Flutter Continuous Code Inspection

Prerequisites DartAnalyzer The dartanalyzer command performs the same static analysis that you get when you use an IDE or editor that has Dart support. You can customize the analysis using an analysis options file or special comments in the Dart sour... https://blook.hashnode.dev/flutter-continuous-code-inspection

Responsive Design Flie Management Dashboard

On Flutter V2.0 web is officially supported on a stable branch. Today we share an Admin panel or you can call it dashboard #UI build with #flutter. Now you can build your app file management dashboard using flutter. This dashboard contains almost eve... https://punithraaj.hashnode.dev/responsive-design-flie-management-dashboard

How to deploy Flutter app with Docker?

First of all, what is Docker? Docker takes away repetitive, mundane configuration tasks and is used throughout the development lifecycle for fast, easy and portable application development - desktop and cloud. Docker’s comprehensive end to end platfo... https://thebirdie.codes/how-to-deploy-flutter-app-with-docker

Build a todo list app with Flutter

Today we'll be making a dynamic todo list in Flutter. We can add new todo items with his list and check them off if we've done them. There are some prerequisites; You need to have Flutter installed, know how to create a basic Flutter application, hav... https://h.daily-dev-tips.com/build-a-todo-list-app-with-flutter

Exploring the Flutter layout flow

Layouts are an important part of any system. In Flutter, this is no different, but let's look at how the layout system in Flutter works. As mentioned in my previous article, Flutter is build of widgets. And yes, even the layouts are models. Basically... https://h.daily-dev-tips.com/exploring-the-flutter-layout-flow

Automate Flutter package upgrades with GitHub Actions

Like with pretty much any other framework, keeping up with package upgrades in Flutter can get pretty tedious. I decided to see if I could make things a little less tedious over the weekend and I'd like to share a GitHub Action workflow that I came u... https://flutterramblings.hashnode.dev/automate-flutter-package-upgrades-with-github-actions

Principles Of 3D Design For Flutter

Introduction This article is an introduction to implementing 3D design on Flutter application. While we won't be going into depth about the advanced features, we shall explore how to get creative and imaginative when using common widgets and tools to... https://techblog.geekyants.com/principles-of-3d-design-for-flutter

Freezed in Flutter

So here we need a lot of data classes while developing a flutter application. So freezed is one of the packages which is used to generate data class and union class. Also, it can be used to serialize and deserialize the JSON data. So let's integrat... https://hashnode.com/post/freezed-in-flutter-ckqpwjfq20y78s2s1eewn9l21

VS Code Setting that might help Improve your Productivity developing Flutter apps

Here in this article, I'll recommend a few VS Code setttings that I use to improve my productivity at developing applications with flutter framework Open Dart Settings in VS-Code To open up the dart engine settings in vs-code, all you need is a singl... https://blog.aravi.me/vs-code-setting-that-might-help-improve-your-productivity-developing-flutter-apps

Why choose cross-platform development?

It's been time since the cross-platform development has gained popularity and now that we are entering a phase (in the technical world) where there is this increasing demand for rapid prototyping and less time-to-market, pretty much everything cross-... https://fourpointfour.hashnode.dev/why-choose-cross-platform-development
