CircularProgressIndicator widget and Attributes

The CircularProgressIndicator widget in Flutter is a circular progress indicator commonly used to indicate that a process is ongoing or to represent the progress of a task. Attributes:

value (double):

The current progress value of the indicator. If...

ClipPath widget and Attributes

The ClipPath widget in Flutter is used to create custom-shaped clips for child widgets. It allows you to clip a child widget using a custom path, providing a way to create complex and unique shapes. Attributes:

clipper (CustomClipper

A cust...

Riverpod Extensions

This post is based off a presentation I did at Devfest 2023 in Cape Town on 23 Nov 2023. VIDEO | PRESENTATION

Previously we took a look at what Riverpod is, in this post we Weill take a look at the extension methods provided by Riverpod.

To help w...

Flutter for Beginners: Dive into App Development (Made Easy!)

Imagine this: You have an idea for a cool app, but coding seems like a complicated mystery. Well, fret no more! Flutter is here to make your app development journey smooth and fun, even if you're a complete beginner. Think of Flutter like a box of co...

Vertical Viewport Was Given Unbounded Height In Flutter Hell

If you've ever done and Flutter UI development, you'll eventually encounter the Error: "Vertical Viewport Was Given Unbounded Height". And it won't be pretty. You'll see a long stack trace, and lots of text to read. I don't know about you but I usual...

Macos  Installation

Install Homebrew From Here.

Type brew tap dart-lang/dart in the terminal.

Type brew install dart in the terminal.

If you have any issues installing the dart.

Homebrew Install Command Copy and paste this command on your terminal to install Homebr...

Notre choix de Flutter

React Native, Jetpack Compose & Swift UI, avec ou sans KMM, Flutter… voilà nos candidats 💪 Nous vous exposons dans cet article les critères qui ont guidés notre choix.

💡 Chez Primary, pour nos patients, nous développons une appli mobile compagnon ...

Windows   Installation

Download Dart Sdk form Here select os:-Windows.

Copy Dart sdk from Your C Drive.

Add C:\dart-sdk/bin to your environment variable.

open the command prompt and type dart --version to check it.

Install vs code and Add Dart Extension.

CupertinoActivityIndicator widget and Attributes

The CupertinoActivityIndicator widget in Flutter is part of the Cupertino (iOS-style) library and is used to display an iOS-style activity indicator, commonly known as a spinner. It indicates that some operation is ongoing and provides a visual repre...

Dio is your best friend (in Flutter projects)

Recently I have given a talk about the dio package for Google's International Women's Day celebration. Here are the slides as promised:
