
Beiträge von Tomas_r2
Swarm Wars: Pentagon uspořádal zatím nejnáročnější cvičení protidronové obrany

Na pouštním cvičišti Yuma Proving Ground v Arizoně se odehrálo další cvičení systémů obrany proti malým a středním dronům, tentokrát pojmenované Demo Five. Organizátorem byla agentura Joint Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft System Office (JCO) jejímž úkolem je vymýšlet obrany proti hejnům levných dronů, nové hrozbě dnešní doby.

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Google Maps vs. Apple Maps: Which is the better app in 2024?

This week Apple brought Apple Maps to the web in beta, bringing it one step closer to parity with Google Maps, which has long been available via web browsers.

Of course, iPhone owners will still turn to the app versions of their preferred mapping service when away from the desktop. Both the Apple Maps app and Google Maps app have always had their strengths and weaknesses, but in recent year

This privacy-first notes app is an ideal Chrome home page upgrade

Man alive, these humble web browsers of ours sure have come a long way.

But for all the progress we’ve seen in the past several years, somehow, Chrome and most other modern browsers still fall short in one critically important area—and that’s what they show you when you first open ’em.

The standard browser new tab page, to put it bluntly, is a complete waste of space. It’s prime real estate—something you summon and glance upon countless times throughout the day—and yet, what’s there i

Google Cautions On Blocking GoogleOther Bot via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google's Gary Illyes cautioned that blocking the GoogleOther crawler may have an effect on a wide range of things across Google

The post Google Cautions On Blocking GoogleOther Bot appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Námořní generátor vodíku jede na mořskou vodu, hliník a kávovou sedlinu

Průlomová technologie z MIT nevozí vodík v nádrži, ale vyrábí si ho průběžně přímo na palubě, buď hladinového či podmořského plavidla. Jde o chemický reaktor na výrobu hliníku, kterým protéká mořská voda, s níž reagují hliníkové pelety za přítomnosti malého množství india s galliem a kávové sedliny. Zní to bláznivě, ale funguje to.

7mo |
Apple’s iPhone drops out of the top-five most popular smartphones in China

Apple’s iPhones are losing their appeal in China while local competitors are advancing, according to market tracker IDC

iPhone shipments in the country dropped 3.1% year-over-year in the second quarter, the International Data Corporation (IDC) report said, despite China’s smartphone shipments gaining 8.9% overall. The decline pushed Apple out of the top five handset makers in China for the first time in fo

Grindr disables location features in Olympic village to protect LGBTQ+ athletes

Popular LGBTQ+ dating app Grindr has disabled location-based features for users within the Olympic village of the Paris Games, which kicked off today.  The measures are not designed to stop athletes hooking up between sprints, swims, or shot put

7mo | The Next Web
Grok chatbot trains on X user data in ‘very likely’ breach of EU law

Elon Musk could have yet another problem with the European Union. Musk’s X has enabled the Grok chatbot to be trained on data from any user. This feature is now on by default, which may breach EU rules. Deep within the settings of X, users unearthed evidence o

7mo | The Next Web
Elon Musk wants $5 billion from Tesla board for his AI startup

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Thursday he and the board of the electric vehicle company will discuss making a $5 billion investment in his artificial intelligence startup xAI, fueling concerns about a conflict of interest.

Musk, the world’s richest person,

The JD Vance rumor shows how easily misinformation spreads, with or without AI

The Mandela Effect is when people vividly remember something differently from how it actually happened. The Streisand Effect is when someone takes great pains to suppress information, inadvertently drawing further attention to it. And after this week, a brand-new phenomenon will sit comf

After 15 years, the maintainer of Homebrew plans to make a living

Installing and updating applications and other dependencies on a computer really should be a solved problem by now. Yet almost every major desktop operating system provides multiple options, with no real clear answer to “which is best.”  Linux, despite long-establishe

7mo | The Next Web
Paris Olympics app ‘prime target for cybercriminals’

The Paris Olympics 2024 kicked off today. But as the City of Light opens its gates to millions of spectators, officials are bracing themselves for a cyber war. Analysts predict that there could be as many as four billion cyber attacks at thi

7mo | The Next Web
This is how AI can revive America’s middle class

America is grappling with a wealth inequality problem. The top 1% of U.S. earners control more wealth today than the nation’s entire middle class, according to U.S. Federal Reserve data. America’s middle class, which once represented a wide majority of U.S. adults, has steadily

How the creators of the popular ‘Flip Side’ newsletter have built a brand on bipartisanship—even in 2024

There’s no shortage of newsletters out there. Nearly every publication has one these days, as do an army of high-profile writers. True, the medium’s shine has worn off a bit, but curious readers can still easily pick between thousands of missives on everything from

Find Keyword Cannibalization Using OpenAI’s Text Embeddings With Examples via @sejournal, @vahandev

Find out how to easily detect keyword cannibalization with OpenAI's text embeddings. Level up your SEO skills with the help of generative AI.

The post Find Keyword Cannibalization Using OpenAI’s Text Embeddings With Examples appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

AI-written obituaries are compounding people’s grief

“Where do I even start?” says Bridget Todd, the creator and host of the podcast There are No Girls on the Internet. “It’s just been a real motherfucker. I feel like I’m still processing it all.”

In early July, Todd lost her mother Carolyn Todd, a renowned physician in her hometown of Richmond, Virginia. Carolyn’s death came just days after Todd’s father was rushed to the ICU after taking a fall at home. “We were all congregat

On the web, data doesn’t define us. It creates us.

In this episode, Ben interviews Jannis Kallinikos, a professor at Luiss University in Rome, Italy about his new book Data Rules: Reinventing the Market Economy, coauthored with Cristina Alaimo. They discuss the social impact of data, explore the idea that data filters how we see the world and interact with each other, and highlight the need for social accountability in data tracking and surveillance.

Study Backs Google’s Claims: AI Search Boosts User Satisfaction via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

An independent study finds that AI boosts search satisfaction. Google leads, but competitors gain. Social media also sees modest improvements.

The post Study Backs Google’s Claims: AI Search Boosts User Satisfaction appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Hasbro’s earnings reveal ‘Monopoly Go!’ has made $3 billion in just over a year

Rich Uncle Pennybags is getting a lot richer thanks to Monopoly Go! Forget collecting $200, the mobile sensation is pocketing a lot more than that these days.

On Hasbro’s second-quarter earnings call Thursday, the toymaker revealed that the mobile video game has grossed more than $3 billion in revenue since its launch on April 11, 2023. That makes Hasbro the top licenser of video games in the past year, the company says.

Manganové konkrece na mořském dně vyrábějí kyslík v temných hlubinách

Překvapivý objev spojil kovové konkrece, které se v ohromných počtech jen tak povalují na mořském dně, s produkcí kyslíku na mořském dně. Jak se zdá, v naprosté tmě mořských hlubin, kam nepronikne ani paprsek světla, konkrece fungují jako „geobaterie.“ Generují elektrické napětí a zcela nebiologicky elektrolýzou rozkládají mořskou vodu.

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OpenAI says its new AI search tool will play fair with publishers

OpenAI’s long-rumored internet search tool is finally official. 

The company said Thursday it’s alpha testing a prototype AI search tool, which will let users ask direct questions (including follow ups) and get direct answers based on web sources. 

OpenAI says it’s partnered with publishers including News Corp. and The Atlantic for some of

Meta is adding AI to its Quest headsets. That could be a sign of what’s to come

Welcome to AI Decoded, Fast Company’s weekly newsletter that breaks down the most important news in the world of AI. You can sign up to receive this newsletter every week here.

Meta’s AI mixed reality vision is coming together  

Meta says it will put its Meta AI assistant in its

Electric plane startup Heart Aerospace races to decarbonise short-haul flights

Inside a hangar on the outskirts of Gothenburg, Sweden, lies the sleek metal frame of an electric plane poised to change the way we fly forever.   The hangar belongs to Heart Aerospace. The Swedish startup is building a hybrid

7mo | The Next Web
Airbus backs space gym to jump-start astronaut health

An exercise machine for astronauts has entered an Airbus accelerator. Built by UK startup Physical Mind London, the device mitigates the impacts of zero gravity, which can be brutal. After six months in space, astronauts can lose up to 20% of their bone mass.

7mo | The Next Web
Not every startup is AI-related. Here’s an analysis of where venture capital funding is actually going

You’d be forgiven for assuming, based on business press coverage (cough), that, at any given point in time, there is a single, mega-disruptive technology that exerts a gravitational pull on any and all venture capital dollars. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, this would have been the internet and its nascent economy. In the late 2000s to 2010s, it was smartphone and SaaS apps. A few years ago, it was crypto, which, if the prognostications were correct, we would all currently be us

Vyřeší Problém posledního parseku vzájemně interagující temná hmota?

NANOGrav loni detekoval gravitační pozadí vesmíru, které je zřejmě ozvěnou nespočtu splynutí supermasivních černých děr. Simulace takových splývání ale vedou k Problému posledního parseku, v němž se černé díry zaseknou a nesplynou. Řešením této patálie by mohla být pozoruhodná verze částic temné hmoty.

7mo |
Addionics secures $39M for 3D ‘current collectors’ that boost EV range, charging

London-based Addionics has raised $39mn in funding as it eyes commercialisation of its 3D ‘current collectors’ that can boost the performance of any battery, regardless of its chemistry. The venture capital arm of General Motors and Israe

7mo | The Next Web
Meta’s oversight board spotlights the social network’s problem with explicit AI deepfakes

Meta’s Oversight Board says the social media company fell short in its response to a pair of high-profile explicit, AI-generated images of female public figures on its sites and is calling for the company to update its policies and make the language of those policies even more clear to users.

The decision, announced Thursday, comes after a three-mo

This startup is building the country’s most powerful quantum computer on Chicago’s South Side

In 1994, Peter Shor, an American mathematician working at Bell Labs, published a paper with a wonky title and earth-shaking implications. In “Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Prime Factorization and Discrete Logarithms on a Quantum Computer,” Shor showed how, using a hypothetical quantum computer, you could efficiently solve certain types of mathematical problems that overwhelmed even the most powerful classical computer systems—eliminating many, many steps, and cutting the calculation time ex

The FTC is cracking down on surveillance pricing. Experts are still divided on whether it’s really so bad

What if a company could analyze all your personal information, setting its price based on the data available? The Federal Trade Commission worries this might already be a reality. 

The FTC has ordered eight companies—Mastercard, Revionics, Bloomreach, Chase, Task, Pros, Accenture, and McKinsey & Co.—to submit information about the

Moving From Niche Sites & Affiliate To Agency Owner via @sejournal, @rollerblader

Discover the journey of moving from niche sites to becoming an SEO agency owner. Learn how to optimize for search and drive traffic to websites.

The post Moving From Niche Sites & Affiliate To Agency Owner appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Revolut wins UK banking license as neobanks take on the establishment

Revolut has finally won a UK banking licence, intensifying the neobank threat to traditional finance. The breakthrough ends a painful wait for Europe’s most valuable fintech firm, which first applied for a licence in January 2021. Regulators were reportedly co

7mo | The Next Web
Inside the addictive design behind the hit ‘Monopoly Go’ mobile game

Walter Driver would like your attention, please. As the cofounder and co-CEO of Scopely, the mobile games company behind such free-to-play hits as Monopoly Go!, Scrabble Go, Marvel Strike Force, and Star Trek Fleet Command, he knows your time is precious. That’s why his games never demand much more than a minute or two to play—unless, of course, you choose to keep going. Better to lure users in with little notifications that inspire a minute of play here,

Agile SEO: Moving From Strategy To Action via @sejournal, @jes_scholz

Achieve SEO success with agile methods. Learn how to get resources and buy-in from executives without lengthy strategy documents.

The post Agile SEO: Moving From Strategy To Action appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Tyre-dust magnet looks to capture microplastic pollution from EVs in London

A UK startup is installing electrostatic tyre-dust collecting machines on a fleet of EV delivery vans in London, as it looks to make a dent in the world’s second-largest source of microplastic pollution. When cars drive, friction between the ty

7mo | The Next Web
Google To Upgrade All Retailers To New Merchant Center By September via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google to roll out new Merchant Center for all retailers by September, featuring AI tools and enhanced analytics to boost e-commerce capabilities.

The post Google To Upgrade All Retailers To New Merchant Center By September appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

20 Confirmed Facts About YouTube’s Algorithm via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Understand how YouTube's algorithm selects and recommends videos to enhance your content's reach and engagement with your target audience.

The post 20 Confirmed Facts About YouTube’s Algorithm appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

LinkedIn cofounder Reid Hoffman says a Kamala Harris presidency is best for business

LinkedIn cofounder, tech investor, and major political donor Reid Hoffman has thrown his support behind Kamala Harris, after staunchly backing Biden. This has plunged him into headlines, in opposition to Elon Musk and other prominent tech leaders. Reid joins Rapid Response host Bob Safian to take us inside Silicon Valley’s reaction to Harris’s presidential bid, why some business leaders are em

CrowdStrike offers $10 Uber Eats gift cards as an apology for the outage

CrowdStrike, the cybersecurity company behind last week’s massive computer crash, offered $10 UberEats gift cards to its affected partners for their troubles, according to a TechCrunch report. And now, some

Autonomní hnízdo: Inovativní hangár z VUT přináší technologickou revoluci

Drony letí na špici pokroku, ale potřebují k tomu sofistikovanou infrastrukturu. Studenti brněnského VUT vyvíjejí hangár pro bezpilotní letouny, který slibuje autonomní provoz a efektivní využití v různých odvětvích. Tento projekt má potenciál zjednodušit monitorování, záchranné akce i zemědělství, a představuje významný krok směrem k intenzivnímu využití dronů.

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How San Francisco politics became a proxy for the 2024 election

Seven key swing states will determine the outcome of the presidential election this year. One spot on the map that almost certainly won’t is the Bay Area, where Democratic candidates have won all of the region’s nine counties in every presidential race since 1988.

And yet, while the politics of the Bay Area ostensibly couldn’t matter less to this race, in a lot of ways, they’ve never mattered more.

First, there are the candidates themselves. The

Colin Kaepernick is launching an AI startup to empower manga creators

A new AI platform led by activist and former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick aims to make it easier for anyone to publish—and monetize—their original stories as comics and manga.

Lumi, unveiled in beta form Wednesday, includes AI-powered tools designed to let anyone with so much as an idea develop full-fledged stories, says Kaepernick, the company’s founder and CEO. From the start, Lumi is designed to support people looking to create c

GM delays Origin self-driving vehicle without a steering wheel, citing regulatory risk

General Motors’ Cruise self-driving unit will focus its development efforts on a next-generation Chevrolet Bolt as it indefinitely delays its planned Origin vehicle that would not have a steering wheel, the automaker said on Tuesday.

In 2022, GM filed a petition with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration seeking permission to deploy up to

Musk says Trump’s anti-EV plans would hurt competitors more than Tesla

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on Tuesday that U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump’s potential removal of support for electric vehicles would hurt other automakers more than the Austin, Texas-based firm.

“It would be devastating for our competitors, and it would hurt Tesla slight

Google Search Revenue Grows 14% In Q2 2024 via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Alphabet reports strong Q2 2024: Google Search revenue up 14%, Cloud surpasses $10 billion. AI innovation remains key focus.

The post Google Search Revenue Grows 14% In Q2 2024 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.