
Beiträge von Tomas_r2
Governor Gavin Newsom signed a flurry of AI bills—but not the most high-profile one

Welcome to AI DecodedFast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.

Newsom signs pile of AI bills as the SB 1047 deadline approaches

California Governor Gavin Newsom

Walmart will now let you ‘Shop with Friends’ from home

Walmart shoppers can now get advice from friends on new clothes they’re considering without ever setting foot in the store or even trying anything on.

A new website feature called Shop with Friends, currently in beta, lets users choose from a set of models to find one that looks like them, then assemble a virtual fitting room of outfits they’re potentially interested in. Then, they can see how the outfits look on their chosen model and generate a link to their fitting r

9 Tips To Optimize Crawl Budget For SEO via @sejournal, @ab80

Understanding crawl budget for SEO optimization. Discover how to improve your website's crawl budget and enhance search engine visibility.

The post 9 Tips To Optimize Crawl Budget For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Attention teachers: 7 ways AI can actually be helpful in the classroom

Few areas have seen as much impact from AI as education, from students using ChatGPT to cheat to AI helping students research new technologies. While the pro versus

Client-Side Vs. Server-Side Rendering via @sejournal, @TaylorDanRW

Discover the differences between client-side and server-side rendering and how they can impact your website's performance and user experience.

The post Client-Side Vs. Server-Side Rendering appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Swiss startup bets on photonic chips to cut data centre energy consumption

Amid the AI boom, data centres are consuming alarming amounts of electricity. They’re also responsible for 1% of global energy-related emissions. By 2030, their power demand could increase by 160%. Switzerland-based Lightium aims to provide a solution. The you

5mo | The Next Web
AI doesn’t hallucinate — why attributing human traits to tech is users’ biggest pitfall

This year, Air Canada lost a lawsuit against a customer who was misled by an AI chatbot into purchasing full-price plane tickets, being assured they would later be refunded under the company’s bereavement policy. The airline tried to claim the bot was “responsi

5mo | The Next Web
Přistižení in flagranti aneb, kde se křížil Homo sapiens s neandrtálci

Naši předci nabrali od jiných pravěkých druhů lidí řadu cenných genů, díky nimž přežili dobu ledovou, a nakonec ovládli všechny kontinenty. Kde k tomuto křížení docházelo? Vědci jsou na stopě.

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Gigant Porphyrion: Největší výtrysk černé díry má 23 milionů světelných let

Průzkum oblohy soustavou radioteleskopů LOFAR odhalil rekordní výtrysk supermasivní černé díry. Jmenuje se Porphyrion, měří 25 milionů světelných let a pozorujeme ho ve vesmíru, kterému tehdy bylo asi 7,5 miliardy let. Jak bývá zvykem, vesmírné monstrum se vymyká dosavadním modelům.

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Reddit threads are blowing up on TikTok and Instagram

Millions view Reddit content daily. The issue for Reddit? Many of them are seeing it on other platforms.

On TikTok, robo-voices narrate scary, story posts originating on Reddit’s forums. On YouTube, creators film their reactions to reading Reddit ">“Am I The Asshole?” stories. Even on

Algorithm startup QMill vows to become ‘first to provide quantum advantage’

Espoo outside of Helsinki is turning into quite the quantum hub. The city’s latest addition to the Finnish quantum computing ecosystem is QMill. The newly minted algorithm startup just raised €4mn in seed funding to leverage near-term hardware to deli

5mo | The Next Web
DeepL launches ‘industry-first’ AI glossary generator for business translations

Since its founding in 2017, DeepL has been raising machine translation standards, successfully rivalling giants such as Google Translate. Today, the startup unveiled an ‘industry-first’ AI-powered glossary generator for businesses. The new tool works as a sup

5mo | The Next Web
Drone swarms edge closer to battle after successful tests in Germany

A German drone firm claims to have made a “major breakthrough” in autonomous swarm technology. Munich-based Quantum Systems announced on Tuesday that it has successfully flown AI-controlled Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in swarms. The company said the AI ensure

5mo | The Next Web
TNW Podcast: The business of flight tracking, the new Commission, and some pet tech

Welcome to the new episode of the TNW Podcast — the show where we discuss the latest developments in the European technology ecosystem and feature interviews with some of the most interesting people in the industry. In today’s episode, Linne

5mo | The Next Web
Why tech insiders are worried about the EU’s proposed startup commissioner

Ekaterina Zaharieva hasn’t even started work as the EU’s first startup commissioner, but tensions are already rising around her role. The Bulgarian politician was nominated for the job on Tuesday. Alongside startups, her brief will also cover research and inn

5mo | The Next Web
Germany picks 4 startups to deliver world’s first quantum computer for ‘mobile defence’

In its most expensive project to date, Germany’s Cyber Agency (Cyberagentur) has awarded three different contracts to four quantum computing startups — Quantum Brilliance, ParityQC, Oxford Ionics, and neQxt. Their mission is to deliver the world’s first

5mo | The Next Web
Google Revamps Entire Crawler Documentation via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google's updated the crawler documentation adds three new pages to tighten up topical coverage and raise the level information density

The post Google Revamps Entire Crawler Documentation appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Mnoho povyku pro nic: žádná revoluce ve fyzice se nekoná a standardní model není špatně
  1. dubna 2022 se v řadě významných světových medií objevila zpráva o nečekaném výsledku experimentu CDF na urychlovači TEVATRON ve Fermiho národní laboratoři u Chicaga. Například BBC ji uvedla s bombastickým titulkem.
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YouTube will now help creators’ fans form online communities

YouTube is launching a new section within channels for fans to come together and share posts and pictures directly related to creators, the company said Wednesday.

The new “Communities” feature comes after creators and fans said they wanted more ways to connect with one another. Traditionally, YouTube users had to comment on threads under a creator’s video in order to start or keep conversations going. That meant the burden of fostering connection was on the creator, wh

Stentrode nabízí ovládání myšlenkami bez nutnosti operace v lebce

Společnost Synchron vyvíjí rozhraní Stentrode mezi mozkem a elektronikou, kvůli němuž není nutné operovat skrz lebku, jako v případě Neuralinku. Stentrode je jako stent s elektrodami, který se umístí v hrdelní žíle do blízkosti povrchu mozku. Nedávno toto endovaskulární neurální rozhraní úspěšně otestoval pacient s amyotrofickou laterální sklerózou.

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‘Make this go viral MAGA folks’: Russian propaganda group circulated this fake Kamala story

A false claim circulating on social media that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris left a 13-year-old girl paralyzed after an alleged hit-and-run in San Francisco in 2011 is the work of a covert Russian disinformation operation, according to new research by

HubSpot Rolls Out AI-Powered Marketing Tools via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

HubSpot unveils "Breeze" AI tools for marketing automation, aiming to boost efficiency, though human oversight remains crucial, says VP.

The post HubSpot Rolls Out AI-Powered Marketing Tools appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

New AI tools can dig up skeletons in politicians’ social media histories—and yours, too

Character, as they say, is what you do when no one’s watching. What’s been hard to ignore during the current election, however, is that character also seems to be what you do when only certain people are watching. Or when you think only certain people are watching, anyway.

Ever since JD Vance became Donald Trump’s running mate back in July, the Ohio Senator has been haunted by previous online activity intended for select audiences. Between

California targets AI, political deepfakes with new laws

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed three bills Tuesday to crack down on the use of artificial intelligence to create false images or videos in political ads ahead of the 2024 election.

A new law, set to take effect immediately, makes it illegal to create and publish

How To Choose The Right Bid Strategy For Lead Generation Campaigns via @sejournal, @adsliaison

Find out how assigning different values to conversion actions can help you choose the right bid strategy for your lead generation campaigns.

The post How To Choose The Right Bid Strategy For Lead Generation Campaigns appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

We’re so close to the perfect foldable phone

Here is what I want in a foldable phone:


How LinkedIn became influencers’ hot new video platform

LinkedIn, the unloved stepchild of social networks, has undergone a renaissance of late, with a growing number of users turning to the business-focused network for social interactions. Now, as TikTok fights for its future in the U.S. in cou

How politics became the new entertainment

With Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, Janice Min, cofounder and CEO of The Ankler, provides insight into the powerful intersection of celebrity and politics. Securing a celebrity endorsement is significant, but becoming a star in today’s landscape is an entirely different game. Whether it’s A-list actors, CEOs, or politicians, Min explains how the lines between fame and influence are increasingly blurred, and why it’s impossible to pr

Flink raises $150M despite rapid grocery delivery sector slowdown

Flink, one of the few rapid grocery delivery startups left operating in Europe, has secured $150mn to grow its business in Germany and the Netherlands. The funding comprises $115 million in equity and $35 million in debt, with backing from both new and existin

5mo | The Next Web
The EU is getting its first ever commissioner for startups

Ekaterina Zaharieva has been nominated as the EU’s first ever commissioner for startups, the bloc’s chief Ursula von der Leyen announced today. Zaharieva served as Bulgaria’s deputy prime minister for judicial reform and foreign affairs between 2017 and 2021.

5mo | The Next Web
Startups race to curb data centre energy use amid AI boom

Data centres gobble up roughly 2% of global electricity, which translates to around 1% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.   Streaming Netflix, storing stuff in the cloud, and meeting up on Zoom are just some of the online a

5mo | The Next Web
TikTokers Matt and Abby Howard’s cruise ship controversy, explained

You don’t want to get on the wrong side of parenting TikTok. Just ask influencers Matt and Abby Howard.  

Controversy erupted after Abby in a

Lawmakers introduce AI legislation targeting deepfakes in elections

A bipartisan group of lawmakers introduced legislation Tuesday that would prohibit political campaigns and outside political groups from using artificial intelligence to misrepresent the views of their rivals by pretending to be them.

The introduction of the bill comes as Congress has failed to regulate

Anduril vyvíjí levné a inteligentní střely s plochou dráhou letu Barracuda

Spojené státy mají zásoby sofistikované munice na 9 dní konfliktu s pokročilým protivníkem. Anduril Industries usilují o změnu s rodinou střel s plochou dráhou letu Barracuda. Jsou levné, modulární, vysoce inteligentní a vhodné pro rychlou masovou produkci. Pentagon se přiklání ke kvantitě.

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What’s astroturfing? The deceptive campaign strategy, explained

Tobacco companies famously did it. Corporate giants still do it. Now, the Trump and Harris presidential campaigns have also been accused of astroturfing—not rolling out synthetic grass on sports fields, but faking grassroots support.

Astroturfing is the deceptive tactic of creating the illusion of w

The exploding pager attack in Lebanon could signal a new, violent era of tech warfare

Hundreds of pagers detonated simultaneously across Lebanon on Tuesday as part of what’s believed to be a coordinated attack against members of Hezbollah, killing at least nine people and wounding some 2,750 more.

Hezbollah has not said why the pagers exploded, but did say it held Israel “fully responsible for this criminal aggression.” Israel has no

Manage GenAI tools like a smart intern

Many conversations about how generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) will impact the workplace seem to focus on one of two opposing views: AI will replace humans, or AI projects should be abandoned now because they aren’t delivering sufficient business val

Snap’s new AR Spectacles are fun. Too bad you can’t get them (yet)

We may yet live to see the day when it’s perfectly normal to see the world through eyewear that blurs the line between physical reality and digital imagery. But instead of coming into focus, the question of how we might get there has become murky. We do know that the metaverse bubble has definitely burst: Even Meta is downplay

From Bryce Hall to Logan Paul, the 2010s internet bros are being MAGA-pilled

Bryce Hall is a relic of the TikTok dance age. Now, he’s on stage with Donald Trump. 

He’s part of the late-2010s crowd of (mostly young) male influencers who have recently embraced the right. Logan Paul, once a vlogger known for his subversive content, &t=55s">recently had Trump on his podcast. FaZe Banks, a popular streamer of the era, said that Trump had “

Meta bans Russian state media outlets for alleged ‘foreign interference’

Meta said it’s banning Russia state media organization from its social media platforms, alleging that the outlets used deceptive tactics to amplify Moscow’s propaganda. The announcement drew a rebuke from the Kremlin on Tuesday.

The company, which owns Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, said late Monday that it will roll out the

Tesla and Volvo drivers using partial automation tech were studied. Here are the results

Drivers are more likely to engage in non-driving activities, such as checking their phones or eating a sandwich, when using partial automation systems, with some easily skirting rules set to limit distractions, new research showed on Tuesd

Sklon podléhat finančním podvodům může být symptomem Alzheimera

Magnetická rezonance mozku v oblasti entorhinální kůry prozradila, že když dochází k jejímu ztenčování, což bývá projevem rané Alzheimerovy choroby, lidé se stávají zranitelnějšími finančními podvodníky. Mohl by z toho být účinný nástroj pro diagnostiku Alzheimera a současně motivace pro větší ochranu seniorů.

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Will ‘Humanity’s Last Exam’ be able to stump expert-level AI?

A team of technology experts issued a global call on Monday seeking the toughest questions to pose to artificial intelligence systems, which increasingly have handled popular benchmark tests like child’s play.

Dubbed “Humanity’s Last

AI On Innovation: Analysis Of +546,000 AI Overviews via @sejournal, @Kevin_Indig

Explore the latest data on AI Overviews, revealing key insights into domain visibility, citation patterns, and optimization strategies essential for SEO success.

The post AI On Innovation: Analysis Of +546,000 AI Overviews appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Instagram launches ‘teen accounts’ as child safety laws loom

Instagram is launching a new account type for teenagers that will include a range of heightened parental control features, as well as stricter default settings that limit the type of messages teens can receive and the type of content they see.

While many of the teen account safeguards, including restrictions on sensitive content and messaging, already exist, teens younger than 16 will now need a parent’s permi

How ‘smell phones’ would work in reality

Curious Kids is a series for children of all ages. If you have a question you’d like an expert to answer, send it to

Is it possible to make a phone through which

AI can’t understand cultural nuance. This is how leaders can use the right prompts to mitigate risk

AI is here to stay. For businesses, the pressing question isn’t just whether to use it, but how.

It’s well known that AI has its limitations—even more so with the nuances and complexities of human culture. But how deep do these limitations go? Can businesses confidently rely on AI to navigate their global strategies—such as understanding what people in different countries value, local contexts, and cultural nuances? Should AI play a role in shaping go-to-market strategies for inter

140 let ještěra z Alberty

…aneb Jak šel čas s tyranosauridem albertosaurem

5mo |
75% of lithium-ion battery supply chain linked to human rights abuses

Lithium-ion batteries are a critical element for our transition away from fossil fuels. It is equally critical to ensure the sustainability of their supply chains for the benefit of society and businesses alike. The mining process of the raw materials necess

5mo | The Next Web
Finland’s IQM has now produced 30 full-stack quantum computers

Oftentimes, even in the tech world, people equate the term quantum computing to something almost mysterious. But as much as concepts of quantum mechanics such as superposition and entanglement may seem akin to magic, they still happen (in the context of quant

5mo | The Next Web
Apian and Alphabet’s Wing to fly NHS blood samples by drone in London first

In a first for London, electric drones will soon fly urgent blood samples between Guy’s and St Thoma’s hospitals in the centre of the city. The upcoming flights are part of a joint pilot between the NHS, healthcare logistics startup Apian, and drone manufactur

5mo | The Next Web
This will be Adobe’s biggest challenge in 2025

This story originally appeared in The Technology Letter and is republished here with permission.

It’s back to pattern for Adobe, which had been selling off for many quarters on its earnings reports, then had a big jump up at the last report, in June, and is now down ni

Page Speed Insights: 6 Powerful Tips To Optimize Your Website via @sejournal, @DebugBear

6 tips to optimize your website performance using the Page Speed Insights tool. Ensure a consistent, fast user experience and keep your website stable.

The post Page Speed Insights: 6 Powerful Tips To Optimize Your Website appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Looking under the hood at the tech stack that powers multimodal AI

Ryan chats with Russ d’Sa, cofounder and CEO of LiveKit, about multimodal AI and the technology that makes it possible. They talk through the tech stack required, including the use of WebRTC and UDP protocols for real-time audio and video streaming. They also explore the big challenges involved in ensuring privacy and security in streaming data, namely end-to-end encryption and obfuscation.

Leverage Search Intent & Boost Your Visibility With These Expert SEO Strategies via @sejournal, @lorenbaker

Join us LIVE on September 25th as we present first-party research data and provide actionable insights to help you improve your site’s organic visibility.

The post Leverage Search Intent & Boost Your Visibility With These Expert SEO Strategies appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Extravagantní minulost: Měla Země v ordoviku prstenec jako Saturn?

Zkuste si představit, že Zemi v oblasti rovníku obepíná impozantní prstenec, který vznikl roztrháním planetky, v průběhu pár desítek milionů let se zase rozpadne a jeho kusy budou bombardovat zemský povrch. Zřejmě k tomu opravdu došlo, asi před 466 miliony let, v období středního ordoviku. Musela to být fantastická podívaná.

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Even with a $150 billion valuation, OpenAI is far from a sure bet

OpenAI continues attracting unprecedented levels of funding, but the company’s one-model-to-rule-them-all approach to generative AI comes with its own set of risks.

OpenAI is already the best-funded AI startup by far, having raised an estimated $13.5 billion. Reports say the company is now seeking $6.5 billion in additional venture capital at a valuation of $150 billion (it was valued at around $86 billion back in F