Dart extensions allow you to add new functionality to existing classes, including classes that you don't have access to modify.
extension StringExtension on String { int customLength() { return this.length * 2; } }
void main() { ... https://jeetbhalu.hashnode.dev/dart-extension-method

Fala, devs. Blz? Hoje vamos dar continuidade a série "Dominando o Firebase em Aplicativos Flutter" uma sequencia de artigos sobre as principais funcionalidades do Firebase e como integrá-las ao seu aplicativo Flutter.💙 O Firebase realmente é uma fer... https://ianoliveira.dev/configurando-o-firebase-no-flutter

React Native, Jetpack Compose & Swift UI, avec ou sans KMM, Flutter… voilà nos candidats 💪 Nous vous exposons dans cet article les critères qui ont guidés notre choix.
💡 Chez Primary, pour nos patients, nous développons une appli mobile compagnon ... https://engineeringblog.helloprimary.care/notre-choix-de-flutter

The DefaultTabController widget in Flutter is a powerful tool for managing a tab-based user interface. It helps to synchronize the state of a TabBar and a TabBarView, ensuring that they work together seamlessly. Key Attributes of the DefaultTabContro... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/defaulttabcontroller-widget-and-attributes

The Drawer widget in Flutter serves as a slide-in menu that allows navigation and access to various application features. It is commonly used to create a navigation menu in mobile applications, providing an intuitive user interface. Key Attributes of... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/drawer-widget-and-attributes-1

The TweenAnimationBuilder widget in Flutter is a powerful tool for creating smooth and dynamic animations by interpolating values between a range defined by a Tween. It simplifies the animation process by eliminating the need for a separate Animation... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/tweenanimationbuilder-widget-and-attributes

Cupertino widgets in Flutter are specifically designed to mimic the visual design language of iOS. These widgets provide a native and consistent look and feel for iOS applications, allowing developers to create seamless cross-platform experiences. Ke... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/cupertino-widget-and-attributes

The DraggableScrollableSheet widget in Flutter provides a draggable bottom sheet that can contain scrollable content. It is commonly used to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces where users can interact with the sheet by dragging and view s... https://vinitmepani.hashnode.dev/draggablescrollablesheet-widget-and-attributes

What is Loop?
A loop is used in Dart or any other programming language to repeat a sequence of commands a given number of times or until it satisfies a condition.
void main()
int i;
for (i = 2; i <= 1024; i *= 2)

Anchal Rastogi ~ 5 min read | Published on Feb 28, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENT
- Flutter NullPointerException
- Flutter IndexError
- Flutter TypeError
- Flutter FormatException
- Flutter ArgumentError
- Flutter StateError
- Flutter Out... https://zipyteam.hashnode.dev/9-common-flutter-errors-effective-error-handling-in-flutter-1