
príspevky od Tomas_r2
Nebius is tripling Nvidia GPU capacity at its AI data centre in Finland

“Welcome on board. I have been tasked with taking you to Mäntsälä — in the middle of nowhere,” the minivan driver greets us in the characteristic clear and unhurried intonations of a Finnish native speaker. Mäntsälä is, indeed, in the middle of nowher

5mo | The Next Web
Stockholm startup Lovable raises $7.5M for AI coding assistant

Stockholm-based Lovable has raised $7.5mn in pre-seed funding for its newly-launched AI coding assistant that promises to make everyone a dev. Dubbed GPT Engineer, the AI coding tool generates production-ready code in real-time, without requiring developer exp

5mo | The Next Web
Think you don’t need observability? Think again

Ben and Ryan chat with Daniela Miao, cofounder and CTO of Momento, a real-time data platform. They discuss the advantages of real-time observability, the challenges of multi-tenancy in databases and caching, the use of WebAssembly in UI development, and the benefits of Rust. Daniela also shares her experiences working at AWS and a startup focused on observability, which led to the creation of Momento.

Microsoft Ads Makes Copilot Advancements via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Microsoft unveiled some significant updates to its conversational Copilot experience for users and advertisers. See how they can help boost PPC campaign productivity.

The post Microsoft Ads Makes Copilot Advancements appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

JEC Tower: První kilometrový mrakodrap světa opěr roste k nebesům

S kilometrovým mrakodrapem Kingdom Tower v saúdskoarabské Džiddě to dlouho vypadalo bledě. Stavba od ledna 2018 stála. Loni v září (2023) ale přišel zvrat a vlastník projektu Jeddah Economic Company ohlásil restart. Mrakodrap, který se teď jmenuje JEC Tower, už zase roste do výšky, která by měla dosáhnout 1 007 metrů. Hotovo by mělo být v roce 2028.

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Google ordered to open up Play app store to competition

A U.S. judge on Monday ordered Alphabet’s Google to overhaul its mobile app business to give Android users more options to download apps and to pay for transactions within them, following a jury verdict last year for Fortnite maker Epic Games.

The injunction by U.S. District Judge James Donato in San Francisco outlined the changes Google must undertake to op

This was the most disturbing part of Elon Musk’s Trump rally speech

Elon Musk achieved platinum meme status and got ridiculed on Saturday Night Live for gleefully leaping onstage at a Trump rally over the weekend. But a photo of Trump glowering as the Tesla tycoon flung himself skyward was far from Musk’s mos

American Water Works cyberattack: Water supplier says its systems were hacked

The largest supplier of drinking water and wastewater services in the U.S. is the latest target to be hit by hackers. 

American Water Works, which provides drinking water and wastewater services to more than 14 million people in 14 states and on 18 military installations, said hackers breached its computer networks and systems on Thursday. 

Taking protective steps after becoming aware of the unauthorized activity, including shutting down certain systems, the New Jers

Elektrické včely: Jak roj včel zvládne vyvolat větší náboj než bouřkový mrak

Vědci z Bristolské univerzity nedávno odhalili fascinující objev – roje včel mohou generovat elektrický náboj až 1 000 voltů na metr, což je více než při bouřkových mracích nebo elektrifikovaných prachových bouřích. Tým vědců sledoval včelí roje pomocí monitorů elektrického pole a zjistil, že hustota roje významně ovlivňuje velikost generovaného náboje. Experimentální data přinesla nejen nové otázky o chování včel, ale také důležité poznatky o roli biotických zdrojů elektrické energie v atmosféř

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This new AI answer engine plans to pay media companies for their content

When ChatGPT launched two years ago, it blew open the doors to a new way to search for information online. Instead of sifting through a search engine’s list of links, users can now query a chatbot and get an actual answer. Today, AI titans like Google and OpenAI and upstarts like Perplexity are all working on their versions of AI overviews and answer engines—new ways to deliver

How chatbots can win over crackpots 

Technology is inherently neutral. Whether it is used for good or evil depends upon whose hands it lands in—and what they do with it. At least, so goes the argument that most of us have come to accept as a framework for assessing—and potentially regulating—the role of artificial intelligence.

We have all read about AI’s benefits as celebrated by techno-optimists, and the risks warned by

How Helene conspiracy theories on social media are harming disaster relief efforts

In the wake of the devastation of Hurricane Helene in the United States this week, a new storm emerged on social media — false rumors about how disaster funds have been used, and even claims that o

Leverage Search Intent & Boost Your Visibility With These Expert SEO Strategies via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Join us LIVE on September 25th as we present first-party research data and provide actionable insights to help you improve your site’s organic visibility.

The post Leverage Search Intent & Boost Your Visibility With These Expert SEO Strategies appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

5mo | 1420
Why designers should embrace AI

A lot has been said about the potential—both good and bad—for artificial intelligence to transform the way many industries will operate in the future. As director of innovation for a top-ranked architecture, engineering, and consulting firm, I welcome these new developments and believe there is a huge opportunity for the firms that capitalize on them now.

At its core, this is an exercise in change management, and we all know that in our industry, we can be slow to embrace new thing

Digital skills needed for North America’s economic future

At the Exceptional Women Alliance (EWA), we enable high-level women to mentor each other to achieve personal and professional happiness through sisterhood. As the nonprofit organization’s founder, chair, and CEO, I am honored to interview and share insights from thought leaders who are part of our peer-to-peer mentoring.

This month I introduce to you Shannon Leininger, president of Cisco Canada. She will share insights on today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape and why con

The EU has helped us understand exactly how horny people are

Three in 10 of the Dutch population visit Stripchat, PornHub, or XVideos every month—compared to 16.4% of Germans. But both countries pale in comparison to Spain, where 59.4% of people log onto a porn site every month.

That’s according to a new analysis by Mathias Vermeulen, director of AWO, a data rights agency based in Europe. Vermeulen trawled through the data released by the three adult platforms, who come u

Optimizing International PPC Campaigns: Best Practices For Keyword Localization via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Unlock global PPC success with expert tips on keyword localization, tailored bidding, and creative adaptation. Learn how to optimize international campaigns for maximum impact.

The post Optimizing International PPC Campaigns: Best Practices For Keyword Localization appeared first on Search Engine Journal

Primordiální černé díry se mohou skrývat na planetkách či měsících

Najdeme vytoužený důkaz existence primordiálních černých děr v dutých planetkách či měsících? Anebo v nanotunelech vyhlodaných maličkými černými dírami v běžném materiálu kolem nás? Podle dvojice fyziků je to dobrá šance, jak tyto přízračné astrofyzikální objekty objevit.

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What European founders need to know about US vs EU market expansion

The recently released EU Competitiveness Report from the European Commission delivered a stark message to the bloc’s tech sector. As Mario Draghi, lead author of the report, warned, Europe faces ‘’an existential challenge’’. “The problem is not that Europe lack

5mo | The Next Web
How Charlie Health wants to tackle the loneliness epidemic

Loneliness is reaching epidemic levels, driving up cases of anxiety, depression, and contributing to record-high suicide rates. Carter Barnhart, founder of the virtual mental health platform Charlie Health, says the issue goes beyond simple explanations like social media overuse. Rather, she points to our collective inability to connect. Barnhart seeks to build a collaborative solution to help people relearn the power of authentic connection. (Note: Today’s Rapid Response incl

Faceted Navigation: Best Practices For SEO via @sejournal, @natalieannhoben

Explore the benefits of using faceted navigation on large ecommerce websites to enhance user experience and optimize crawl budget.

The post Faceted Navigation: Best Practices For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Jak účinně bojovat s dezinformacemi? Zapojte emoce!

Dezinformační kampani v Irsku se před pár lety povedlo potopit očkování proti lidskému papilomaviru o více než 30 procent. Oficiální protikampaň založená na faktech naprosto selhala. Pak se ale do věci vložila Laura Brennanová s terminálním nádorem děložního čípku, jejíž emotivní příběh, s podporou odborníků, přinesl zvrat a zásadně pomohl vrátit proočkování na původní hodnoty.

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Faceted Navigation: Best Practices For SEO via @sejournal, @natalieannhoben

Explore the benefits of using faceted navigation on large ecommerce websites to enhance user experience and optimize crawl budget.

The post Faceted Navigation: Best Practices For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How To Set Up Your First Paid Search Campaign via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Learn how to set up your first paid search campaign with this step-by-step guide, covering goals, keyword research, ad copy, and more.

The post How To Set Up Your First Paid Search Campaign appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

#447 – Cursor Team: Future of Programming with AI

Aman Sanger, Arvid Lunnemark, Michael Truell, and Sualeh Asif are creators of Cursor, a popular code editor that specializes in AI-assisted programming. Thank you for listening ❤ Check out our sponsors: See below for timestamps, transcript, and to give feedback, submit questions, contact Lex, etc.


CONTACT LEX: Feedback - give feedback to Lex: AMA - submit questions,

Kosmický plazmový motor Super Magdrive letí na železo

Britští Magdrive vyvinuli plazmový motor Super Magdrive, který s využitím solární energie ionizuje železo a tím vytváří tah. Kosmická loď s takovým pohonem, pokud se osvědčí, by si mohla těžit palivo na kometách, planetkách nebo dalších tělesech Sluneční soustavy a operovat prakticky věčně bez nutnosti návratu na Zemi.

5mo |
Stopy antihmoty v kosmickém záření by mohly být „živou vodou“ pro WIMPy

S WIMPy jakožto kandidáty na chladnou temnou vodu to vůbec nevypadá dobře. V poslední době schytávají jednu ránu za druhou. Chytí se příslovečného stébla, které jim teď nečekaně nabízejí zvláštní výsledky experimentu AMS-02 na ISS, které odhalily nečekané množství antijader antihelia?

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10 years in, the Try Guys expand their universe with a new streaming platform

Ten years ago, four Buzzfeed staffers took the site’s pivot to video as an opportunity to film themselves trying things they’d never done before. With a video of them trying on women’s underwear that went viral, the Try Guys were born.

Since then, the guys—Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, and Ned Fulmer—have risen to internet fame, branched off from Buzzfeed, toured a live show globally, and grown their content scope to include roughly two dozen

WhatsApp vs. Apple Messages: Which is the better messaging app in 2024?

Messaging apps are one of the most frequently used apps on our phones. There’s probably not a day that goes by when most people don’t hear a ding alerting them to a new text. There’s also no shortage of messaging apps. But when it comes to the juggernauts, there are two: Meta’s WhatsApp and Apple’s Messages, the latter of which just got

This slick tool monitors any web page for updates

Email newsletters are great. When there’s an update, it comes straight to your inbox. You don’t have to check a web page over and over again.

But many websites don’t offer email updates. You may find yourself repeatedly checking a page to learn when a product comes out, for instance, or to see when new show dates are announced, or to discover when a company posts new job opportunities.

These are just a few examples, of course—there are endless reasons you might find yours

Kompletně zmapovaný mozek octomilky by zasloužil Nobelovku

Početný výzkumný tým dosáhl vytouženého milníku v mapování mozku. Sestavili kompletní mapu mozku, konektom FlyWire, kterou tvoří téměř 140 tisíc neuronů, propojených 50 miliony neurálními spoji. Přesněji řečeno, pověřili tím umělou inteligenci. Teď, když máme mozek octomilky v počítači, budou se dít věci.

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ESA’s ‘planetary defence mission’ has startups dreaming of asteroid mining

Europe’s spacetech elite are making their final preparations for a groundbreaking meeting with an asteroid. A spacecraft called Hera — named after the Greek goddess of marriage — will make the rendezvous. The probe is slated for launch on October 7. If all goes w

5mo | The Next Web
Ukraine’s new F-16 simulator spotlights a ‘paradigm shift’ led from Europe

To the average eye, extended reality is starting to look bleak. The metaverse has bombed, the Apple Vision Pro has flopped, and Sony has all but abandoned the PSVR. Sadly for Mark Zuckerberg, consumers rarely want to strap computers to their faces. But there

5mo | The Next Web
Elon Musk will attend Trump’s Pennsylvania rally at site of first assassination attempt

Elon Musk is set to attend Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, marking an even deeper show of the billionaire’s support for the former president and his shift to the right.

It’s a significant location, as Trump is returning to the scene of the July assassination attempt. “I will be there to support!” Musk

Meta unveils Movie Gen, an AI model that can generate video with sound

Facebook owner Meta announced on Friday it had built a new AI model called Movie Gen that can create realistic-seeming video and audio clips in response to user prompts, claiming it can rival tools from leading media generation startups like OpenAI and

‘Discover the rabbit hole’: Conspiracy theories about Hurricane Helene are all over TikTok

Conspiracy theories have a habit of spiking following natural disasters, and Hurricane Helene is no exception. As the death toll topped 200 on Friday morning, the conspiracy theorists are out in full f

‘Please don’t’: Jenna Ortega is asking TikTokers to stop messing with Wednesday Addams dolls

Jenna Ortega has made her feelings known about a viral TikTok trend that involves a plush doll of her Wednesday Addams character.

The trend sees TikTok users posting videos of themselves flipping the dolls’ hair inside out so the character appears bald. “Just doing Gods work,” a TikTok

Google’s AI Overviews Avoid Political Content, New Data Shows via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Study reveals Google's cautious approach to AI-generated content in sensitive search results, varying across health, finance, legal, and political topics.

The post Google’s AI Overviews Avoid Political Content, New Data Shows appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Why the OpenAI-to-Anthropic pipeline remains so strong

The pipeline from OpenAI to Anthropic remains strong as ever, with cofounder Durk Kingma becoming the latest high-profile figure to make the move. On Tuesday, Kingma, one of the lesser-known cofounders of OpenAI, joined Anthropic, best known for developing the rival AI chatbot Claude. 

In a series of posts on X, Kingma

Microsoft and the DOJ intercept this Russian hacking group’s spear phishing campaign

A hacking group tied to Russian intelligence tried to worm its way into the systems of dozens of Western think tanks, journalists and former military and intelligence officials,

Alphabet’s Waymo will expand its robotaxi fleet with Hyundai EVs

Alphabet’s Waymo will add electric vehicles from South Korea’s Hyundai Motor to its robotaxi fleet, the companies said on Friday, as Waymo expands in the United States.

On-road testing for ION

The shocking rise and fall of elite cybersecurity firm IronNet

The future was once dazzling for IronNet.

Founded by a former director of the National Security Agency and stacked with elite members of the U.S. intelligence establishment, IronNet promised it was going to revolutionize the way governments and corporations comb

Meet the AI native developers who build software through prompt engineering

On today’s episode we chat with Crystal Xu, chief of staff at FSH Tech. She explains how she learned to build and deploy apps and services inside her company using Python and Java, without ever getting a traditional computer science education or training to write code. Instead, Xu works with GenAI systems like ChatGPT, Cursor, and Replit to build software through prompt engineering.

Scammers are flooding Trump’s new crypto exchange

Back in September, Donald Trump announced his new crypto exchange, World Liberty Financial (WLFI). Now, registered investors can officially sign up for the whitelist—assuming they can avoid the scammers.

On X (formerly Twitter), World Liberty Financial’s announcement is swarmed with false replica accounts. These fakes steal WLFI’s profile photo and verbiage, but

‘Plot twists’ and ‘new opportunities’: Why TikTok is buzzing about the ‘October theory’

If there’s one thing TikTok loves, it’s a theory. First there was the “invisible string theory,” then the “orange peel theory.” This month it’s the “October theory.”

The start of October signals the first full month of fall, filled with

We’ve entered the AI grift era

For years, Y Combinator has been revered as a highly selective startup accelerator with a hit rate that far exceeds the law of averages. But one of its latest companies has raised a few eyebrows, and prompted questions about whether AI grifters have caught up with the innovators.

PearAI, an AI-powered code editor, launched last wee

I’m addicted to TikTok. I’m begging the government to ban it

I downloaded TikTok back in 2020, by which point it had moved from cringe teen fad to pandemic must-have. Since then, I’ve seen my attention span fracture and metastasize. The endless scroll subsumed me, along with some 48 million others in my Gen Z cohort.

Now, TikTok’s status in the United States is being questioned. A looming

The 10 Best Headless CMS Platforms To Consider via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

These solutions are ideal for developers seeking a decoupled approach. Explore our top picks and make an informed decision.

The post The 10 Best Headless CMS Platforms To Consider appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

AI startup Poolside raises $500M as AI coding market booms

AI startup Poolside has raised a whopping $500mn — and it still hasn’t even launched a product. Despite the barren release schedule, the company has become an investors’ darling. The new Series B round brings Poolside’s total funding to $626mn. Its valuation no

5mo | The Next Web
Why airlines are turning to Starlink for in-flight Wi-Fi

Last week, Air France was the latest major airline to announce it will be moving its in-flight Wi-Fi to the Starlink network, offering it for free to members of its frequent flier program. 

Starlink overtook a group of GEO providers, including Anuvu, Intelsat, Panasonic Avionics, and Orange Business, across a fleet of over 200 aircraft. The announcement comes just weeks after United Airlines also revealed it will be moving its in-flight connectivity service to Starlink across