August 2024: Flutter 3.24 Highlights, Flutter vs RN Benchmarks, HTTP Clients Deep Dive

Also included: Completers, Fragment Shaders guide, how to store data in secure storage, Mix and other Flutter UI packages, upcoming conferences.

DevTools Performance Rebuild Stats

Since Flutter 3.24, a new Rebuild Stats feature is available on the DevTools performance page. Use it to spot widgets that rebuild too often.

The CarouselView Widget

Since Flutter 3.24, a new CarouselView widget is available. You can set the children's size with itemExtent and shrinkExtent, and use it with any widgets as children.

The dart pub unpack command

As of Flutter 3.24, a new "pub unpack" command is available. You can use it to download a package locally and easily explore its source code.

The OverflowBar Widget

OverflowBar makes it easy to layout your widgets in a row unless they overflow the available horizontal space, in which case they're arranged as a column.

Futures: await vs unawaited vs ignore

When you call a method that returns a Future, you have to choose between using await, unawaited, and ignore. Here's an explanation.

Useful arguments in the log function (from dart:developer)

The humble log function has many arguments that can be used to customize the appearance of your logs. Here's how to use them.

Use unawaited for your analytics calls

When tracking analytics events in your code, consider using unawaited from dart:async (analytics calls should be fire & forget).

How to use --dart-define-from-file with .env and json files

--dart-define-from-file supports both .env and json files. Here's how to use each variant.

Get the current method name from the Stack Trace (Hack)

By doing some string manipulation on the current stack trace, you can extract the current method name (useful for logging).

