Die Rucksackbande will das Schlossmuseum ausrauben! Können der Polizist Daniel und seine Kollegin die Krone und den Schmuck retten? Mit Spielen und Sprachübungen Audioaufnahme der Geschichte und des L
Je suis une chanteuse et en été je chante ! Vous aimez chanter ? Et bien dansez maintenant ! Il fait trand232s chaud en été mais la fourmi travaille beaucoup. La cigale naime pas travailler, elle préf
Kniha: Erste Eli Lektüren Niveau 3 (DaF A1.1): Schneewittchenund die sieben Zwerge + multi-ROM; Show White and the Seven Dwarves adapted for young learners of German as a foreign language, accompanied
Freundschaft ist unabhängig von der Hautfarbe. Themen Freundschaft Schule Charaktereigenschaften Originaltext mit Erklärung schwieriger Wörter als Fußnoten Übungen zu Leseverständnis, Wortschatz und G
It was a hot, hot day her boring sister was reading a boring book with no pictures! and Alice didnt know what to do. When suddenly ... she saw ... a white rabbit. In this Reader you will find Games an
Pour sauver son pčre, Belle se sacrifie et va vivre avec la Bęte. Cette aventure lui réserve de belles surprises et Belle trouve lamour. Jeux et activités Enregistrement de lhistoire Vocabulaire illus
Why doesn?t summer come to the Giant?s garden? Find out how the Selfish Giant changes and learns about friendship. A Giant lives in a castle with a beautiful garden. But the Giant is selfish and wants
Please, sir, can I have some more? asks Oliver. Tags Friendship and hate Social Issues In this Reader you will find Focus on Comprehension activities Glossary of difficult words Test yourself Oliver T
The most important thing is not to think very much about oneself. Virginia Woolf In this book, you will find the diaries of many different people. Here are writers, artists, musicians, and people with
Pollyanna is eleven when she arrives in Beldingsville to live with her aunt, Miss Polly Harrington. It isnt easy for Pollyanna, her aunt is a difficult, cold woman and everyone she meets in the town i
The unmissable story of four sisters whose father is fighting in the American Civil War. Jo, Meg, Amy and Beth are the four March sisters, all very different, but always there for each other. With the
Can you imagine being whooshed away by the wind to a magic land of witches and strange characters? Have you ever met Munchkins or Winkies or monkeys with wings and an all powerful wizard? This is the