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messages de Mmm7777

From 1$ only 17c is going back to developers.

Dog senses

Believe it or not, there is a very simple and easy scientific explanation as to why your pup can sense a bad person or a person with bad intentions. When a person has bad intentions, act in a bad or negative way, or have evil feelings or thoughts, the human brain transmits and releases certain chemicals. For instance, if someone is about to do something bad, adrenaline increases and, in turn, makes the person sweat much more than normal. Since dogs have a very keen sense of smell, they are able

Panther easy way to checkout javascript errors during phpunit tests.


Zaujimave, ak je to pravda, tak to by mali padat dozivotia jedna radost, to su ohrozene mozno statisice ludi za tie roky... pri tom o tom vedeli... a kompletne zhabat majetok, rodinam, detom, vnucatam..

v23.05 - v25.79

git diff --shortstat 471ab340 1d4e83e4

7403 files changed, 1842913 insertions(+), 147440 deletions(-)

4y | Daily log
There will be blood

I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.

Average film, but understandable.

Nginx color lines

Show different colors for different lines based on http status

tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log | awk ' / 200 / {print "\033[32m" $0 "\033[39m"} / 500 / {print "\033[31m" $0 "\033[39m"} / 302 / {print "\033[33m" $0 "\033[39m"} '

4y | 1x Commentaires
Check dependecies for package

php composer.phar depends laminas/laminas-validator

laminas/laminas-http 2.14.3 requires laminas/laminas-validator (^2.10.1) laminas/laminas-uri 2.8.1 requires laminas/laminas-validator (^2.10) laminas/laminas-validator 2.14.4 replaces zendframework/zend-validator (^2.13.0)

NASA now investigating Navy's UFO videos: 'There is something there'

Stale castejsie, snad to nedopadne ako crypto svet..


Relatively serious look on latest ufo videos.
