
Beiträge von Tomas_r2
3 affordable AI apps for time-strapped video creators

Making videos is a tedious way to make a living—or at least it used to be. Lately, it’s gotten a lot easier because AI video tools have gotten shockingly good in a short amount of time.

Here are three worthy tools that can save hours and hours of time, enhance creativity, and streamline workflows, all without breaking the bank.

Here’s the real reason AI companies are slimming down their models

OpenAI on Thursday announced GPT-4o mini, a smaller and less expensive version of its GPT-4o AI model. OpenAI is one of a number of AI companies to develop a version of its best “foundation” model that trades away some intelligence for some speed and affordability. Such a trade-off could let more developers power their apps with AI, and may open the door for more complex apps like autonomous agents in t

Responsible leadership is needed to harness the power of AI

The New York Times warned about “labor-saving devices” coming for our jobs in its 1928 headline the “March of the Machine Makes Idle Hands.” Ninety-five years later, pseudoscientific research is prompting headlines that claim artificial intelligence poses an

The criticality of purpose-built healthtech

Hospitals today regularly use health tech to solve a variety of needs, including those that improve patient outcomes. However, these technologies—meant to do good—are often not built with healthcare workers in mind.

Current studies estimate that over 60% of hospital staff report burnout. There are several causes of burnout, including understaffing, lack of management support, stressful work environ

How this broadband bootcamp is helping U.S. tribal communities gain internet access

There’s a home movie theater with orange walls and plush recliners at the top of a steep hill on Matthew Rantanen’s ranch in Southern California. But on a recent afternoon, people weren’t flocking to the room to watch a movie or to escape the scorching heat, they were shining a beam of light through more than 55,000 feet (17

The CrowdStrike outage should make us rethink the resiliency of our tech infrastructure. It probably won’t

Very late Thursday night, the world got a firsthand look at how vulnerable our computer infrastructure is. A glitch in an update to cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike’s Falcon Sensor tool pushed out by engineers caused a catastrophic error that resulted in potentially millions of Windows computers worldwide crashing into a blue screen of death.


CrowdStrike outage disrupts hospitals, reveals healthcare IT flaws

The ongoing major IT outage that’s being blamed on a content update from cybersecurity giant CrowdStrike is disrupting a wide swath of industries Friday, from airlines to banking. But arguably no sector has been worse off than healthcare.


L.A.’s Intuit Dome is the future of sports stadiums

This fall, the Los Angeles Clippers will welcome guests to their new home: the Intuit Dome. Team owner Steve Ballmer joins AT&T CEO John Stankey to discuss how tech can amplify the live, in-game experience. Screens, cameras, and mobile devices are an integral part of their vision, whether it’s replays or fan-cams or real-time data. Ballmer and Stankey are an engaging buddy act as they trade ideas about innovation, community, and forecasting what fans will want next.

This is an

This weather app is a must—even for Apple Weather and Google Weather users

Most weather apps aren’t ideal for road trips. Sure, you can see the weather in a particular city, but what will the weather actually be like along your driving route?

I’ve had times I seemed to be driving with a storm—and times I just missed one. So what if a weather app could give you insights about your route, helping you choose the right time to leave—or the right route to take?

Earlier this month, when I was driving through Pennsylvania and the sky suddenly opened up

Joe Biden leaves behind a pretty impressive tech legacy

On Sunday, nearly a month after a disastrous debate performance that left the Democratic Party in shambles, President Joe Biden announced he would not seek reelection. The decision puts to rest weeks of speculation and mudslinging, and leaves us with the far less incendiary task of assessing his legacy—something that peddles in nuts-and-bolts policy more than the

How music lost its value

A new documentary from Paramount+, How Music Got Free, tells the inside story of how albums shed their exoskeletons and became something more ethereal and less profitable. Produced by LeBron James and Eminem, who rode the tail end of the CD boom to stratospheric heights, the film explores the music industry’s spectacular implosion about two seconds later. But while it traces the overarching business story in foren

9 gadgets to make your life more productive and creative

This article is republished with permission from Wonder Tools, a newsletter that helps you discover the most useful sites and apps. Subscribe here.

Walk into my home office and you’ll spot a dozen physical tools I rely on for productivity, creativity, and well-being. Notebooks, pens, reading lights, timers. It’s a quirky mix of practical (and peculiar?) items.

The first wave of AI innovation is over. Here’s what comes next

Imagine asking a sophisticated AI model for tips on making the perfect pizza, only to be told to use glue to help the cheese stick. Or watching it fumble through basic arithmetic problems that a middle schooler could solve with ease. These are the limitations and quirks of generative AI and the large language models (LLMs) that underpin them. They’re happening because AI models are running out of good training data, causing them to plateau.

This is a cycle in innovation that repeat

Automotive big data can drive other industries forward

Data-driven analytics have seeped into the fabric of countless businesses worldwide, accelerating operational efficiencies and strategic decision-making.

What makes the ongoing data revolution so powerful is that these insights are greater than the sum of their parts—one industry’s data can easily spark innovations in another, germinating new ideas in unexpected ways.

For example, data accumulated by fitness companies offer crucial insights on public health trends and beh

Can humans trust GenAI?

At the Exceptional Women Alliance (EWA), we enable high-level women to mentor each other to enable each leader to achieve personal and professional happiness through sisterhood. As the nonprofit organization’s founder, chair, and CEO, I am honored to interview and share insights from some of the thought leaders who are part of our peer-to-peer mentoring.

This month I introduce to you Sunny Webb, an experienced product leader who combines technical innovation with business acumen. S

Nvidia has a new AI chip. Here’s what we know about the ‘B20’

Nvidia is working on a version of its new flagship AI chips for the China market that would be compatible with current U.S. export controls, four sources familiar with the matter said.


How small businesses are dealing with CrowdStrike’s global tech outages

An owner of a consumer insights research firm couldn’t pay her employees, make Friday’s deadline to sign a contract for a new business or send key research to a key client. A psychiatrist, who runs a virtual mental health practice in Maryland, saw his business hobbled as some of his virtual assistants and therapists couldn’t either make phone calls or log on to their computers. And a restaurant owner in New York City was worried about how he was going to pay his vendors and

This bill aims to protect kids online, but Congress may not pass it

The last time Congress passed a law to protect children on the internet was in 1998 — before Facebook, before the iPhone and long before today’s oldest teenagers were born. Now, a bill aiming to protect kids from the

Why Silicon Valley loves universal basic income

The Unconditional Income Study, which began in 2019 and stands as one of the biggest direct income programs to date, finally released on Monday research related to its findings. The project found that, in general, distributing $1,000 monthly to recipients in Illinois and

SEO in the Martech Stack: How Tech Decisions Can Impact SEO via @sejournal, @TaylorDanRW

Discover how your Martech stack impacts SEO performance. Learn how technology decisions can influence marketing channels and improve business success.

The post SEO in the Martech Stack: How Tech Decisions Can Impact SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

The Three Pillars Of SEO: Authority, Relevance, And Experience via @sejournal, @marktraphagen

Explore the three pillars of SEO: authority, relevance, and user experience. Get insights on optimizing your website for better rankings and increased traffic.

The post The Three Pillars Of SEO: Authority, Relevance, And Experience appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Trending Content Output Compared In ChatGPT, Gemini, And Claude via @sejournal, @gregjarboe

Learn which is the right generative AI model for your content. In this test, discover the differences between the output of ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude.

The post Trending Content Output Compared In ChatGPT, Gemini, And Claude appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

How People Search: Understanding User Intent via @sejournal, @TaylorDanRW

Get insights into the importance of understanding user intent for effective SEO. Learn how Google's algorithms prioritize relevant content.

The post How People Search: Understanding User Intent appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

It's about time

#​515 — J

The framework helping devs build LLM apps

Ben and Eira talk with LlamaIndex CEO and cofounder Jerry Liu, along with venture capitalist Jerry Chen, about how the company is making it easier for developers to build LLM apps. They touch on the importance of high-quality training data to improve accuracy and relevance, the role of prompt engineering, the impact of larger context windows, and the challenges of setting up retrieval-augmented generation (RAG).

How to bridge the gap between Web2 skills and Web3 workflows

You’re familiar with older web and pre-web languages like JavaScript and Java. Did you know that you can use these well-known languages with Web3 technologies?

Java, but why? The state of Java in 2024

Ben and Ryan chat with listener, professional pilot, and Java enthusiast Lenny Primak about what he finds exciting about Java in 2024.

Magna Carta

Z nudy minulého léta mi vytanula na mysli jedna otázka. Jak to bylo s tím prvním a zakládajícím dokumentem vší moderní ústavnosti. Tak jsem si ji přeložil. Jedná se o český překlad verze Magny Carty (MC) vydané Jindřichem III roku 1225 a potvrzenou Eduardem I roku 1297.

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Přírodní počítač: Butlerova reakce provádí chemické rezervoárové výpočty

Rezervoárové výpočty jsou pro laika záhadné a obtížně proniknutelné. Současně ale mohou běžet v relativně jednoduchých systémech, například v průtočném míchaném reaktoru, kam se nasypou čtyři běžné reaktanty reakce vytvářející cukry z formaldehydu. Nevěřili byste, co taková břečka dokáže.

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Monstrózní dvojturbína OceanX může pracovat v tropické cyklóně

Plovoucí platforma OceanX je novým behemotem větrné energetiky. Se dvěma rotory o průměru 182 metrů a výkonu 2× 8,3 MW může těžit vítr na širém oceánu i v cyklónách s větrem o rychlosti 260 km/h a s 30metrovými vlnami. Ročně by měla natočit asi 54 tisíc MWh, což by stačilo asi pro 30 tisíc čínských domácností.

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Co není nahlášeno, nemůže být započteno

Jaké byly a jsou zdroje nejistot při analýze zdravotních rizik vakcín proti Covid-19?

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Známe už přes 1500 druhů dinosaurů

…aneb Aktuální statistika ke 200. výročí objevu dinosaurů

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Fyzici se snaží smířit tachyony se speciální teorií relativity

Tachyony svou nadsvětelnou rychlostí dráždí každého, kdo jen lehce zavadil o fyziku. Výzkumný tým vedený známým rebelem Andrzejem Draganem tvrdí, že se jim povedlo vyřešit zásadní problémy, jimiž tachyony dělaly ve fyzice zmatek. Že by nakonec došlo k uzavření příměří v nějaké univerzitní hospodě?

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Rakovinotvorný dětský pudr stažen z prodeje. Žel ne u nás.

Zadečky se v létě víc paří nejen batolatům. I my, kteří vyrážíme na tůry nárazově, ať už koňmo, pěšmo či kolmo, bychom mohli vyprávět, jak „vlk“ dokáže potrápit. Ať už zarudlé půlky budeme zklidňovat ratolestem či sobě, nebude na škodu se podívat, čím to činíme. Špatnou zprávou je, že mnohé z produktů obsah právě oné rizikové škodliviny neuvádějí. A nebo ještě hůř, je vyzdvihována jako přednost.

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Výsledek tendru na nové jaderné bloky v Česku

Česká vláda v těchto dnech rozhodla o výsledku tendru o výstavbě nových jaderných bloků v České republice. Vítězem se stala jihokorejská firma KHNP s reaktorem APR1000. Zároveň vláda rozhodla, že se bude stavět dvojice bloků v Dukovanech a součástí smlouvy bude i opce na dvojici bloků v Temelíně. O využití opce se pak rozhodne v následujících pěti letech.

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Hraní Dračího doupěte prospívá duševnímu zdraví

Dnešní doba je náročná na duševní zdraví, především pokud jde o nastupující generaci. Stolní hry na hrdiny podle psychologů nabízejí terapeuticky hodnotnou zábavu, která ulevuje od úzkosti, zahrnuje sociální podporu a rozdmýchává kreativitu ve fantasy světech bez konce. Hoďte si kostkou!

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Ultralehký solární elektrostatický dron může létat (téměř) věčně

Čínský miniaturní vrtulník ColoumbFly má pouhých 4,21 gramů. Pohání ho ultralehký elektrostatický motor se solárními panely. Teoreticky může ColoumbFly létat neustále, tedy pokud svítí Slunce nebo se dron nerozbije. Konstrukce se zdá být stabilní a po vylepšení ovládání a zvětšení kapacity pro náklad by dron mohl díky své výdrži a nenápadnosti najít široké uplatnění.

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Těžba síry na Mélu – odedávna do roku 1958

Surovinové bohatství ostrova od nejstarší doby po současnost, teď se zřetelem k síře. Popis výletu k sirným dolům s ruinami fabriky, která krachla roku 1958. Taková nostalgická průmyslová památka.

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Pulzarové detektory by mohly objevit neviditelné objekty v Mléčné dráze

Virtuální pulzarové detektory mohou dělat mnoho věcí, počínaje detekcí gravitační vln o dlouhé vlnové délce. Americký fyzik John LoSecco navrhuje využít je k pátrání po objektech, které jsou slušně hmotné, ale za normálních okolností nejsou zřetelné v našich teleskopech. Mohly by to být potulné planety, hnědí či bílí trpaslíci nebo třeba chuchvalce temné hmoty, které se potulují Mléčnou dráhou.

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