Feed-through terminal block, Connection method: Screw connection, Solder connection, Load current : 57 A, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 10 mm², AWG 24 - 10, Connection direction of the conductor to plug-in
Feed-through terminal block, Connection method: Screw connection, Solder connection, Load current : 57 A, Cross section: 0.2 mm² - 10 mm², AWG 24 - 10, Connection direction of the conductor to plug-in
Hybridný konektor PCB, menovitý prúd: 41 A, menovité napätie (III / 2): 1000 V, počet pólov: 8, rozteč: 7,62 mm, typ pripojenia: Pružinové pripojenie push-in, farba: zelená, povrch kontaktu: cín Tento
Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Rated voltage (III/2): 320 V, Number of positions: 8, Pitch: 5 mm, Color: green, Contact surface: Tin, Assembly: Soldering obsah, množstvo obsiahnutého obsahu na objedna
Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Rated voltage (III/2): 320 V, Number of positions: 7, Pitch: 5.08 mm, Color: green, Contact surface: Tin, Assembly: Soldering obsah, množstvo obsiahnutého obsahu na obje
Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Number of positions: 16, Pitch: 5 mm, Color: Black, Contact surface: Tin obsah, množstvo obsiahnutého obsahu na objednaný obsah: 50 ks·Počet riadkov: 1·Počet pólov: 16
Plug component, Nominal current: 6 A, Rated voltage (III/2): 200 V, Number of positions: 4, Pitch: 3.81 mm, Connection method: Insulation displacement connection QUICKON, Color: green, Contact surface
Konektor do DPS Phoenix Contact MCV 1,5/11-GF-3,81 1830680, 52.30 mm, pólů 11, rozteč 3.81 mm, 50 ks
Header, Nominal current: 8 A, Rated voltage (III/2): 160 V, Number of positions: 11, Pitch: 3.81 mm, Color: green, Contact surface: Tin, Assembly: Soldering obsah, množstvo obsiahnutého obsahu na obje
Plug component, Nominal current: 12 A, Rated voltage (III/2): 320 V, Number of positions: 3, Pitch: 5.08 mm, Connection method: Screw connection, Color: green, Contact surface: Gold obsah, množstvo ob
Header, Nominal current: 12 A, Rated voltage (III/2): 320 V, Number of positions: 10, Pitch: 5.08 mm, Color: Black, Contact surface: Tin, Assembly: Soldering obsah, množstvo obsiahnutého obsahu na obj
Plug component, Nominal current: 8 A, Number of positions: 4, Pitch: 3.81 mm, Connection method: Spring-cage conn., Color: green, Contact surface: Tin obsah, množstvo obsiahnutého obsahu na objednaný
Pripojenie push-in, ktoré šetrí čas, bez použitia nástrojov. Definovaná prítlačná sila zaisťuje dlhodobo stabilný kontakt. Intuitívne použitie vďaka farebne kontrastnému tlačidlu. Integrovaná oceľová