Force Update with Remote Config

If you ever needed a force update prompt that is controlled remotely, you can use the force_update_helper package.

Show the Licenses in your Flutter app

Your Flutter app should show the licenses for packages in use. This is often a legal requirement, as many open-source licenses require attribution.

6 Key Steps to Take Before Launching your Next Flutter App

Prepare your Flutter app for launch with these 6 steps, including flavors and environments, error monitoring, force updates, and in-app reviews.

Dark and Tinted Icons on iOS 18

How to enable dark and tinted icons on iOS 18 using the flutter_launcher_icons package.

FlutterFire Config with Multiple Flavors (Shell Script)

If your Flutter app uses multiple flavors, you can use the FlutterFire CLI to generate the config files for each flavor.

Remote Config via GitHub Gist

If you're not too picky about how you write your commit messages, this can be a neat little time saver!

Generate Commit Messages with Copilot

If you're not too picky about how you write your commit messages, this can be a neat little time saver!

Control the Code Generation Order

If you're using multiple code generators that depend on each other, you can enforce the code generation order in your build.yaml file.

Async Stream Initialization with async*

If you want to return a stream that depends on some asynchronous code, you can use async and yield

How to Ask for In-App Reviews in Your Flutter App

The in_app_review package makes it easy to ask for reviews. And by using a data-driven approach, you can show the prompt at the right time.

