
Beiträge von Tomas_r2
Rakovinotvorný dětský pudr stažen z prodeje. Žel ne u nás.

Zadečky se v létě víc paří nejen batolatům. I my, kteří vyrážíme na tůry nárazově, ať už koňmo, pěšmo či kolmo, bychom mohli vyprávět, jak „vlk“ dokáže potrápit. Ať už zarudlé půlky budeme zklidňovat ratolestem či sobě, nebude na škodu se podívat, čím to činíme. Špatnou zprávou je, že mnohé z produktů obsah právě oné rizikové škodliviny neuvádějí. A nebo ještě hůř, je vyzdvihována jako přednost.

7mo |
Výsledek tendru na nové jaderné bloky v Česku

Česká vláda v těchto dnech rozhodla o výsledku tendru o výstavbě nových jaderných bloků v České republice. Vítězem se stala jihokorejská firma KHNP s reaktorem APR1000. Zároveň vláda rozhodla, že se bude stavět dvojice bloků v Dukovanech a součástí smlouvy bude i opce na dvojici bloků v Temelíně. O využití opce se pak rozhodne v následujících pěti letech.

7mo |
Hraní Dračího doupěte prospívá duševnímu zdraví

Dnešní doba je náročná na duševní zdraví, především pokud jde o nastupující generaci. Stolní hry na hrdiny podle psychologů nabízejí terapeuticky hodnotnou zábavu, která ulevuje od úzkosti, zahrnuje sociální podporu a rozdmýchává kreativitu ve fantasy světech bez konce. Hoďte si kostkou!

7mo |
Ultralehký solární elektrostatický dron může létat (téměř) věčně

Čínský miniaturní vrtulník ColoumbFly má pouhých 4,21 gramů. Pohání ho ultralehký elektrostatický motor se solárními panely. Teoreticky může ColoumbFly létat neustále, tedy pokud svítí Slunce nebo se dron nerozbije. Konstrukce se zdá být stabilní a po vylepšení ovládání a zvětšení kapacity pro náklad by dron mohl díky své výdrži a nenápadnosti najít široké uplatnění.

7mo |
Těžba síry na Mélu – odedávna do roku 1958

Surovinové bohatství ostrova od nejstarší doby po současnost, teď se zřetelem k síře. Popis výletu k sirným dolům s ruinami fabriky, která krachla roku 1958. Taková nostalgická průmyslová památka.

7mo |
Pulzarové detektory by mohly objevit neviditelné objekty v Mléčné dráze

Virtuální pulzarové detektory mohou dělat mnoho věcí, počínaje detekcí gravitační vln o dlouhé vlnové délce. Americký fyzik John LoSecco navrhuje využít je k pátrání po objektech, které jsou slušně hmotné, ale za normálních okolností nejsou zřetelné v našich teleskopech. Mohly by to být potulné planety, hnědí či bílí trpaslíci nebo třeba chuchvalce temné hmoty, které se potulují Mléčnou dráhou.

7mo |
Gigantický solární projekt Australia-Asia Power Link dostal zelenou

Klíčové povolení vlády Severního Teritoria posouvá ambiciózní solární projekt Australia-Asia Power Link společnosti SunCable blíž k realizaci. Jde o mamutí solární farmu na lokalitě Powell Creek, která bude dodávat až 10 GW solární energie na pobřeží severní Austrálie a část pak poteče podmořským kabelem o délce 4 300 kilometrů z Darwinu do Singapuru. Dodávky energie by měly být spuštěny počátkem třicátých let.

7mo |
UK solar tech scaleup Naked Energy raises £17M for global expansion

UK-based Naked Energy has raised £17mn in a Series B round to boost the global expansion of its solar tech solutions. Founded in 2009, Naked Energy set out to help decarbonise heat generation, which contributes over 40% of global CO2 emissions. The scaleup ha

8mo | The Next Web
This form of identity theft is on the rise. Here’s what to know

One Monday morning in May, I woke up and grabbed my cell phone to read the news and scroll through memes. But it was out of cell service. I couldn’t make calls or texts.

That, though, turned out to be the least of my problems.

Using my home Wi-Fi connection, I checked my email and discovered a notification that $20,000 was being transferred

After the Trump assassination attempt, Elon Musk’s X is a misinformation factory

The moments after Donald Trump was shot by a would-be assassin in Pennsylvania on July 13 were confusing for those on the ground. For those following the events unfurl on X (formerly known as Twitter), things were no clearer, as misinformation flooded the platform. 

Despite X owner

NYC agency plans to tighten rules around driver lockouts on Uber and Lyft, report says

The agency that regulates New York City’s ride-hailing industry is working on a new set of rideshare driver pay rules to fight driver lockouts imposed by Uber and Lyft that are lowering wages, according to a Bloomberg report.

The Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) ex

How Europe’s universities are using AI to battle dementia

If there’s one area where AI can truly have an unprecedented positive impact, it is healthcare — especially when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of currently incurable diseases such as dementia. The condition affects over 55 million people worldwide,

8mo | The Next Web
How ‘I, Robot’ eerily predicted the current dangers of AI

When the robot apocalypse hits, where will you be? If you’re a resident of dystopian Chicago in 2035, you’re in luck—you have Will Smith on your side.

In I, Robot, the summer blockbuster released 20 years ago this month, Smith plays Del Spooner, a homicide detective in the Chicago Police Department who’s called upon to solve a mysterious suicide at the nation’s leading robotics laboratory, U.S. Robotics. The company’s fou

How OpenAI’s secret project ‘Strawberry’ could power AI with super-human-level intelligence

ChatGPT maker OpenAI is working on a novel approach to its artificial intelligence models in a project code-named “Strawberry,” according to a person f

The ‘AI-in-everything’ era is here, and it’s giving us lot of stuff we don’t need

Twenty months into the generative AI revolution, conversational chatbots like ChatGPT are still seeking a killer use case.

It’s not from a lack of trying. Generative AI is everywhere, from bank chatbots to fast food drive thru screens, and a quarter of Americans

Unlocking The Power Of LLM And Knowledge Graph (An Introduction)

Explore the future of AI assistants with Conversational LLMs. Discover how advancements in GPT technology are paving the way for personal assistants, including real examples.

The post Unlocking The Power Of LLM And Knowledge Graph (An Introduction) appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


20 Confirmed Facts About YouTube’s Algorithm via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Understand how YouTube's algorithm selects and recommends videos to enhance your content's reach and engagement with your target audience.

The post 20 Confirmed Facts About YouTube’s Algorithm appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

French AI startup launches first LLM built exclusively for advertising copy

French startup has launched a new large language model build exclusively for advertising. Named AdLLM Spark, the system was built to craft ad text with high conversion rates on every major advertising platform. said the LLM combines

8mo | The Next Web
Jižní Korea zahájila výrobu systémů laserové protivzdušné obrany

Jihokorejská společnost Hanwha Aerospace spustila produkci laserového systému „Laser Based Anti-Aircraft Weapon Block-I,“ který je určený především k obraně proti levným dronům. Možnosti laserového systému zatím nejsou příliš jasné, ale koncem letošního roku by již měl být v blíže neupřesněném počtu nasazen u jihokorejských jednotek.

8mo |
These 4 apps can help you enjoy the outdoors even more

This article is republished with permission from Wonder Tools, a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps. Subscribe here.

Apps outdoors can be superfluous. I like being phone-less when I can. But sometimes it’s nice learning about nature while in

42 Facebook Statistics & Facts For 2024 via @sejournal, @annabellenyst

Get a comprehensive overview of Facebook's reach, user behavior, and influence with the latest statistics and facts so you can adapt your social media strategy.

The post 42 Facebook Statistics & Facts For 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Až 60 procent blízkozemních objektů jsou temné komety

Ani kometa, ani planetka. Temné komety jsou jako pralinky. Povrch z horniny ukrývá (ne až tak sladkou) náplň z ledu. Nemají koma, ale negravitačně zrychlují. Pokud mají vědci pravdu, většina objektů v blízkosti Země vypadá právě takhle. Temné komety také mohly posloužit k přepravě vody na mladou Zemi

8mo |
5 Audible alternatives audiobook lovers should check out

While Amazon-owned Audible dominates the audiobook market, it’s far from the only player in town.

If you’ve been looking to explore beyond Amazon’s offerings, there’s a world of alternatives waiting to be discovered. Whether you’re seeking better prices, different content libraries, or unique features, these five Audible alternatives are worth your attention.

Kosmoplán Dawn Mk-II Aurora dostal zelenou pro novou sérii testů

Dawn Aerospace mohou odmontovat pomyslná dětská kolečka z kosmoplánu Aurora. Novozélandské úřady jim schválily lety do výšky téměř 25 kilometrů a neomezenou rychlostí. Aurora by se měla stát prvním soukromě financovaným bezpilotním letounem, který prolomí hranici rychlosti zvuku.

8mo |
With these apps, great Wi-Fi is easy to find

Is there anything more annoying than finding yourself stuck in a place where your phone’s data connection isn’t working—or, if you’re on a pay-for-what-you-use mobile plan, realizing you’re burning through mountains of mobile data when a password-protected Wi-Fi network is right nearby and taunting you with its speedy stream of unlimited internet goodness?

Today, I want to introduce you to a power pack of tools that’ll banish those Wi-Fi woes to the past. They’ll eliminate frustrat

What is an answer engine? It’s different from a search engine. Here’s what you need to know

The rise of generative AI chatbots has ushered in powerful new tools to help us get work done more efficiently. The technology has also introduced a slew of new terms into our lexicon, such as corpus and prompt engineer. But recently, another term has been popping up: “answer engine.”

But just

How Hinge CEO Justin McLeod plans to use AI to change how we date

Once upon a time, dating apps were distinct, each catering to a different demographic or lifestyle. Today, they’ve blurred together, like an endless stream of swipes, deepening a trend of user burnout. In that struggling sea of love, Hinge is continuing to grow and sustain social relevance. Hinge’s founder and CEO Justin McLeod explores the state of dating in 2024, the sibling rivalry with other apps such as Tinder, and why he’s so excited about AI as a potential dating coach. 

Can Ariane 6 turn Europe’s spacetech startups into global powerhouses?

When Ariane 6 suffered a glitch on its first flight, the mishap felt strangely inevitable. Nearly half of all rockets fail on their first launches. After a troubled development and four years of delay

8mo | The Next Web
Intel could reap $1 billion in software sales by 2027. Here’s how they plan to do it

Intel’s push into software is going well and the company could have cumulative software revenue of $1 billion by the end of 2027, Chief Technology Officer Greg Lavender told Reuters.

Intel made north of $100 million in software revenue in 2021, the year Lavender was brought in from cloud computing company VMware by CEO Pat Gelsinger to steer the chipmaker’s software strategy. Since then,

EU says X’s blue checkmarks are deceptive and break social media laws

The European Union said Friday that blue checkmarks from Elon Musk’s X are deceptive and that the online platform falls short on transpare

Octogenarian journalists sue ChatGPT makers to protect their original work

When two octogenarian buddies named Nick discovered that ChatGPT might be stealing and repurposing a lifetime of their work, they tapped a son-in-law to sue the companies behind the artificial intelligence chatbot.

Veteran journalists Nicholas Gage, 84, and Nicholas Basbanes, 81, who live near each other i

Holistic Search Strategies: Attain Superior Growth & ROI With Organic & Paid Tips via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell

Join our next Search Engine Journal webinar on July 24 and learn a comprehensive method for holistic search marketing efforts, ensuring sustainable growth and ROI.

The post Holistic Search Strategies: Attain Superior Growth & ROI With Organic & Paid Tips appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Today’s ethical dilemmas are being decided by tech bros. How can they keep their compass straight?

Tech bros are for the first time poised to become pivotal players in highly sensitive sectors: national security, space exploration, and more. Most recently, NATO’s €1B Innovation Fund announced investments in eight startups and VC firms with a focus on

8mo | The Next Web
SoftBank snaps up troubled British AI chip developer Graphcore

Japanese tech group SoftBank has acquired yet another British chip player. This time it has snapped up Bristol-based AI processor developer Graphcore, whose very survival was in doubt over the past year.  The acquisition comes as investors compete to back the next big

8mo | The Next Web
‘The sun feels like it’s burning our skin’: NYC delivery drivers talk about surviving the gig economy in extreme heat

Jagat Pun finds that working as a delivery driver is becoming harder and harder.

Pun spends his days zipping around New York City delivering Uber Eats orders, a job he’s done since 2020. But recently he’s had to work through the added burden of extreme heat, which makes waiting outside on sidewalks with no shade, navigating streets, and climbing up multiple flights of stairs in pre-war buildings all the harder.

“I get scared when the weather is really bad, but there&#8217

Tesla’s robotaxi launch gets delayed, stock plummets

Tesla is delaying the launch of robotaxi by about two months to October as the design team was told to rework some elements of the car, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday, citing people familiar with the decision.

Shares of Tesla, which is betting o

Exotika na druhou: Vědci stvořili časové krystaly z obřích Rydbergových atomů

Obyčejné krystaly se opakují v prostoru, časové krystaly v čase. Nejprve vypadaly jako hříčka, od roku 2017 jsou fyzikálním mainstreamem. V nedávném experimentu vznikly časové krystaly z gigantických Rydbergových atomů, které poslouží k výzkumu i praktickým aplikacím.

8mo |
Apple Vision Pro launches in Europe today. A new sales report indicates that it really needs a boost

In February, Apple launched its first major new device in nearly a decade, the Apple Vision Pro. It was handily the most anticipated gadget launch of the year, with massive marketing and media hype surrounding it.

But since then, the Apple Vision Pro seems to have made less of a bang and more of a whimpe

My 28,000-follower Twitter account was hacked—and it changed my life for the better

I still remember exactly where I was when I realized I’d lost control of my Twitter account. I woke up one morning in March of last year to an email, delivered sometime in the middle of the night, stating that the password on my Twitter account had changed. I had just returned from my bachelor party, which involved bookending a long weekend of heavy alcohol consumption with cross-country flights. No longer as spry as I was in my 20s, I was coming up on my second (third?) day of recover

11 Copyscape Alternatives To Check Plagiarism via @sejournal, @annabellenyst

Ensure your website's content is original with these Copyscape alternatives. Learn how to check for plagiarism and protect your credibility.

The post 11 Copyscape Alternatives To Check Plagiarism appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Why we built Staging Ground

A two-part episode: In part one, Ben chats with friend of the show and senior software engineer Kyle Mitofsky about Staging Ground, a private space within Stack Overflow where new users can receive guidance from experienced users before their question is posted. In part two, Ben talks to Stack Overflow moderator Spevacus, who participated in the beta of Staging Ground. They talk about why we wanted to build a safer asking experience for new users, the positive feedback we’ve gotten from the comm