
Beiträge von Tomas_r2
Meta Connect 2024: Here are the most exciting hardware updates, from Orion to Quest

Meta hosted its annual Connect conference on Wednesday, which highlighted the social media giant’s push into its artificial intelligence and metaverse ambitions. CEO Mark Zuckerberg took the stage at the developer-centric event to reveal a slew of new hardware and AI features.

Fast Company rounded up a few key updates to come out of the flagship event.

Orion AR glasses

Among the most exciting anno

TikTok Enters Search Ads Market in United States via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Discover how TikTok Search Ads can boost your holiday marketing strategy by targeting high-intent consumers with engaging, intent-driven video ads.

The post TikTok Enters Search Ads Market in United States appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Selhání při přistání: Čínská opětovně použitelná raketa Nebula-1 tvrdě narazila

Čínští Deep Blue Aerospace prováděli v neděli 22. září letový test raketového stupně pro opakované použití Nebula-1. Let probíhal dobře až do závěrečných okamžiků, kdy selhal řídicí systém, provedl přistávací manévr a vypnul motory, aniž by ale Nebula-1 byla na zemi. Došlo k nárazu, který raketu zdemoloval.

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How this studio is using AI to make video games more immersive

For decades, video games have relied on scripted, stilted interactions with non-player characters to help shepherd gamers in their journeys. But as artificial intelligence technology improves, game studios are experimenting with generative AI to help build environments, assist gam

FAA chief urges SpaceX to comply with safety standards after Musk criticizes fine

Elon Musk‘s SpaceX must operate at the “highest level of safety,” the head of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said on Tuesday as he defended a proposed $633,000 fine against the company

The problem with Sam Altman’s vision for a ‘shared prosperity’ from AI

Sam Altman may be right that a bright AI future is coming, but the benefits may not be evenly distributed.

In a rare post on his personal blog on Monday, the OpenAI CEO heralded the coming of an AI-induced “Intelligence Age.” We’re verging on this new prosperity because “deep learning worked,” he writes. And

I found my coworker’s OnlyFans account. Do I tell them?

There are certain social media rules we can all agree on: Ghosting a conversation is impolite, and replying “k” to a text is the equivalent of a backhand slap (violent, wrong, and rude). But what about the rest of the rules? When can we really remind someone of our old Venmo request? What happens when someone tries to flirt with you on LinkedIn?

Fortunately, terminally online writers Delia Cai and St

Fuel Your Lead Goals: How To Optimize Value-Based Bidding For Maximum ROI via @sejournal, @adsliaison

Learn when to start analyzing, which metrics to focus on, and what to adjust to prioritize more of the leads that matter to your business.

The post Fuel Your Lead Goals: How To Optimize Value-Based Bidding For Maximum ROI appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How AI is shaping the future of medicine

At the Exceptional Women Alliance (EWA), we enable high level women to mentor each other to enable each leader to achieve personal and professional happiness through sisterhood. As the nonprofit organization’s founder, chair, and CEO, I am honored to interview and share insights from some of the thought leaders who are part of our peer-to-peer mentoring. This month I introduce to you to Catherine Calarco, board director of Optomed, which is focused on AI and healthcare. She is reco

These 7 issues highlight why healthtech should aim to be less disruptive

America spent $4.8 trillion on healthcare In 2023. If that were a nation’s GDP, it would be the third largest on Earth. No wonder everyone—and so many heathtech startups—aims to fix it.  

But since my company Zocdoc launched in 2007, I have watched waves of self-appointed “disruptors” en

What Jiu-Jitsu taught EA CEO Andrew Wilson about running a company

Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson has drawn up an ambitious blueprint to capture one billion users. Discover how the gaming giant’s leader is tapping into a new community-driven app, working to enhance virtual spaces, and leaning into strategies from Brazilian jiu-jitsu to outmaneuver the competition.

This is an abridged transcript of an interview from Rapid Response, ho

New Study Finds That Review Requests Should Be Treated Like Customer Service

Learn how to level up your online reputation with actionable insights from a major study on review requests and customer service.

The post New Study Finds That Review Requests Should Be Treated Like Customer Service appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

London, Paris, Amsterdam are the leading VC ecosystems in Europe, report finds

London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Berlin are the leading VC ecosystems in Europe, but the region is significantly lagging behind the US and Asia. That’s according to the latest report by PitchBook analysts, who ranked global VC ecosystems based on their developm

5mo | The Next Web
New UK startup raises $12M for personal AI agents with long-term memory

London-based Convergence has raised $12mn in pre-seed funding to further develop its personal AI agents, which can learn using long-term memory much like humans do. Behind the startup are machine learning engineers Marvin Purtorab (CEO) and Andy Toulis (CTO).

5mo | The Next Web
How to tap into Dubai’s growing startup ecosystem: tips for European founders

The United Arab Emirates, and Dubai in particular, has long been the gateway to the Middle East for international businesses. The Emirate is first in the world in terms of attracting Greenfield foreign direct investment and continues to attract

5mo | The Next Web
TikTok removes Russian state media accounts ahead of U.S. election

TikTok has removed accounts associated with Russian state media for engaging in “covert influence operations” ahead of the U.S. presidential election.

The short-form video sharing company said Monday the changes affect accounts associated wi

Fugaku Next: Japonsko připravuje zettaFLOPSový superpočítač

Japonští tvůrci výpočetních monster zahájí v roce 2025 výstavbu superpočítače Fugaku Next, který by měl pokořit zettaFLOPSovou hranici, tedy trilliardu operací v pohyblivé řádové čárce za sekundu. Pokud vše půjde podle plánu, Fugaku Next bude online v roce 2030. Měl by se věnovat umělým inteligencím i tradičnějším typům superpočítačových výpočtů.

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Budou se restartovat odstavené jaderné reaktory?

Elektrifikace dopravy a průmyslu, a hlavně nárůst spotřeby elektřiny datových center v souvislosti se zaváděním umělé inteligence vedou k růstu potřeb elektřiny, který se v budoucnu bude ještě zrychlovat. Zároveň se vypíná řada fosilních zdrojů a začínají dramaticky chybět stabilní zdroje, které nejsou závislé na počasí. Právě datová centra potřebují stabilní dodávky elektřiny. Začíná tak přibývat případů, kdy se uvažuje o znovuspuštění už odstavených jaderných bloků.

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Teenagers are stealing strangers’ Nike zippers. Blame TikTok

Teenagers have found a new way to amuse themselves: Stealing people’s backpack zippers. Not just any zippers, specifically Nike Elite backpack zippers. Why? You’ll have to ask a teenage boy that one. 

TikTokers are going viral on the platform for either showing their collection of removable zippers or mourning their now-zipperless backpacks. While it’s not clear exactly where the trend originated, TikToker @

SEO Content Strategy: Discovering What Your Audience Wants via @sejournal, @CallRail

Discover the latest trends, tips, and strategies in SEO and PPC marketing. Our curated articles offer in-depth analysis, practical advice, and actionable insights to elevate your digital marketing efforts.

The post SEO Content Strategy: Discovering What Your Audience Wants appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Now anyone (with a subscription) can talk to ChatGPT

OpenAI announced on Tuesday it will begin gradually rolling out its Advanced Voice Mode to anybody with a ChatGPT Plus or Teams subscription.

Advanced Voice Mode lets you speak your prompts to ChatGPT and get responses in a natural-sounding voice. The bot also lets you interrupt it and, OpenAI says, can sense and respond to your emotions. 

Within the ChatGPT app, the voice mode is enabled by tapping an audio button next to the message input window. A pop-up message w

Should you be worried about AI?

I’ve worked in AI for 13 years and I’ve encountered a lot of people worried about it. In my opinion, they are worried about the wrong thing. But their worries generally fall into two categories:

  1. Killer robots: When are they going to be here? Just how killer will they be? Do we stand a chance against them?
  2. Superintelligence: An all-seeing hive mind (cameras and any internet connected device are its “eyes and ears”) that can make connections an
WP Engine C&D Alleges “Coercive Threats” By Mullenweg via @sejournal, @martinibuster

WP Engine issued a cease and desist letter to Automattic, citing Matt Mullenweg’s threats to go 'nuclear' if millions of dollars are not paid

The post WP Engine C&D Alleges “Coercive Threats” By Mullenweg appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

This Minnesota plant is getting a $123 million boost from the U.S. government to make more chips

The U.S. Commerce Department said on Tuesday it had finalized a $123 million grant for Polar Semiconductor to expand its plant in Minnesota, which would allow the company to nearly double its U.S. production capacity of power and sensor chips.

The awar

After helping pro athletes hone their game, Uplift Labs launches an app for everyday gymgoers

Uplift Labs has built a reputation with movement analysis software widely used by college and professional sports teams

With just a pair of tripod-mounted iPhones or iPads, the company’s Uplift Capture software can use sophisticated computer vision techniques to track how athletes move, evaluate their performance, and offer guidance to avoid

California’s controversial AI bill’s fate will be decided this week

One of the most consequential AI bills the world has seen sitting on the desk of California Governor Gavin Newsom, and its fate could be decided with either a signature or a veto stamp any day now. Newsom has until September 30 to decide.

The bill, called the Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act, requires developers of very large AI models to imp

How Gen Z ‘corporate girlies’ took over TikTok

Louise arrives at the office at 8:00 a.m. At 8:15 a.m., she responds to emails and preps for meetings, before working on a powerpoint deck for a client. Making a coffee at 11:00 a.m., her afternoon is then filled with meetings. After work she heads to a networking event at 6:00 p.m. How do I know all this? I’ve just watched her corporate ‘day in the life’ video—along with 3.1 million other people.

This new California law wants to curb student cellphone access

School districts in California will have to create rules restricting student smartphone use under a new law Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Monday.

The legislation makes California the latest state to try to curb

AI On Innovation [Part 2]: More Insights From +546,000 AI Overviews via @sejournal, @Kevin_Indig

Gain insights into the relationship between common crawl data and AI Overviews. Understand how user intent influences AI Overviews and the distribution of top-ranking domains.

The post AI On Innovation [Part 2]: More Insights From +546,000 AI Overviews appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


He sold his first company for billions. Now he’s building a better developer experience.

Founder and entrepreneur Jyoti Bansal tells Ben, Cassidy, and Eira about the developer challenges he aims to solve with his new venture, Harness, an AI-driven software development platform meant to take the pain out of DevOps. Jyoti shares his journey as a founder, his perspective on the venture capital landscape, and his reasons behind his decision to raise debt capital for Harness.

Preparing For The Feedless Future With Google Merchant Center Next via @sejournal, @gilgildner

Discover the evolution of Google Merchant Center and how it has changed ecommerce advertising with product feeds so that you can prepare for what's next.

The post Preparing For The Feedless Future With Google Merchant Center Next appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Produkce těžkých antijader a antihyperjader

Antisvět by měl být téměř stejný, jako svět. Jeho zkoumání je silně omezeno našimi možnostmi produkce a udržení antihmoty. Podívejme se na pokrok, který se nám daří při produkci „normálních“ antijader i „exotičtějších“ antihyperjader.

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Milan startup opens world-first production facility for glass-based quantum photonic chips

NATO-backed Ephos announced today the opening of a production facility dedicated to glass-based quantum photonic chips — a world first, according to the startup. These chips can power quantum applications in computing, sensing, and communications, as well as i

5mo | The Next Web
3 ESG myths VCs and startups need to snap out of quickly

Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is not a new topic in the

5mo | The Next Web
UK biotech startup raises $100M for next-gen vaccines for respiratory viruses

The vaccine market might be a crowded one, but London-based Vicebio aspires to cement its own place within it. The startup announced today it has raised $100mn in Series B funding for the development of its next-generation vaccines for respiratory viruses. Vic

5mo | The Next Web
‘World’s first’ fully autonomous underwater robot is piloted by AI

UK-based scaleup Beam, born from the recent merger of offshore tech companies Rovco and Vaarst, has launched the “world’s first” autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) driven by AI.   The mini-sub can perform complex underwater tasks with no human

5mo | The Next Web
Battle of the programming languages: Kotlin vs Java in the wake of AI

As artificial intelligence continues to reshape the tech landscape, developers are increasingly faced with the task of selecting which programming languages are the most beneficial and effective in terms of AI development. Taking into consideration the rapid growth o

5mo | The Next Web
Why I hop between iPhone and Android

This story first appeared in Jared’s Advisorator newsletter. Sign up to get advice like this every Tuesday.

Full disclosure: I’m stealing this column idea from friend and fellow journalist Dwight Silverman.

Last November, Dwight said he was considering a 

10 habits for more mindful smartphone use

What is the first thing you do in the morning after you awaken? Many people immediately check their phones for notifications of messages, alerts, and social media updates by their social ties.

Some 97% of U.S. adults report owning a cellphone, with 90% reporting that they own a smartphone.

While some researchers and media outlets portray phone use as detrimental, the reality is that the effects of techn

The first commercial satellite launched 25 years ago—and totally changed the world

A quarter century ago today, the first commercial Earth observation satellite, Ikonos, was launched into space. The satellite was developed by the Lockheed Corp., and operated by a company called Space Imaging—which has since rebranded to DigitalGlobe.

Ikonos was touted as a trailblazer: It could take high-resolution images down to a meter’s detail, which previously had been possible only with advanced military satellite imagery. The satellite operated until March 2015, taking near

Microsoft restartuje jadernou elektrárnu 3 Mile Island pro pohon datacenter

Microsoft bude odebírat elektřinu vyráběnou v bývalé jaderné elektrárně Three Mile Island. Jde o jednotku TMI-1 s tlakovodním štěpným reaktorem, která je sice momentálně vypnutá, ale po nezbytné renovaci klíčových součástí a restartu by měla bez potíží dodávat energii věčně hladovým datovým centrům.

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Biden administration proposes ban on Chinese, Russian tech in autonomous vehicles

The Commerce Department said Monday it’s seeking a ban on the sale of connected and autonomous vehicles in the U.S. that are equipped with Chinese and Russian software and hardware with the stated goal of protecting national security and U.S. drivers.

While there is minimal Chinese and Russian software deployed in the U.S, the issue is more complicated for hardware. There are more Chinese parts on U.S. vehicles than software, and software can be changed much faster than physi

TikTok expands its subscription feature for creators

TikTok is starting to roll out its expanded subscription monetization offering to eligible creators, the social media company announced Monday.

TikTok’s monetization feature, previously called LIVE Subscription, was available only to creators who streamed on the platform. The company

The pro-Trump song ‘Fighter’ is now No. 1 on iTunes

A black-and-white shot of Donald Trump, eyes locked on the camera as piano chords begin to play. Just then, a husky voice comes in: “i’ve been down / counted out,” it croons while footage shows Trump moving through a sea of supporters. “Smiling through the taste of blood in my own mouth,” the voice continues, followed by shots of thunder and lightning. The three-minute video ends with the infamous scene of the

Reddit Announces AI & Automation Features To Its Ads Manager via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

Reddit recently announced a suite of new AI and automation tools to its Ads Manager platform to help streamline ad creation and enhance performance.

The post Reddit Announces AI & Automation Features To Its Ads Manager appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

NATO is testing out this decentralized messenger for communications between member nations

NATO is doubling down on cybersecurity at a time when hacks are at an all-time high.

The organization is trialing what it calls a NATO Interoperable Instant Communication Environment (NI2CE for short), developed by Matrix, the self-described “open network for secure, decentralized communication.”

Details of how the NI2CE system works

Why I ditched business cards for a QR code

As of this week, I’ve hopefully handed out my last business card.

Not that I have no need to promote my humble newsletters or freelance work, but I’d rather not have to carry a stack of business cards around with me for those purposes. I’m guessing a lot of folks don’t want the burden of carrying one of my cards, either.

With a local networking event coming up this week, I decided to ditch physical cards and make a digital alternative, with a QR code that I can easily pul

Tech companies aren’t just going to war. They’re owning the battlefield

In the months after Russia invaded Ukraine and destroyed much of the country’s telecom infrastructure, Elon Musk offered twenty thousand Starlink satellite internet terminals to facilitate internet connections for Ukrainians. These SpaceX terminals did not just enable communications between citizens or allow people to reach news websites; they were also critical for military operations, such as navigating drones and launching artillery. Ronan Farrow has called Musk “a private cit

Zkreslení vnímání: Lidé značně podceňují majetek 1 procenta nejbohatších

Lidé obvykle pečlivě hodnotí majetek druhých, srovnávají a v případě potřeby závidějí, což je v podstatě v pořádku pro normální společnost. Jak se ale zdá, pokud jde o 1 procento těch nejbohatších, veřejnost je postižená kognitivní slepotou a nevnímá skutečný rozsah nůžek majetkové nerovnosti, jaké se v dnešní době rozevírají. Náprava nebude snadná.

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Bojovali Sanové v Kalahari s živočichem, který vyhynul před 200 miliony roků?

Skalní malba Rohatého hada vznikla na pískovcovém útesu v Kalahari někdy mezi roky 1821 a 1835. Sanští lovci na ní bojují s tvorem, který se nepodobá žádnému ze zvířat, jež v té době žila v Jižní Africe. Zato nápadně připomíná 200 milionů let vyhynulého dicynodonta.

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Jsou černé díry ve skutečnosti zamrzlé hvězdy?

Černé díry, jak si je obvykle představujeme, strádají nechvalně známým Informačním paradoxem černých děr a mají v útrobách singularitu, která vyjadřuje matematické zoufalství. Izraelský fyzik Ramy Brustein a jeho kolegové navrhují, že černé díry jsou vlastně zamrzlé hvězdy, bizarní kvantové objekty, které jsou sice černým dírám velmi podobné, ale nemají horizont událostí ani singularitu.

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