In the vector space of all advice... What "Follow Your Dreams" Misses | Harvey Mudd Commencement Speech 2024 Temperature in LLMs When being beautifully wrong leads to discovery 5d | 3Blue1Brown Why the ancient Greek's rejected heliocentrism 7d | 3Blue1Brown How to estimate the distance to the sun 7d | 3Blue1Brown How Aristarchus deduced the distance to the moon 8d | 3Blue1Brown The cosmic distance ladder with Terence Tao (part 2) 10d | 3Blue1Brown How Earth's size was computed by Eratosthenes 21d | 3Blue1Brown Measuring the earth with Terence Tao 26d | 3Blue1Brown Terence Tao on how we measure the cosmos | Part 1 26d | 3Blue1Brown The topology of two-note chords 1mo | 3Blue1Brown The space of all musical intervals 2mo | 3Blue1Brown 1 2 3 4 5 > >> Rejoindre le groupe Membres Chercher ÉtabliUn jour passéQuatre derniers joursMois passé Choose a Group3Blue1Brown Choose a User Trier parpar pertinenceUpvotedNouveau en premierNombre de signetscompteur de commentaire Chercher