[USA][TECH][10] Consumer facing property maintenance app.

Hello all,

I have a background in retail, real estate, agriculture, facility management in the areas of tech, supply chain, IT, devops, finance and ops. I worked for about 5 different companies at this point in my career and have recently moved to a full-time independent consultancy, running projects for 4 of the 5 previous employers.

Long story short, my first employer was acquired by a PE company. The PE company came to me to oversee devops, products, and parts of tech. They are all about inorganic growth in the facility management space.

I have an idea for a consumer facing app that allows you to scale up basic trade work into more recurring and sustained workloads. I am looking for a technical cofounder to take on app development. We have a good relationship with two overseas development companies we can lean on for assistance as well. I have a tech background but am not a full stack developer by any metric. I want to focus on the operations side and have built relationships with real estate folks that can help us grab some large portfolios quickly.

I will personally be funding the business so it will be pretty lean but the nice thing is we have a clear exit back to my employer if we can hit certain metrics.

submitted by /u/whatsasyria
[link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/cofounder/comments/wb82u0/usatech10_consumer_facing_property_maintenance_app/
Établi 3y | 29 juil. 2022, 16:21:10

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