ApparenceKit CLI 3.0.0 release note: RevenueCat, Anonymous authentication and more

ApparenceKit has now been updated to version 3.0.0. This update brings a lot of new features and improvements.It's been 6 months since ApparenceKit was released. It's been a great success and I am very proud of it.With this new version, I hope to mak...

Understanding Getter and Setter in Dart

In object-oriented programming, encapsulation is a fundamental concept that promotes the idea of bundling data and methods that operate on the data within a single unit, known as a class. Encapsulation helps in hiding the internal state of an object ...

Improving Flutter Web App Performance

I have been building my portfolio website using Flutter Web (you can visit it by clicking here). Turns out Flutter kind of sucks when it comes to building websites. It happens because flutter builds WebApps and not websites. These webapps often stutt...

Slider widget and Attributes

The Slider widget in Flutter is a user interface element that allows users to select a value from a continuous range by dragging a thumb along a track. It's commonly used for settings, adjusting volume, brightness, or any other numerical values. Attr...

Language Translation using MLKit in Flutter - Part 1

Language Translation is a difficult task and training our model for it makes it even Harder. But Google MLKit makes the task easier. Google's machine learning expertise is now available to mobile developers with Google ML Kit. This package is easy to...

RangeSlider widget and Attributes

The RangeSlider widget in Flutter is similar to the Slider widget but allows users to select a range of values instead of just a single value. It's commonly used for selecting a range of values, such as specifying a range of dates, prices, or any oth...

CupertinoSlider widget and Attributes

The CupertinoSlider widget in Flutter is a slider widget designed to mimic the iOS-style slider found in Cupertino (iOS) applications. It allows users to select a value from a continuous range by dragging a thumb along a track, providing a native-lik...

AnimatedCrossFade Widget and Attributes

The AnimatedCrossFade widget in Flutter is used to smoothly transition between two children widgets with a cross-fade animation. It's commonly used to animate changes between two different states or views, providing a visually appealing transition ef...

AlertDialog Widget in Attributes

The AlertDialog widget in Flutter is used to display an alert dialog box that typically informs the user about critical information or prompts them to make a decision. Attributes:

title (Widget):

The title of the alert dialog. It's typically a Text...

The annoying Cocoapods error

I lost count of how many times I encountered a Cocoapods error whenever I build a Flutter app for iOS or macOS, especially through VS Code. It looks like this: Warning: CocoaPods is installed but broken. Skipping pod install. You appear to have Coc...
