Flutter bottom TabBar placement

Yesterday we created a TabBar in Flutter. However, as you have seen in the examples of Twitter and Instagram, they use bottom-placed TabBars. For some reason, this works a bit differently in Flutter than just placing them in a TabBar. Today I'll be s... https://h.daily-dev-tips.com/flutter-bottom-tabbar-placement

Flutter Open WhatsApp & send Text Message to Specific WhatsApp

In Flutter Open Whatsapp and send text message is very easy. You can do it without using Flutter Share Plugin. If You want to launch Whatsapp application from Flutter code with predefine text message then you should follow this tutorial How Flutter ... https://hashnode.com/post/flutter-open-whatsapp-and-send-text-message-to-specific-whatsapp-ckqzabipo0qrrcds181a34f5l

Understand Constraints in Flutter

Introduction Hello there! Another week, another Flutter blog post. This week I want to introduce you to constraints in Flutter. When building a UI in Flutter constraints are very important and I would bet you already met an error based on constraints... https://danysdevcorner.hashnode.dev/understand-constraints-in-flutter

This week in Flutter #11

Get this newsletter directly in your inbox. A couple of weeks ago Majid Hajian started a weekly video show about Flutter news. How did I miss it? It looks like I have a couple of videos to watch to catch up on. I have noticed an increase in content a... https://mvolpato.hashnode.dev/this-week-in-flutter-11

Flutter TabBar the basics

A lot of apps come with a TabBar. It's that icon bar you see to navigate through the app quickly. Some examples of these TabBars can be found in the Twitter or Instagram app:

And yes, we'll be learning how to create this in Flutter today. Creating a... https://h.daily-dev-tips.com/flutter-tabbar-the-basics

Flutter Web: Should I use it? (Part 4— I believe so)

This is the final part of the series, if you have not already, here is the previous one for context. Flutter Web: Should I use it? (Part 3— Other considerations) In this part, I am going to go through some ideas and suggestions that I think will work... https://blog.remelehane.dev/flutter-web-should-i-use-it-part-4-i-believe-so

Run Flutter tests with GitHub Actions

If you're like me you probably like setting your project up to automatically run your tests when you create a Pull Request on GitHub. I wrote another post about upgrading Flutter packages with GitHub Actions in May but I realised today that I never w... https://flutterramblings.hashnode.dev/run-flutter-tests-with-github-actions

Generating Flutter app icons automatically

Coming from Ionic, it's pretty straightforward to generate app icons for your app. While doing some research, I learned it's easy for Flutter as well! Today we'll learn how to automatically generate App Icons for iOS and Android-based on one image so... https://h.daily-dev-tips.com/generating-flutter-app-icons-automatically

Flutter Web: Should I use it? (Part 3— Other considerations)

If you have not yet, it is worth reading the previous part of this series for the best context. Flutter Web: Should I use it? (Part 2 — Performance) While SEO with its scrapper and performance factors are definite considerations to take, they are not... https://blog.remelehane.dev/flutter-web-should-i-use-it-part-3-other-considerations

Running a Flutter app on iOS and Android emulators

When developing hybrids apps, there comes a time where you want to check out your app on certain devices. Luckily we can leverage emulators for this 📱. In today's article, I'll show you how to launch the emulators from within Visual Studio Code. As ... https://h.daily-dev-tips.com/running-a-flutter-app-on-ios-and-android-emulators
