google Ad Manager Launches Curation Capabilities For Agencies via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Google Ad Manager launches new curation capabilities, allowing agencies to buy curated audiences and inventory packages in one central location.

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Google SERPs Without Favicons Is A Glitch via @sejournal, @martinibuster

A report suggested that Google was testing SERPs without favicons, but Google confirmed this was unintentional and not a test

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Microsoft and the Vatican unveiled this AI collaboration

The Vatican and Microsoft on Monday unveiled a digital twin of St. Peter’s Basilica that uses artificial intelligence to explore one of the world’s most important monu

Filter Bubble: What Playbooks No Longer Serve You? via @sejournal, @Kevin_Indig

In the age of AI, organic growth strategies must evolve. Success now relies on authentic connections, brand consistency, and strong social media presence.

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Google Is Updating Its Customer Match Policy via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Learn about Google Ads' Customer Match policy update, effective January 2025, and how to maintain compliance to avoid potential access restrictions.

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Google’s Martin Splitt: Duplicate Content Doesn’t Impact Site Quality via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google Search Advocate clarifies that duplicate content poses operational challenges but doesn't penalize website rankings, offering three practical solutions.

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SEO Trends For 2025 via @sejournal, @BennyJamminS

Maximize your SEO efforts in 2025 with key trends and insights from six industry experts. Download the latest version of our SEO Trends ebook.

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Tech can help you take care of your aging parents. Start with these 5 devices

Most of us wish our parents would live as long as humanly possible, but some challenges arise if our wishes come true. While every individual is different, advanced aging usually brings about mobility issues and increased risk from things that may not have impacted us too much when we were younger, such as minor falls. The older a person gets, the more likely they will need care around the house and require more frequent observation.

Yet even though we may want to be there at all t

9 ways AI can make your banking job easier

Banking isn’t really about money: It is about people. People who have money, yes, but in order to build a successful career in banking, you’ve got to be able to build a trusting relationship with clients.

On that front, AI can help, creating new ways to make the relationship more flexible and productive. However, bankers do need to be careful that AI doesn’t replace the human in that relationship. Here are nine ways that AI can help bankers be more productive and cre

These new AI tools are promoted as study aids, but they may be doing more harm than good

Once upon a time, educators worried about the dangers of CliffsNotes—study guides that rendered great works of literature as a series of bullet points that many students used as a replacement for actually doing the reading.

Today, that sure seems quaint.

Suddenly, new consumer AI tools have hit the market that can take any piece of text, audio or video and provide that same kind of simplified summary. And those summaries aren’t just a series of quippy text in bullet point

How To Avoid Search Budget Cannibalization For A Better Share Of Spend via @sejournal, @jonkagan

Find out how shared budgets can negatively impact your search marketing campaigns and what you can do to prevent budget cannibalization.

The post How To Avoid Search Budget Cannibalization For A Better Share Of Spend appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

WordPress Elementor Addons Vulnerability Affects 400k Sites via @sejournal, @martinibuster

WordPress Happy Addons for Elementor plugin patched a stored XSS vulnerability in its Elementor plugin that allowed malicious script uploads.

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A student of Geoff Hinton, Yan Lacun, and Jeff Dean explains where AI is headed

Ben and Ryan are joined by Matt Zeiler, founder and CEO of Clarifai, an AI workflow orchestration platform. They talk about how the transformer architecture supplanted convolutional neural networks in AI applications, the infrastructure required for AI implementation, the implications of regulating AI, and the value of synthetic data.

At 30 years old, is Ruby in a mid-life crisis or a renaissance?

Ruby’s creator, Yukihiro Matsumoto (Matz), released the first public version of the programming language in December 1995, making Ruby just shy of its 30th birthday. It spread across Japanese-language Usenet newsgroups, a popular way of exchanging conversation and medi

3mo | The Next Web
How close are we to an accurate AI fake news detector?

In the ambitious pursuit to tackle the harms from false content on social media and news websites, data scientists are getting creative. While still in their training wheels, the large language models (LLMs) used to create chatbots like ChatGPT are being recruited to

3mo | The Next Web
#452 – Dario Amodei: Anthropic CEO on Claude, AGI & the Future of AI & Humanity

Dario Amodei is the CEO of Anthropic, the company that created Claude. Amanda Askell is an AI researcher working on Claude's character and personality. Chris Olah is an AI researcher working on mechanistic interpretability. Thank you for listening ❤ Check out our sponsors: See below for timestamps, transcript, and to give feedback, submit questions, contact Lex, etc.


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How OpenAI and rivals are overcoming limitations of current AI models

Artificial intelligence companies like OpenAI are seeking to overcome unexpected delays and challenges in the pursuit of ever-bigger large language models by developing training techniques that use more human-like ways for algorithms to “think”.

A dozen AI scientists, researchers and investors told Reuters they believe that these techniques, which are

Can AI therapists save us from the global mental health crisis?

The global mental health crisis is deepening, exacerbated by a chronic shortage of qualified professionals. Per a report by the World Health Organization, mental health disorders affect one in four people globally d

Podivuhodné astrocyty v mozku ukládají vzpomínky jako živá kartotéka

Fascinující objev při výzkumu na myších prozradil, že se astrocyty, bohatě větvené neuroglie, považované za čistě podpůrné buňky, aktivně podílejí na tvorbě paměti. Hrají zásadní roli při ukládání vzpomínek i při jejich vyvolávání. Vše nasvědčuje tomu, že astrocyty jsou aktivní součástí operačního biosystému našeho mozku.

4mo |
3 simple steps for freeing up Gmail storage space in minutes

One of the Gmail accounts in the Aamoth household just started showing the dreaded “Account storage is full” banner, which means it’s time for a good scrubbing.

It’s not surprising: With all the emails, attachments, and documents we accumulate over time, it’s easy for our Gmail accounts to run low on available storage.

Luckily, there are a few easy ways to free up Gmail space in a matter of minutes.


Amazon is developing this tool for its drivers to speed up deliveries

Amazon is developing smart eyeglasses for its delivery drivers to guide them to, around and within buildings, as it tries to smooth the final stretch of an

Say Goodbye to Passwords

It’s been a couple of years since Apple, Google, and Microsoft started trying to kill the password, and its demise seems more likely than ever.

In 2022, all three companies embraced an alternative called passkeys, which sync securely between your devices and are protected by face recognition, a fingerprint, or a PIN. The thinking goes that if you don’t have to remember a password—or even create one in a password manager—you’re less likely to fall prey to phishing

140 Social Sharing Sites That Boost SEO & Drive Traffic via @sejournal, @jonleeclark

Explore how your content shared through bookmarking sites can help you build quality links and increase your visibility on search engines.

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Performance Max For Ecommerce: Advanced Strategies And Pitfalls To Avoid

Discover how to succeed with Performance Max for ecommerce and implement a strategic campaign segmentation approach to maximize conversions.

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PPC And Paid Media Budget Planning Tips for 2025 via @sejournal, @LisaRocksSEM

Don't let budget uncertainty hold back your PPC success. This guide will help you allocate your resources strategically and maximize your campaign's performance.

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These tweaks will make your iPhone simpler to use

This story first appeared in Advisorator, Jared’s weekly tech advice newsletter. Sign up for free to get more tips every Tuesday.

When my new iPhone 16 Pro Max arrived last month, I saw it not just as another gadget to play with, but as motivation to clean house.

My iOS installation has gotten so cluttered over the years that I’v

Mohou Ukrajinci vyvinout atomovou bombu?

V posledních týdnech se v médiích objevily zprávy o potenciálních jaderných záměrech Ukrajiny [1,2,3]. Ukrajina byla zavázána zbavit se všech Sovětských jaderných hlavic výměnou za územní integritu v rámci Budapešťského memoranda, to však zjevně dnes již neplatí. Krom Budapešťského memoranda je Ukrajina i signatářem smlouvy o nešíření jaderných zbraní [4]. Na druhou stranu signatářem této smlouvy byla i Severní Korea a ta jaderné zbraně dnes vlastní [5].

4mo |
Kvantové víry potvrzují supratekutost v suprapevné hmotě

Fyzici nadšeně zkoumají nedávno pozorované suprapevné látky (supersolids), které je možné vytvořit v ultrachladných dipolárních kvantových plynech. Teď v suprapevné látce pozorovali kvantové víry (quantum vortices), které vznikají jako součást reakce systému na rotaci. Něco takového bylo donedávna považováno za nesmírně obtížné.

4mo |
Teens learn a new conspiracy theory every week on social media yet most schools aren’t teaching media literacy

How often do you come in contact with a conspiracy theory? 

Maybe on occasion, when you flip through TV channels and land on an episode of “Ancient Aliens.” Or perhaps when a friend from high school shares a questionable meme on Facebook. 

How confident are you in your ability to tell fact from fiction? 

If you’re a teen, you could be exposed to conspiracy theories and a host of other pieces of misinformation as frequently as every day while scrol

This instant privacy inspector exposes the web’s tracking secrets

A blacklight can reveal all sorts of secrets that are invisible to the naked eye.

So what if you had a virtual blacklight for the web—a way to shine an illuminating glow on the sites you visit and reveal what’s really happening with ’em beneath the surface?

My friend, have I got just the tool for you today.

Unearth all sorts of little-known tech treasures with my free Cool

Polaris Spaceplanes konečně zvládli test lineárního pohonu aerospike

Demonstrační letoun MIRA II, který vzlétl z Peneemünde, zažehl za letu experimentální lineární pohon aerospike AS-1 LOX. Motor běžel 3 sekundy a stal se prvním motorem tohoto typu, který doopravdy poháněl letoun během letu. Po sérii testů by měl přijít na řadu o něco větší demonstrátor Nova a pak již kosmoplán Aurora, k němuž společnost Polaris směřuje.

4mo |
Živly jako kořeny a živly jako prvky

Cesta živlů od kořenů k prvkům začíná romanticky, přestože šlo o jeden z prvních pokusů o reduktivní výklad přírodního dění. Živly jakožto kořeny všeho u Empedokla, pak živly jakožto prvky u Aristotela. A taky kvintesence. Hippokratés se bez živlů ještě obešel (navzdory převažující populární verzi), zato alchymisté je často pěstují, až Boyle zavede pojem prvek v novodobém smyslu slova.

4mo |
LinkedIn billionaire Reid Hoffman on staying positive after Trump’s win

Following Donald Trump’s election victory, Reid Hoffman—cofounder of LinkedIn, partner at Greylock, and a major donor to Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign—is figuring out where business, tech, and his own energy go from here. Hoffman shares his reaction to the election and what the outcome means for Silicon Valley, the overall economy, and more. Despite being a vocal critic of Tr

AI’s dominance is not inevitable, according to a tech ethicist

Anyone following the rhetoric around artificial intelligence in recent years has heard one version or another of the claim that AI is inevitable. Common themes are that AI is already here, it is indispensable, and people who are bearish on it harm themselves.

In the business world

Latest Google AIO Updates May Impact SEO via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Volatility in Google AI Overviews for shopping queries has stabilized, and rankings increasingly mirror organic search results

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